
From Wikimon
For the Digimon, see Apollomon Whispered.
Kanji/Kana ウィスパード
Army Bagra Army
Voice Actor Japanese Tanaka Hideyuki (田中 秀幸)

Whispered (ウィスパード, Wisupādo) is a member of the Bagra Army in Digimon Xros Wars.


Base Whispered
Digi Xros Apollomon Whispered
Whispered + Apollomon
Digi Xros Apollomon Darkness Mode
Apollomon Whispered + Deadly Axemon


Whispered is a program created by Bagramon and Dark Knightmon and implanted in Apollomon without his knowledge. It has the ability to take over its hosts data and overpower their personality, turning them into a warrior of evil against their will.



Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

Digimon Xros Wars & Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
Xros Heart Kudou TaikiShoutmonHinomoto AkariDorulumonTsurugi ZenjirouBallistamonStarmonsCutemonChibi KamemonDondokomonBastemonKnightmonPawn ChessmonsRevolmonBeelzebumonWisemonJijimonMervamon
Blue Flare Aonuma KirihaGreymonMail BirdramonGolemonGaossmonBombmonCyberdramonDeckerdramon
Twilight Amano NeneSparrowmonDark KnightmonMonitamonMonimon
Bagra Army BagramonThree Head Officers (TactimonBlastmonLilithmon) • BaalmonTroopmonEvilmonGreen Zone (Mad Leomon) • Island Zone (Neptunemon) • Magma Zone (Ancient VolcamonDeath MeramonBlue Meramon) • Lake Zone (Ice DevimonDaipenmon) • Sand Zone (Scorpiomon) • Heaven Zone (Lucemon) • Forest Zone (KongoumonGrandis Kuwagamon) • Amano YuuDamemonDeath Generals (DorbickmonNeo VamdemonZamielmonGravimonSplashmonOlegmonApollomonWhispered)
Other Characters Taiki's MotherArchelomonIguneetmonWhite Lopmon
Terms Xros LoaderDigiXrosDigiMelodyCode CrownDigimon KingGeneralDigimon ArmyZoneLandDiginowaDark StoneD5
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese Cast