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A trash can from a desktop computer which gained life and evolved into a Mutation Digimon. Unlike Scumon, which mutated from discarded scum data, this Digimon is the trash can itself. Until now garbage Digimon were said to be the absolute weakest, but with the arrival of Gerbemon that conventional wisdom will probably be reversed. Also, the trash can can act like a black hole, so that anything that is sucked into the trash can disappears from the Digital World without a trace. Its Special Move is a vile attack in which it fires from its bazooka, constructed from empty cans fastened together (Poop Bazooka).
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Unchi Bazooka [3] Poop Bazooka ウンチバズーカ Unchi Bazūka Junk Chunker Fires poop from its bazooka.
Black Hole [5]
ブラックホール Burakku Hōru
Gets out of its garbage can and uses it to suck opponents into the black hole within it.
Dirty Saucer [3]
ダーティーソーサー Dātī Sōsā Dirty Saucer Throws the garbage can lid at its opponents like a boomerang.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Adventure[edit]

Pinochimon ordered a group of Gerbemon to fight against the Chosen Children. Lilimon and Metal Greymon defeated the Gerbemon, but one Gerbemon remained and tried to suck Metal Greymon into its trash can, almost sucking in Yagami Hikari and Tailmon in the process. Metal Garurumon destroyed the last Gerbemon and saved the Chosen Children.

Digimon Frontier[edit]

Digimon Xros Wars & The Evil Death General and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

A Gerbemon is among the inhabitants of the Dust Zone.[27]

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

In "King of Inventors, Gerbemon," Gerbemon was an inventor who inhabited a place full of garbage that came from Earth with the dark power of Millenniumon, and who used it to build inventions. When Raremon appeared, Gerbemon revealed that he wanted to avenge the deaths of all the Tyumon who were killed by it, leaving only one alive. For that, he joined forces with Izumi Koshiro, who was attracted to his scientific knowledge. To do so, he created an ice bazooka, which was then improved by connecting it to Metal Greymon: Alterous Mode's Alterous. However, it was ineffective as Raremon evolved into Rare Raremon and broke free from the ice. Ultimately, however, they would end up defeating Rare Raremon, and Gerbemon left alongside Tyumon, who evolved into Searchmon.

Gerbemon reappeared alongside Searchmon in "The Mystery Hidden Within the Crests" as part of Wisemon's investigative team.

Gerbemon contacted Koshiro in "The Angels' Determination" to ask him for help, as the Tree of Knowledge was under attack by a swarm of Soundbirdmon. He escaped the tree alongside Searchmon and Wisemon, and showed difficulty in keeping control over himself due to Soundbirdmon's power. However, they were then shot at by a group of Mechanorimon that had fallen under Soundbirdmon's control, which made Wisemon realize that said mind control power was effective on Machine Digimon. Gerbemon used his Unchi Bazooka on the floor to make a Mechanorimon trip, which then brought others down in a domino effect, though they were then attacked by several from the air. However, they were then saved by the newly-arrived Takaishi Takeru and Pegasmon, who destroyed the Soundbirdmon that were controlling the Mechanorimon. Nonetheless, the Mechanorimon then fell to Soundbirdmon's sound waves again, but they were stopped by Searchmon, who used radio waves to intercept the sound, which allowed Wisemon, Takeru, Pegasmon, Yagami Hikari and Tailmon to go further into the Tree of Knowledge to the Crest monoliths. This would not be the end of their problems, however, as a Golemon (PS) then arrived in front of them. Said Golemon (PS) was then destroyed by Were Garurumon's Kaiser Nail and Kabuterimon, as Ishida Yamato and Koshiro arrived and joined them.

After the other group reached the Crest monoliths, Gerbemon contacted Wisemon to warn him about the Soundbirdmon acting strangely, which led to them fusing together and becoming Deathmon.

After Deathmon (Black) was defeated by Seraphimon and Ofanimon, and the group was reunited in the Crest monolith room, Gerbemon thanked the Chosen Children for saving them, with Wisemon adding that their reunion brought joy to his knowledge, which Palmon made fun of him for. After the Crest monoliths disappeared, Gerbemon was left very confused.

In "The Great Catastrophe, Negamon", Gerbemon helped the Partner Digimon reach the white void, where the Chosen Children had been taken, by shooting them out of his garbage can, which was held upwards by Searchmon with Wisemon making sure it was being aimed at the right direction. Komondomon would soon follow, though without Gerbemon and Wisemon's permission or knowledge.

