Tsurugi Zenjirou

From Wikimon
Tsurugi Zenjirou
Tsurugi Zenjirou
Kanji/Kana 剣ゼンジロウ
Dub Name Jeremy Tsurgi[1]
Zenjiro Tsurugi[2]
Age 12[3]
School Shinonome-Chūō Junior High School (東雲東中学校)[3]
Partner Digimon Ballistamon (manga and Young Hunters only)
Army Xros Heart
Digivice Pale Blue Xros Loader (Anime)
Green Xros Loader (Manga)[4]
Voice Actor Japanese Kishio Daisuke (岸尾 だいすけ)
English Derek Stephen Prince

Tsurugi Zenjirou is a protagonist in Digimon Xros Wars.


Taiki's classmate who calls himself his "eternal rival". He practices kendo and is said to be the strongest middle school kenshi in Kōtō. After being defeated by the amateur Taiki during a certain kendo tournament, he has been following him around in order to set the score straight. His parents are businesspeople in the field of machinery and because of that, he has the unique talent of being very knowledgeable about machines, and so he also does things such as repairing Ballistamon.

Card Game Evolution[edit]



Digimon Xros Wars & The Evil Death General and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

After recovering from playing in a basketball match, Zenjirou appproaches Taiki who doesn’t seem to recognize him much to Zenjirou’s annoyance. He has been trying to track Taiki down ever since he was beaten by him, an amateur at the time, during a certain kendo tournament in order to set the score straight. As Akari and Zenjirou get into an argument, Taiki hears a melody along with a mysterious voice a starts searching for the source of the voice.

Zenjirou, along with Taiki and Akari, witness a strange phenomenon in which a car crashed into a multi-storey building. Just as the car is about to fall, Taiki, Akari and Zenjirou jumped out of the way, narrowly escaping the car from falling on them. When Taiki receives his Xros Loader, Zenjirou abd Akari both try to prevent him from touching it until they are eventually hurled into a cyber tunnel-like space, transporting them to the Digital World.

Tactimon unleashes a Drimogemon that triggers gigantic bamboo shoots to emerge from under the Village of Smiles, causing Zenjirou to be stranded at the top of one of them. After Digixrossing Starmons into a modified version of the Star Sword, Taiki uses his Wrister to instruct Zenjirou to throw it into the light in order to defeat the Digimon beneath the ground to get rid of the bamboo shoots. He proceeds to do so, using a move named "Kōtō Slash" 「江東スラッシュ」, eliminating Drimogumon and restoring the village.

After Taiki obtains a fragment of Green Zone's Code Crown, Nene appears before the group, explaining to them what a Code Crown is, and Zenjirou is instantly captivated by her beauty. When Xros Heart assaults the Mantaraymon fleet, he wields the Star Sword again, this time using a move called "Kōtō-kiri" 「江東斬り」 against a group of Hangyomon.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]


Digimon Ep
Ballistamon.jpg Ballistamon XW78
Revolmon.jpg Revolmon XW78


Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]


Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]


Zenjirou tsurugi.png Zenjirou tsurugi side.gif Zenjirou tsurugi back.gif Zenjirou BandaiUSA.png
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars
Zenjirou BandaiUSA2.png Zenjirou BandaiUSA3.png Zenjirou BandaiUSA4.png Zenjirou tsurugi head.gif
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars
Zenjirou tsurugi head2.gif Zenjirou tsurugi dg.jpg Zenjirou tsurugi toei glitter trading collection.jpg
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms Digimon Xros Wars Glitter Trading Collection


Tsurugi zenjirou xw character sheet.jpg Tsurugi zenjirou xw character sheet2.jpg Tsurugi Zenjirou ref.png Tsurugi Zenjirou ref2.png
Digimon Xros Wars
(Character sheet)
Digimon Xros Wars
(Character sheet)
Digimon Xros Wars
(Reference art)
Digimon Xros Wars
(Reference art)
Akari zenjirou dxw digimon latest big picture2.jpg
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Latest Big Picture 2
(with Hinomoto Akari)

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
Digimon Xros Wars & Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
Xros Heart Kudou TaikiShoutmonHinomoto AkariDorulumonTsurugi ZenjirouBallistamonStarmonsCutemonChibi KamemonDondokomonBastemonKnightmonPawn ChessmonsRevolmonBeelzebumonWisemonJijimonMervamon
Blue Flare Aonuma KirihaGreymonMail BirdramonGolemonGaossmonBombmonCyberdramonDeckerdramon
Twilight Amano NeneSparrowmonDark KnightmonMonitamonMonimon
Bagra Army Bagramon • Three Generals (TactimonBlastmonLilithmon) • BaalmonTroopmonEvilmonGreen Zone (Mad Leomon) • Island Zone (Neptunemon) • Magma Zone (Ancient VolcamonDeath MeramonBlue Meramon) • Lake Zone (Ice DevimonDaipenmon) • Sand Zone (Scorpiomon) • Heaven Zone (Lucemon) • Forest Zone (KongoumonGran Kuwagamon) • Amano YuuDamemonDeath Generals (DorbickmonNeo VamdemonZamielmonGravimonSplashmonOlegmonApollomonWhispered)
Other Characters Taiki's MotherArchelomonIguneetmonWhite Lopmon
Terms Xros LoaderDigiXrosDigiMelodyCode CrownDigimon KingGeneralDigimon ArmyZoneLandDiginowaDark StoneD5
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese Cast