Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A gigantic Plant Digimon that primarily takes root in swampland. It constantly secretes a highly-toxic liquid from its whole body, which it mercilessly uses to dissolve anyone that touches it and preys on them. Also, it has a habit of expelling large amounts of that liquid from its abdomen, melting the ground and creating swamps to expand its nest. These swamps disturb the surrounding ecosystem, so if you see ominous flowers that have grown abnormally, it is a sign to be cautious.
Its Special Moves are spewing a poison gas from the mouth on its abdomen that has the same components as its highly-toxic liquid (Biotoxin), and randomly firing beams from its three heads (Intense Lamptḗr). It completely destroys the enemy as well as the earth with its "Division Break", in which it causes the vines that it spreads into the ground to shake violently, creating fissures.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 主に沼地に根を張る巨大な植物型デジモン。全身から常に猛毒液が分泌されており、触れた者を容赦なく溶かして捕食する。また、腹部から大量の猛毒液を吐き出し、大地を融解させて沼を作り巣を広げる習性がある。沼は周囲の生態系を狂わせるため、異常成長した禍々しい草花が見えたら出没注意の合図だ。 必殺技は腹の口から猛毒液と同じ成分の毒ガスを吐き出す『バイオトキシン』と、三つの頭からビームを乱射する『インテンスランテール』。地中へ這わせたツタを激しく動かし、地割れを引き起こす『ディビジョンブレイク』で大地もろとも敵を完膚なきまでに破壊する。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)