Three Head Officers

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Three Head Officers

The Three Head Officers (三元士, Sangenshi) (Dub: Three Generals) is a group of three mighty Digimon designated as great military leaders. The group initially led the Bagra Army and each one compete to become the heir of Bagramon. Tactimon, Lilithmon, and Blastmon are tasked with obtaining the 108 fragments of the Code Crown and present them to Bagramon.

Three Head Officers in Super Digica Taisen


Three Head Officers
三元士 Sangenshi
Name Military warfare
Tactimon Strategy and discipline
Lilithmon Manipulation and intellect
Blastmon Assault and brute force

Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Digimon Xros Wars (Manga)[edit]

Digimon Xros Wars Super Digica Taisen[edit]


  • During the "Hypnos Meeting 2019", following a fan's request for more details on the origin of the "Three Head Officers" in the manga, Nakashima Yuuki revealed that Bagramon went to Lucemon in search of someone to work alongside Tactimon, although Lucemon didn't want to work with someone and only see what would happen as a result of what Bagramon was trying to do, eventually turning down the offer. But Lilithmon, who was watching what was happening and took an interest in Bagramon, offered her help, although she ended up falling in love with Bagramon.[1]


References Notes
Digimon Xros Wars & Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
Xros Heart Kudou TaikiShoutmonHinomoto AkariDorulumonTsurugi ZenjirouBallistamonStarmonsCutemonChibi KamemonDondokomonBastemonKnightmonPawn ChessmonsRevolmonBeelzebumonWisemonJijimonMervamon
Blue Flare Aonuma KirihaGreymonMail BirdramonGolemonGaossmonBombmonCyberdramonDeckerdramon
Twilight Amano NeneSparrowmonDark KnightmonMonitamonMonimon
Bagra Army BagramonThree Head Officers (TactimonBlastmonLilithmon) • BaalmonTroopmonEvilmonGreen Zone (Mad Leomon) • Island Zone (Neptunemon) • Magma Zone (Ancient VolcamonDeath MeramonBlue Meramon) • Lake Zone (Ice DevimonDaipenmon) • Sand Zone (Scorpiomon) • Heaven Zone (Lucemon) • Forest Zone (KongoumonGrandis Kuwagamon) • Amano YuuDamemonDeath Generals (DorbickmonNeo VamdemonZamielmonGravimonSplashmonOlegmonApollomonWhispered)
Other Characters Taiki's MotherArchelomonIguneetmonWhite Lopmon
Terms Xros LoaderDigiXrosDigiMelodyCode CrownDigimon KingGeneralDigimon ArmyZoneLandDiginowaDark StoneD5
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese Cast