Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
⇨ Japanese A Fairy Digimon born from beautifully blooming flower petals. Although it looks like it has an appearance like a human child, it is a Perfect Digimon hiding unfathomable power within. Due to its whimsical, tomboyish personality, it is said that it will open its heart to a human girl with a similar temperament. Also, because it becomes unable to settle down if it starts crying like a crybaby, a great effort is necessary to win it over. Personality-wise, it also has an aspect that kindly extends its hand to small or weak things. It can fly in the air with the four leaf-like wings growing from its back, and it is said that after Lilimon flies by, a fresh breeze will blow. Its Special Move is thrusting both of its arms forward, making a gun muzzle from the petals on its wrists, and shooting an energy shell (Flow' Cannon).
The effect on Lilimon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
During direct confrontation with Lilimon, the enemy Digimon will be greeted lightheartedly regardless how horrible they are; even if they threaten it, they will be lightly dismissed. However, it occasionally ignores them, and it is said that those ignored Digimon are the ones surprised instead. Its whimsical, tomboyish personality has been accelerated, and although it does not look scary, it has in a sense become the strongest Digimon around. It beautifully adorns itself with a tiara and ribbons because it knows it can be the best of itself, but when it starts crying, it indiscriminately unleashes its "Sleepy Bud", where it kicks frantically with both legs while throwing a tantrum, absolutely powering up its selfishness as well.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 美しく咲いた花弁から生まれた妖精型デジモン。見た目は人間の子供のような姿をしているが、計り知れないパワーを秘めている完全体のデジモンである。気まぐれでお転婆な性格で、同じような気質を持っている人間の少女には心を開くと言われている。また、泣き虫で泣き出すと手がつけられなくなるので、手なずけるには努力が必要である。性格的に、小さなものや弱いものにはやさしく手を差し伸べる一面もある。背中に生えた4枚の葉状の羽で空を飛ぶことができ、リリモンが飛んだ後は、さわやかなそよ風が吹くという。必殺技は両手首の花弁を銃口にしてエネルギー弾を撃ち出す『フラウカノン』。 ■X抗体によるリリモンのデジコアへの影響 リリモンと真っ向から勝負すると、どんな恐ろしいデジモンでも軽いノリで挨拶され、脅しても軽く一蹴されてしまう。しかし、たまに無視することがあり、無視されたデジモンは逆にショックを受けるという。気まぐれでお転婆な性格に拍車がかかり、恐いものが無く、ある意味最強のデジモンとなっている。自分が一番になりえる存在と心得ているため、ティアラやリボンで美しく飾り立てているが、泣き出すと駄々をこねて両足で蹴りまくる『スリーピーバッド』を見境無く放ち、ワガママさも断然パワーアップしている。
⇨ Japanese A Fairy Digimon born from beautifully blooming flower petals. Although it looks like it has an appearance like a human child, it is a Perfect Digimon hiding unfathomable power within. Due to its whimsical, tomboyish personality, it is said that it will open its heart to a human girl with a similar temperament. Also, because it becomes unable to settle down if it starts crying like a crybaby, a great effort is necessary to win it over. However, it also has an aspect that kindly extends its hand to small or weak things. It can fly in the air with the four leaf-like wings growing from its back, and it is said that after Lilimon flies by, a fresh breeze will blow. Its Special Move is thrusting both of its arms forward, making a gun muzzle from the petals on its wrists, and shooting an energy shell (Flow' Cannon).
The effect on Lilimon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
During direct confrontation with Lilimon, the enemy Digimon will be greeted lightheartedly regardless how horrible they are; even if they threaten it, they will be lightly dismissed. However, it occasionally ignores them, and it is said that those ignored Digimon are the ones surprised instead. Its whimsical, tomboyish personality has been accelerated, and although it does not look scary, it has in a sense become the strongest Digimon around. It beautifully adorns itself with a tiara and ribbons because it knows it can be the best of itself, but when it starts crying, it indiscriminately unleashes its "Sleepy Bud", where it kicks frantically with both legs while throwing a tantrum, absolutely powering up its selfishness as well.
Digimon Life
⇨ English 美しく咲いた花弁から生まれた妖精型デジモン。見た目は人間の子供のような姿をしているが、計り知れないパワーを秘めている完全体のデジモンである。気まぐれでお転婆な性格で、同じような気質を持っている人間の少女には心を開くと言われている。また、泣き虫で泣き出すと手がつけられなくなるので、手なずけるには努力が必要である。しかし、小さなものや弱いものにはやさしく手を差し伸べる一面もある。背中に生えた4枚の葉状の羽で空を飛ぶことができ、リリモンが飛んだ後は、さわやかなそよ風が吹くという。必殺技は両腕を前に突き出し、手首の花弁を銃口にして、エネルギー弾を撃ち出す『フラウカノン』。 ■X抗体によるリリモンのデジコアへの影響 リリモンと真っ向から勝負すると、どんな恐ろしいデジモンでも軽いノリで挨拶され、脅しても軽く一蹴されてしまう。しかし、たまに無視することがあり、無視されたデジモンは逆にショックを受けるという。気まぐれでお転婆な性格に拍車がかかり、恐いものが無く、ある意味最強のデジモンとなっている。自分が一番になりえる存在と心得ているため、ティアラやリボンで美しく飾り立てるが、泣き出すと駄々をこねて両足で蹴りまくる『スリーピーバッド{眠い、少女/つぼみの意}』を見境無く放ち、ワガママさも断然パワーアップしている。
⇨ Japanese Its whimsical, tomboyish personality has been accelerated, and while it does not look scary, it is in a sense the strongest. When it starts crying, it indiscriminately unleashes its "Sleepy Bud", where it kicks frantically with both legs while throwing a tantrum, absolutely powering up its selfishness as well.
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⇨ English 気まぐれでお転婆な性格に拍車がかかり、恐いものが無くある意味最強。自分が一番になりえる存在と信じて疑わない。泣き出すと駄々をこねて両足で蹴りまくる『スリーピーバッド』を見境無く放ち、ワガママさも断然パワーアップしている。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)