Amano Nene

From Wikimon
Amano Nene
Amano NeneAmano Nene
Kanji/Kana 天野ネネ
Dub Name Nene Amano[1][2]
Partner Digimon Sparrowmon, Mervamon, Luminamon[3], Dark Knightmon (formerly)
Army Twilight; later joins Xros Heart
Digivice Black Xros Loader; later becomes Light Violet
Darkness Loader (manga only, as Shademon (Nene Ver.))
Family Amano Yuu (Younger brother, Anime + Super Digica Taisen)
Amano Kotone (Younger sister,Manga)
Unnamed father (anime only)
Voice Actor Japanese Kuwashima Houko (桑島 法子)
English Melissa Fahn

Amano Nene is one of the protagonists of Digimon Xros Wars.


Nene is a mysterious girl who resides within the Digital World who comes and goes as she pleases. She is the General of the Twilight Army and specializes in information and reconnaissance. She keeps close tabs on both Aonuma Kiriha and Kudou Taiki and their teams. Upon being questioned about her stalking habits, she says that she likes strong boys who can fight.

Nene often serves as a walking tutorial for Xros Heart, informing Taiki about the Code Crowns, Zones, and various functions of his Xros Loader. On several instances of Taiki becoming endangered, she has informed Kiriha of his whereabouts and situation, prompting the other boy to rush off to his rescue.

Sushi anyone?

Although she doesn't openly flaunt it, Nene is extremely strong, possessing Digimon with high firepower such as Sparrowmon. In "Xros Girls!! The Mysterious Beauty Nene!!", she is shown to be sunbathing in the Island Zone... while Sparrowmon completely tears Neptunemon's army apart.


Base Amano Nene
Digi Xros Shademon (Nene Ver.)
Amano Nene + Shademon
Digi Xros Moon Millenniumon
Amano Nene + Shademon (inside Zeed Millenniumon)
Digi Xros Luminamon (Nene Ver.)
Amano Nene + Luminamon

Card Game Evolution[edit]



Digimon Xros Wars & The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

A year after Bagramon's defeat, she is living in Hong Kong and became an idol. Yuu has some pictures of her (that she most likely sent him) in his house.


Digimon Ep
Sparrowmon2.jpg Sparrowmon XW64
Mervamon.jpg Mervamon XW64
Beelzebumon 2010.jpg Beelzebumon XW78


Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Red[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Amano Nene appears on a poster that promotes Digimon Xros Wars in the "Multi Dimensional Digital World Memory Observation Recorder".


Digimon Card Game


Super Digica Taisen[edit]

Amano Nene is one of the Generals in the Super Digica Taisen card game.

Image Gallery[edit]


Nene amano.png Nene amano side.gif Nene amano back.gif Nene amano 3.png
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars
Nene BandaiUSA.png Nene amano head.gif Nene amano head2.gif Nene amano3.png
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
Nene amano side2.gif Nene amano back2.gif Nene Amano 2.png Nene amano.jpg
Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
Amano nene2.png Amano nene toei glitter trading collection.jpg
Digimon Xros Wars (Manga) Digimon Xros Wars Glitter Trading Collection

Video Games[edit]

Amano nene sxw sprite sheet.jpg
Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Red
(Sprite sheet)


Nene amano xw character sheet.jpg Nene amano xw character sheet2.jpg Nene amano xw death generals character sheet.jpg Nene amano ref.jpg
Digimon Xros Wars
(Character sheet)
Digimon Xros Wars
(Character sheet)
Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
(Character sheet)
Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
(Reference art)
Ohanamon ref.jpg Nene sparrowmon dxw digimon latest big picture2.jpg Nene amano acrylic de card.jpg Dcg-EX4-062 EN.png
Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
(Reference art of Ohanamon)
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Latest Big Picture 2
(with Sparrowmon)
Digimon Series: Acrylic de Card Vol.4 Digimon Card Game
EX4-062 (English version)

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
Digimon Xros Wars & Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
Xros Heart Kudou TaikiShoutmonHinomoto AkariDorulumonTsurugi ZenjirouBallistamonStarmonsCutemonChibi KamemonDondokomonBastemonKnightmonPawn ChessmonsRevolmonBeelzebumonWisemonJijimonMervamon
Blue Flare Aonuma KirihaGreymonMail BirdramonGolemonGaossmonBombmonCyberdramonDeckerdramon
Twilight Amano NeneSparrowmonDark KnightmonMonitamonMonimon
Bagra Army BagramonThree Head Officers (TactimonBlastmonLilithmon) • BaalmonTroopmonEvilmonGreen Zone (Mad Leomon) • Island Zone (Neptunemon) • Magma Zone (Ancient VolcamonDeath MeramonBlue Meramon) • Lake Zone (Ice DevimonDaipenmon) • Sand Zone (Scorpiomon) • Heaven Zone (Lucemon) • Forest Zone (KongoumonGrandis Kuwagamon) • Amano YuuDamemonDeath Generals (DorbickmonNeo VamdemonZamielmonGravimonSplashmonOlegmonApollomonWhispered)
Other Characters Taiki's MotherArchelomonIguneetmonWhite Lopmon
Terms Xros LoaderDigiXrosDigiMelodyCode CrownDigimon KingGeneralDigimon ArmyZoneLandDiginowaDark StoneD5
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese Cast