
From Wikimon
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Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Digimon Life Anime & Manga Video Games Misc
⇨ Japanese
An artificial Digimon manufactured by stuffing energy stolen from other Digimon within a special rubber body. As it is a machine-like Digimon that can only perform as commanded, it is absolutely incapable of spontaneous behavior. It doesn't get fatigued, it doesn't feel pain, it doesn't fear death, and it doesn't need to sleep. It is definitely a fighting machine.
Its collective behavior is pretty basic, and its individual fighting strength is not very great, but that probably isn't able to make a dent in the extent of its confidence in its ability for human wave tactics, just due to its strength of numbers.
An injured Troopmon will just exhale its energy filling, transferring it to a new special rubber body which is reborn as a new Troopmon, so it is actually sent out to the battlefield many times over.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Хорошо Attack [2] Splendid Attack ハラショーアタック Harashō Atakku
Death March [2]
デスマーチ Desu Māchi


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Xros Wars & The Evil Death General and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

Troopmon make up a large portion of the Bagra Army's infantry. An army of Troopmon are first seen in Kudou Taiki's dream the morning before he enters the Digital World. Many Troopmon are part of the Green Zone Army under the control of Mad Leomon. Two of these are absorbed by Mad Leomon, along with a number of Mammon and Chikurimon, transforming him into Armed Mad Leomon.[9]

A second group of Troopmon appears in a recently conquered, unnamed Zone under the direct control of Tactimon. One arrives to inform Tactimon that Ancient Volcamon has captured Xros Heart. Aonuma Kiriha is seen terrorizing another group of Troopmon in a Zone under his control.

A number of Troopmon are seen as part of Ice Devimon's army in the Lake Zone. Another Troopmon reports to Lilithmon, informing her of Baalmon's failure to kill Taiki in the Sand Zone.

A few Troopmon act as prison guards in the Sweets Zone, guarding the patissiers for Matadrmon.

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

Troopmon from Digimon Adventure:


Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Hiragana Digimon: A Tale of the Royal Knights[edit]

Dynasmon saw a Boogiemon and a Troopmon play football in Episode 1, "Soccer Ball", using Wanyamon as the titular football. He then ordered them to stop in "Obvious Evil", but Boogiemon explained they were hurting Wanyamon to blow off some steam as they wasted all of their money on gambling and didn't win once. Dynasmon rejected this reasoning then attacked both with his Dragon's Roar as he explained he enjoyed when evil was obvious as he could punish it without restraint.

Boogiemon and Troopmon in Hiragana Digimon
Dynasmon performing Dragon's Roar on Boogiemon and Troopmon

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Xros Arena[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon Fusion Fighters[edit]

Digimon All-Star Rumble[edit]

Troopmon is only obtainable as a collectible DigiCard.

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th[edit]



Digimon Xros Archive
Digimon Jintrix
Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Troopmon vpet xloader.png Troopmon vpet pen.gif Troopmon vpet dv.gif
Digimon Xros Loader
Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th Digivice:

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes