Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
Digimon Reference Book
Virtual Pets
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A Mutation-type Ultimate Digimon that is said to have Dark Evolved from Digitamamon. Although defining "Evil" in the Digital World is very difficult, Devitamamon is a being like "Pandora's box", filled with all the evils of this world. It turns everything it sees and touches into an object of its hatred, and recites and masters magic through a lost, ancient high-level programming language. As for its magic effects, they are used for nothing but "Destruction". Its Special Move is spewing a dark gas that deprives the opponent of their sight, gnaws away at their spirit, and then digitally decomposes them from the surface of their body (Black Death Cloud).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English デジタマモンが暗黒進化したと言われる突然変異型の究極体デジモン。デジタルワールドにおける“邪悪”の定義は、非常に難しいものがあるが、このデビタマモンはこの世界の邪悪の全てを詰め込んだ「パンドラの箱」のような存在である。見るもの触れるもの全てを憎悪の対象とし、失われた古代の高等プログラム言語による魔法を詠唱し使いこなす。その魔法効果は「破壊」以外に使われることはない。必殺技は、相手の視界を奪い精神を蝕み、そして体表面からデジタル分解していく暗黒のガスを吐く『ブラックデスクラウド』。 ※バンダイタウンFAXサービスデジモンイラストコンテストで埼玉県の「金井一真」さんのデジモンが入賞し、採用されたものです。
⇨ Japanese A Mutation-type Ultimate Digimon that is said to have Dark Evolved from Digitamamon. Although defining "Evil" in the Digital World is very difficult, Devitamamon is a being like "Pandora's box", filled with all the evils of this world. It turns everything it sees and touches into an object of its hatred, and recites and masters magic through a lost, ancient high-level programming language. As for its magic effects, they are used for nothing but "Destruction". Its Special Move is spewing a dark gas that deprives the opponent of their sight, gnaws away at their spirit, and then digitally decomposes them from the surface of their body (Black Death Cloud).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English デジタマモンが暗黒進化したと言われる突然変異型の究極体デジモン。デジタルワールドにおける“邪悪”の定義は、非常に難しいものがあるが、このデビタマモンはこの世界の邪悪の全てを詰め込んだ「パンドラの箱」のような存在である。見るもの触れるもの全てを憎悪の対象とし、失われた古代の高等プログラム言語による魔法を詠唱し使いこなす。その魔法効果は「破壊」以外に使われることはない。必殺技は、相手の視界を奪い精神を蝕み、そして体表面からデジタル分解していく暗黒のガスを吐く『ブラックデスクラウド』。 ※バンダイタウンFAXサービスデジモンイラストコンテスト受賞作品。
⇨ English デジタマモンが アンコク進化 したといわれる ミュータントがたデジモンで 『パンドラのはこ』のような そんざいといわれている デジタルワールドの じゃあくすべてを つめこんだ そんざいで すべてをにくみ うしなわれた こだいの こうとうプログラムげんごによる まほうをはかいにつかう
デジモンストーリー サンバースト|ムーンライト
Devitamamon was a winning entry in the third Bandai-Town FAX Service Digimon Illustration Contest in 1999. It was submitted by Kanai Kazuma (金井一真) of Saitama Prefecture.[1]
Bandai's official design for Devitamamon differs in some ways from Kanai's original submission. Kanai depicted Devitamamon as wearing a crown and having no wings, but Bandai removed the crown, added wings, and substantially changed the design of its head. However, its sprites in the D-Terminal LCD device still depict Kanai's design.
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Black Death Cloud
Burakku Desu Kuraudo
Black Death Cloud[1]/Black Claw[4]
Blinds the enemy and eats at their mind before exhaling a dark gas that dissolves their data.
Dazzling Eye
Dazuringu Ai
Eyes of Dazing[4]
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Can be evolved from Digitamamon if above level 50, Attack 250+, Dark EXP 18000+.
Can be obtained by jogressing Anomalocarimon with Pipismon or Ex-Tyranomon with Tocanmon if above level 44, Dark EXP13000+, Attack 270+.
Devitamamon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Available as a Digimon Medal in the Japanese PS4/Switch versions, and the western Switch/PC versions.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Devitamamon is an enemy Boss Digimon of Area 02.
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): All Digimon return to a Digitama. The evil lurking in a Digitama!
Quote (⇨ English): 全てのデジモンはデジタマへ帰れ、デジタマに潜む悪意!
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]