Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese The "Cosmic-fighter Mode" in which the Weapon Digimon Spadamon joined with and granted further power to the "Finalist Mode" which was born when the hearts of five Digimon came together. Spadamon trusts in the comrade that it accepted as its master and changed its shape.
Shoutmon X5 has empowered itself to transcendence by means of a weapon which conceals power that, "if held by an angel will save the world, and if held by a demon will destroy the world." In particular, the flying ability possessed by the "Finalist Mode" increased in power dramatically, obtaining tremendous propulsive power and endowing it with the supreme flying ability to fly out past the distant stratosphere and up to space. It also awakened to the ability to absorb cosmic energy directly into its body by advancing into space, and acquired the power to freely manipulate the absorbed energy as techniques of marvelous power. Here the cosmic-fighter filled with cosmic energy was born, soaring through space at hyper-speed.
Its Special Move is the bold move "Cosmo Victory" that exploits its supreme flying ability to its maximum. By flying at hyper-speed from the ground, it breaks through the stratosphere and reaches the void of space, then concentrates the explosive power it acquired gathering cosmic energy within its entire body, and all of the frictional force and heat that it acquired plunging through the atmosphere to return to the ground, within the Weapon Digimon, and puts it into a single blow that it fires at the opponent as destructive power. There will probably be consequences to opponents that suffer this technique, and there will also probably be consequences to the area surrounding where an opponent suffered this technique. For its "Helio Slasher", after injecting solar energy to enhance the power of the Star Sword's flames to their maximum, and cladding itself in scorching heat equaling that of the sun, it soars toward the opponent with its supreme flying ability, then cuts them to pieces while burning them to cinders with a single brandish in which it placed tremendous energy. When Shoutmon X5S commences Helio Slasher, the radiance of the blazing Star Sword extends a tail at the speed of its flight, and it looks like a burning comet soaring through space. Also, it can launch a ring-shaped vacuum blade to cut the opponent to pieces (Space Chakram), and because it carries not only a sharpened cutting ability, but also the strength of the wave, possessed by Spadamon, that paralyzes the opponent and neutralizes their abilities, it has acquired more utility and advantage by firing off the technique than as a mere projectile, and has expanded the breadth of its strategies.
Digimon Life
⇨ English 5体のデジモンが心を合わせて誕生させた『ファイナリスト形態』に、武器デジモンであるスパーダモンが加わり更なる力を与えた『宇宙闘士形態』。スパーダモンが主と認めた相手を信頼して姿を変えた。 「天使が持てば世界を救い、悪魔が持てば世界を滅ぼす」力を秘めた武装によりシャウトモンX5が超絶に強化されている。特に『ファイナリスト形態』の持つ飛翔能力が劇的にパワーアップし、爆発的な推進力を得て遥か成層圏を超えた宇宙にまで飛び出せる超飛翔能力が備わった。そして宇宙へと進出した事により直接宇宙エネルギーを体に吸収する能力に目覚め、取り込んだエネルギーを驚異的威力の技として自在に扱う力をも身につけている。ここに超速で宇宙を翔け巡る、宇宙エネルギーに満ちた宇宙闘士が誕生した。 必殺技は、超飛翔能力を最大限に活かした大技「コズモビクトリー」。地上からの超速飛翔で成層圏を突破して宇宙空間にまで達し、宇宙エネルギーを全身に集めて得た爆発力と、地上へ帰還する為に大気圏を急降下突破して得た摩擦力・熱の全てを武器デジモンに集中させ敵への破壊力として一撃に込めて放つ。この技を受けた敵はただでは済まないだろうし、この技を受けた敵がいた周囲の場所もただでは済まないだろう。「ヘリオスラッシャー」は、太陽エネルギーを注入してスターソードの炎の力を最大限にまで高め太陽の如き灼熱を纏わせたのち、敵に向かって超飛翔能力で天を翔けて凄まじい勢いを乗せた一閃で切り裂き焼き尽くす。ヘリオスラッシャーを仕掛ける時シャウトモンX5Sは、燃え上がるスターソードの輝きが飛翔の速さに尾を伸ばし宇宙を翔ける燃える彗星のように見える。また、円形の真空刃を発射し敵を切り裂く「スペースチャクラム」を持ち、鋭利な切断能力だけではなくスパーダモンの有していた敵を麻痺し能力を中和する波動の力を帯びている為に技を放つ事で単なる飛び道具以上の有用性とアドバンテージを得られ戦術の幅が拡げられている。
⇨ Japanese
Digimon Story Visual Art Book
⇨ English すべての力を取り戻し強力無比な巨大武器へと変貌を遂げたスパーダモンがシャウトモンX5とデジクロスすることで生まれた姿。超飛翔能力がそなわった宇宙闘士形態。
デジモンストーリー ビジュアルアート画集
Shoutmon X5S (Shoutmon Xros Five_S)
Shautomon Kurosu Faibu Esu
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)