Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Card Game

The Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Card Game (デジモンユニバ―ス アプリモンスターズ カードゲーム、 Dejimon Yunibāsu Apuri Monsutāzu Kādo Gēmu) is the fourth Digimon card game.
The Sheet (シート) is the playing mat on which the card game takes place. The playing field is divided into your sheet (自分シート) and the opponent's sheet (相手シート).
The sheet consists of the following fields:
- Point Gauge (ポイントゲージ): A gauge on the left side of the sheet, denoting how many points you have remaining. A card from your deck is placed face-down at the 100 mark during game setup, denoting 100 points remaining (which is also the maximum amount of points you may have at any point of time during the game), and is moved downwards as you lose points. Cards stacked onto your point gauge during the game can also be considered to be moved 'out of play'.
- Deck (山札): Your deck will consist of 30 cards, at least one of which must be a Standard Grade Appmon card, and you may only include up to 3 cards with the same name in your deck (regardless if they have different card numbers), unless the card itself states otherwise.
When your deck runs out, you are forced to renew your deck (山札の更新), discarding all cards in your Appmon Box except for a Standard Grade Appmon. - Discard Pile (捨て札): When your cards are discarded during play, place them face-down onto your discard pile.
- Appmon Box (アプモンBOX): The Appmon you use for battle (in other words, your current Appmon) will be placed here. After AppGattai, stack the fused Appmon onto your Standard Grade Appmon; your Appmon Box will only contain your latest fused Appmon, and the Standard Grade Appmon below it, at any one time.
- Power Box/Applink Box (パワーBOX/アプリンクBOX): Cards required to fulfill the AppGattai requirements of the Appmon you are planning to fuse into will be placed in the Power Box on the left face-down. Appmon to be used for Applink will be placed in the Applink Box on the right face-up.
- AppGattai Box (アプ合体BOX): Place the Appmon you wish to App-fuse your current Appmon into here face-down.
- Option Slot (オプションスロット): Option cards to be used will be placed here. They are typically placed face-down during Preparation Phase, and activated during the timing stated on the card.
Appmon Cards[edit]
Appmon Cards (アプモンカード) are cards depicting Appmon, that are used in-game either to battle or to Applink.
- Card Name (カード名): The name of the Appmon as written on the card (e.g. DoGatchmon). For Appmon cards that have an Appmon Applinked to them (e.g. Hackmon Plus Navimon), the card can only be treated as the base Appmon, and not as the Applinked Appmon.
- Card Number (カードNo.): The number of the card, written below the card name (e.g. ST1-03). The 'ST' prefix is used for cards originating from starter sets, while the 'BT' prefix is used for cards originating from Booster packs. Various other promotional cards may include card numbers with different prefixes/suffixes.
- Battle Type (バトルタイプ): An icon on the card's top right depicting either A, B, or C (e.g. Battle type A). Your Appmon's battle type will determine the type of attack the opponent has to use.
- AppGattai Requirements (アプ合体条件): The component Appmon that are required to be able to fuse into this Appmon are stated here (e.g. Gatchmon x Navimon).
- Grade (グレード): Your Appmon's Grade (e.g. Super Grade). The four Appmon Grades are Standard Grade (並) > Super Grade (超) > Ultimate Grade (極) > God Grade (神).
- Attribute (属性): Your Appmon's Attribute (e.g. Social). Appmon can be one of seven different Attributes: Social (ソシャール), Navi (ナビ), Tool (ツール), System (システム), Game (ゲーム), Entertainment (エンタメ), and Life (ライフ).
- Attacks (攻撃): Your Appmon possesses 3 attack types - A, B, and C; the attack type used will depend on the opponent's battle type. The attack power written on the card is also known as the basic attack power (基本攻撃力) (e.g. DoGatchmon has a basic A attack power of 530). If your Appmon's A attack goes to zero due to the opponent's attack C's effect, '0' is now considered your basic A attack power.
- Lost Points (ロストポイント): Denotes how many points you lose when you lose the battle; refer to your Appmon's lost points field and the opponent Appmon's Grade to determine the amount of points lost.
- Applink Effects (アプリンク効果): Denotes the abilities this Appmon bestows onto another Appmon when it is used for Applink (e.g. Attack Power +300). The plug icon next to the Applink effect must correspond to the plug icon at the bottom of the Appmon card that will receive the effects of the Applink; only one Applink effect can be bestowed for each plug.
