
From Wikimon

A vehicle Digimon that loves to move around while carrying other Digimon. It feels like it is taking a walk wherever it goes and has a carefree personality that doesn't mind wherever it sets foot. It can dive and navigate underwater by spinning its tail. Although its long fur coat constantly gets dirty from being dragged along the ground, it is actually quite fond of cleanliness. It hates fighting and will try to flee from it, putting the safety of the Digimon aboard it first, but as for those who attack it, it repels them with its “Wi-wiper”, where it leans over them with its large body and scrubs them with the shaggy hair covering its feet, and “Masshigurun”, which blows them away with its violent dashing.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Description
Wi-wiper [1][N 1] Howling Wiper ワイワイパー Waiwaipā Leans over the opponent with its large body and scrubs them with the shaggy hair on its feet.
Masshigurun [1][N 2] Full-speed Run マッシグラン Masshiguran Blows the opponent away with its violent dashing.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Adventure:[edit]

In the past, Komondomon helped the Army of the Holy Digimon as a means of transportation. In "A New Darkness, Millenniumon", Lopmon resurrects them to help the Chosen Children to reunite in the Infinity Continent, with the Komondomon with a red helmet staying with the Chosen Children as their transport.

Grey-helmet Komondomon appear later on in the haven for travelling Digimon in "Jyagamon, Potato Hell". With the red-helmet one being dirty and itchy, a grey-helmet one tells it about Lunamon, who previously washed it. The Chosen Children and their Digimon then help their Komondomon get clean, using Lunamon's Lop-ear Ripple bubbles.

A grey Komondomon is seen in "A Place to Return To", "The Angels' Determination" and "The End of the Adventure".

Komondomon in Digimon Adventure:.
Komondomon seen from below.
A Komondomon revealing one of its blue eyes.


Video Games[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Z II[edit]

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Komondomon vpet penz.gif Komondomon vpet vb.png
Digimon Pendulum Z II Vital Bracelet Digital Monster

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Wi-wiper is a portmanteau of waiwai (ワイワイ), meaning "howling", and wiper (ワイパー).
  2. Masshigurun is a portmanteau of masshigura (真っしぐら), meaning "full-speed", and run (ラン).