It reappeared in the Tree of Information in "The End of the Adventure".

Gerbemon with Tyumon.


Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

Gerbemon is an obtainable Variable Move. Its attack, Unchi Bazooka, maxes out the UP of all enemies. It costs 18 VP.

Digimon World 2[edit]

Gerbemon is an obtainable Digimon. Evolves from Guardromon (6-8 DP) or Raremon (5+ DP).

Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon World 3[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

Can be evolved from Scumon if above level 29, or can be found at Junk Factory.

An NPC Gerbemon appears giving you some trash for Gokimon at Sewage Tunnel during Gokimon's Onegai Quest.

Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]

Can be evolved from Scumon if above level 35, attack 170, and Machine EXP 500, or can be found at Process Factory.

Digimon Championship[edit]

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]

Members of the ROG Organization. They are one of Barbamon's Shadow Guard, Heavy Smell Elite.

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon Adventure[edit]

A Gerbemon was one of the DigiOne Grand Prix contestants that the Chosen Children met outside the Colosseum in Sub-Episode 10, "DigiOne Grand Prix".

Three Gerbemon attacked Chosen Children as they searched for Ishida Yamato in Episode 53, "Clash! The Ultimate Digimon".

The three Gerbemon are the 61st obligatory boss of the game, fighting the Chosen Children in Episode 53, "Clash! The Ultimate Digimon". They can deal multiple hits to one Digimon with Unchi Bazooka, deal damage to all Digimon with Dirty Saucer, or lower the HP of all the team to 1 with Black Hole.

Three more Gerbemon appeared after the original three were defeated, but all were killed by the newly-arrived Metal Garurumon in a single Cocytus Breath.

Gerbemon appear as random encounters starting from Episode 54, "Metal Etemon's Counterattack".

Gerbemon in Digimon Adventure.

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Gerbemon in the Underground Waterway Labyrinth, disguised as a trash can, asked Taiga to bring it trash. It happily ate the trash bag the Gigimon who cleaned DoReMiFa Mansion gave Taiga and asked him where he got it from. After Taiga tells it it came from the Village of Beginnings, Gerbemon is confused since it left there as there wasn't much trash anymore due to many Digimon leaving it, but if the trash had gotten that good, then it had to go back and so it did. It then sends Taiga a mail, saying it will stay in the DoReMiFa Mansion since it can eat all the trash there and could share some of it with Taiga too, though in terms of gameplay it's the opposite, with it taking the trash Taiga collects from the residents of the DoReMiFa Mansion. Said trash may contain items, which are then given to Taiga.

Gerbemon is an unobtainable Digimon. Taiga's Partner Digimon can also wear Gerbemon's hair, the Banana Wig, as an accessory, which is obtained from Gerbemon itself after giving it trash.

Gerbemon in the Underground Waterway Labyrinth
Gigimon wearing the Banana Wig

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Gerbemon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon Soul Chaser[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Available as a collectable card.

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Available as a collectable card.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Gerbemon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon New Century[edit]

Digimon Masters[edit]

Gerbemon is an enemy Digimon.

Digimon Super Rumble[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digimon Pendulum 4.0 & 4.5 Wind Guardians[edit]

Obtainable by Jogressing Togemon, Kiwimon, Woodmon or Red Vegimon with a compatible Digimon. Gerbemon can be Jogressed with a compatible Digimon to get Pinochimon.




Digimon Accel Nature Genome[edit]

Evolves from Orgemon. Can evolve to Neptunemon or Rosemon.

Digivice iC 10X[edit]

Evolves from Aquilamon, Gaogamon, Geo Greymon, Numemon, or Sunflowmon. Can evolve to Bancho Leomon, Demon, Mirage Gaogamon, Ouryumon, Platinum Numemon, Rosemon, Seraphimon, or Shine Greymon.


Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]

Gerbemon is an unobtainable Leader Digimon.

Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th[edit]

Digivice Ver.Complete[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Z II[edit]

Gerbemon appears as an enemy Digimon.

Digimon Pendulum COLOR[edit]

Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-[edit]



Don't underestimate it just because it's a trash can!

Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Gerbemon vpet pen.gif Gerbemon vpet accel.gif Gerbemon blast vpet accel.gif Garbemon vpet dvic.gif Gerbemon vpet xloader.png Gerbemon vpet dpc.gif
Digimon Pendulum D-Terminal Digimon Accelerator
(Blast Mode)
Digivice iC Digimon Xros Loader Digimon Pendulum COLOR
Gerbemon vpet dv color.png
Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes