Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A Plant Digimon which has the appearance of a gigantic cactus. It can store nutrient data within its body, and can even survive for a long time in the empty desert areas. What it's thinking usually can't be understood at all by trying to discern it from its facial expression, as it spends most of the day staring off into space. However, once Togemon is angered, that expression changes completely, it starts getting violent, and it becomes unable to settle down. Its Special Move is further hardening the thorns on the ends of its arms and bang-bang striking with them (Chikuchiku Bang-bang).
The effect on Togemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Having realized something that it had kept deep within its heart up to now, Togemon started wandering from place to place on its own. It has difficulty communicating, probably because there were few opportunities for it to come into contact with other Digimon in the desert and wastelands, and has been very hot-tempered lately. Its "Chikuchiku Bam-bam", which it acquired while traveling, is rough punches jumbled together from weak-to-medium punches.
(About Togemon's wandering)
According to one theory, Togemon was originally a "Plant Weapon" that Vademon, who was discovered and captured near a certain country's "Area 51", used when it invaded the planet, and started advancing toward various strategic locations. However, Togemon's strange behavior has caused the truth to remain a mystery. Also, its connection to the rumor that Vademon was born from the "seed of a plant" is currently being studied.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 巨大なサボテンの姿をした植物型デジモン。体内に栄養素データを保存することができ、何も無い砂漠地帯でもしばらくは生きていくことができる。その表情からも見てとれるように、普段は何を考えているか全く分からず、1日中ボーッとしていることがほとんど。しかし、ひとたびトゲモンを怒らせるとその形相が一変し、暴れ出して手が着けられなくなる。必殺技は腕先のトゲを更に硬質化させてバンバン殴る『チクチクバンバン』。 ■X抗体によるトゲモンのデジコアへの影響 それまで心の奥底に秘められていた何かを自覚したトゲモンは、自ら転々と放浪し始めた。砂漠や荒野で他のデジモンと触れ合う機会が少なかったためか、コミュニケーションが上手くいかず、最近とても怒りっぽい。旅の途中で身に付けた『チクチクバムバム』は、弱中強パンチが入り乱れた荒っぽいパンチである。(トゲモンの放浪について)一説によると、元々トゲモンは、某国の「エリア51」付近で発見されて捕獲されたベーダモンが、惑星を侵略する時に使用する“植物型兵器”であり、各戦略拠点へ向けて進軍を開始しているのだという。しかし、相変らずトゲモンの不可思議な行動が、真相を謎としてしまう。また、ベーダモンが“植物の実”から生まれたという噂との関連性も目下研究されている。
⇨ Japanese A Plant Digimon which has the appearance of a gigantic cactus. It can store nutrient data within its body, and can even survive for a long time in the empty desert areas. What it's thinking usually can't be understood at all by trying to discern it from its facial expression, as it spends most of the day staring off into space. However, once Togemon is angered, that expression changes completely, it starts getting violent, and it becomes unable to settle down. Its Special Move is further hardening the thorns on the ends of its arms and bang-bang striking with them (Chikuchiku Bang-bang).
The effect on Togemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Having realized something that it had kept deep within its heart up to now, Togemon started wandering from place to place on its own. It has difficulty communicating, probably because there were few opportunities for it to come into contact with other Digimon in the desert and wastelands, and has been very hot-tempered lately. Its "Chikuchiku Bam-bam", which it acquired while traveling, is rough punches jumbled together from weak-to-medium punches.
(About Togemon's wandering)
According to one theory, Togemon was originally a "Plant Weapon" used by a Vademon that was discovered and captured near a certain country's "Area 51" when it invaded the planet, and started advancing toward various strategic locations. Also, its connection to the rumor that Vademon was born from the "seed of a plant" is currently being studied.
Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode
⇨ English 巨大なサボテンの姿をした植物型デジモン。体内に栄養素データを保存することができ、何も無い砂漠地帯でもしばらくは生きていくことができる。その表情からも見てとれるように、普段は何を考えているか全く分からず、1日中ボーッとしていることがほとんど。しかし、ひとたびトゲモンを怒らせるとその形相が一変し、暴れ出して手が着けられなくなる。必殺技は腕先のトゲを更に硬質化させてバンバン殴る『チクチクバンバン』。 ■X抗体によるトゲモンのデジコアへの影響 それまで心の奥底に秘められていた何かを自覚したトゲモンは、自ら転々と放浪し始めた。砂漠や荒野で他のデジモンと触れ合う機会が少なかったためか、コミュニケーションが上手くいかず、最近とても怒りっぽい。旅の途中で身に付けた「チクチクバムバム」は、弱中強パンチが入り乱れた荒っぽいパンチである。 (トゲモンの放浪について) 一説によると、元々トゲモンは、某国の「エリア51」付近で発見されて捕獲されたベーダモンが、惑星を侵略する時に使用する“植物型兵器”であり、各戦略拠点へ向けて進軍を開始しているのだという。また、ベーダモンが“植物の実”から生まれたという噂と関連性も目下研究されている。
デジモンワールド リ:デジタイズ デコード
⇨ Japanese A Plant Digimon which has the appearance of a gigantic cactus. It can store nutrient data within its body, and can even survive for a long time in the empty desert areas. What it's thinking usually can't be understood at all by trying to discern it from its facial expression, as it spends most of the day staring off into space. However, once Togemon is angered, that expression changes completely, it starts getting violent, and it becomes unable to settle down. Its Special Move is further hardening the thorns on the ends of its arms and bang-bang striking with them (Chikuchiku Bang-bang).
The effect on Togemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Having realized something that it had kept deep within its heart up to now, Togemon started wandering from place to place on its own. It has difficulty communicating, probably because there were few opportunities for it to come into contact with other Digimon in the desert and wastelands, and has been very hot-tempered lately.
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English 巨大なサボテンの姿をした植物型デジモン。体内に栄養素データを保存することができ、何も無い砂漠地帯でもしばらくは生きていくことができる。その表情からも見てとれるように、普段は何を考えているか全く分からず、1日中ボーッとしていることがほとんど。しかし、ひとたびトゲモンを怒らせるとその形相が一変し、暴れ出して手が着けられなくなる。必殺技は腕先のトゲを更に硬質化させてバンバン殴る『チクチクバンバン』。 ■X抗体によるトゲモンのデジコアへの影響 それまで心の奥底に秘められていた何かを自覚したトゲモンは、自ら転々と放浪し始めた。砂漠や荒野で他のデジモンと触れ合う機会が少なかったためか、コミュニケーションが上手くいかず、最近とても怒りっぽい。
⇨ Japanese According to one theory, Togemon was originally a Plant weapon used by a Vademon that was captured near a certain country's Area 51, and was said to have started advancing toward various strategic locations.
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⇨ English 一説によると元々トゲモンは、某国のエリア51付近で捕獲されたベーダモンが使用する植物型兵器であり、各戦略拠点へ向けて進軍を開始しているのだという。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
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