- Abilities (アビリティ): Your Appmon's abilities are written here (e.g. For every Appmon you have Applinked, add 100 to your attack power.).
- Plug(プラグ): Icons at the bottom of the Appmon card that denote which Applink effects this Appmon can receive.
Option Cards[edit]
Option Cards (オプションカード) are support cards with various effects, such as pushing the battle in your favor. They are set face-down from your hand into one of your Option slots during the Preparation Phase, and activated during the activation timing stated on the card. Once set, the Option cards may not be returned to your hand, and may only be discarded or moved to another slot during Preparation Phase. If the card states to set the card face-up, the card is to be set face-up during Preparation Phase, and activated during the activation timing stated on the card.
When an Option card states 'You may only place one of this card in your slots', you may place more of that card into your slots, but can only turn face-up and activate one at a time. 'One of this card' refers to cards with the same card number, thus you may activate two cards with the same name but different card numbers at the same time.
- Activation Timing (発動タイミング): Denotes the phase during which this card has to be turned face-up and activated.
- Category (分類): Denotes any category the card belongs to, if any.
- Requirements (条件): Denotes any requirements that have to be fulfilled to activate this card.
- Effects (効果): Denotes the effects of the card.
Playing the Game[edit]
Game Setup[edit]
Shuffle your deck of 30 cards, and place your deck face-down onto the top right corner of your sheet. Draw the top card of your deck, and place it face-down without checking its contents onto your Point Gauge, where it will be used to keep track of how many points you have remaining throughout the game. At the start of the game, the card will be placed just below the '100' mark, denoting 100 points remaining.
After the above setup has been completed, both players draw 6 cards from the top of their deck to form their hand. Play a game of rock-paper-scissors; the winner will be first to attack, and the loser will be second to attack. The game starts at this point, and ends when either player's points reaches zero.
Preparation Phase[edit]
During the Preparation Phase (準備フェイズ), each player will carry out the following steps. The player who is first to attack will complete their Preparation Phase first, followed by the person who is second to attack, before moving on to the next phase.
- You may discard as many cards as you like from your hand, placing them face-down onto your discard pile; ensure that your hand contains 6 cards or less after discarding.
- You may discard as many cards in your Option slots as you like, as well as move cards between Option slots. Ensure that the cards that you discard do not contain any description preventing you from discarding them.
- Draw cards from your deck until you have 6 cards in your hand. If your deck does not have sufficient cards, draw everything from your deck. If your deck is empty, you may not replenish your hand.
- Appliarise by placing a Standard Grade Appmon card from your hand that you wish to use for battle face-up into your Appmon Box. If there are already Appmon present in your Appmon Box, you may choose to discard all cards in your Appmon Box and place a new Standard Grade Appmon into the box. If you are unable to place a Standard Grade Appmon into your Appmon Box by the end of the Preparation Phase, you will lose the battle that follows.
- You may place the Appmon card you plan to fuse your Appmon into face-down into your AppGattai Box, and place the component cards required for the AppGattai requirements of the Appmon you are planning to evolve to face-down into your Power Box.
- You may activate any abilities or Option cards now that require to be activated during the Preparation Phase.
- Place Option cards face-down from your hand onto your Option slots. Unless otherwise stated on the Option card, you may not use Option cards from your hand that have not been set during this phase. You may not discard any Option cards during this time.
When both players have completed their Preparation Phase, the game moves on to the AppGattai Phase.
AppGattai Phase[edit]
During the AppGattai Phase (アプ合体フェイズ), both parties carry out the AppGattais they have prepared for during the Preparation Phase. The player who is first to attack will complete their AppGattai Phase before the second player begins theirs, before moving on to the next phase.
- Turn the card placed in your Power Box and AppGattai Box face-up. Check that the AppGattai Requirements of the Appmon in the AppGattai Box have been fulfilled; if they have been successfully fulfilled, stack the card in the AppGattai Box onto the card in your Appmon box.
- Discard the cards used for AppGattai requirements placed in the Power Box after AppGattai.
- After AppGattai, discard all Appmon cards placed in the Appmon Box from before the AppGattai, excluding the Standard Grade Appmon card. The player should only have their current, App-fused Appmon card, and their Standard Grade Appmon card remaining in their Appmon box after AppGattai.
- You may activate any abilities or Option cards that require to be activated during the Evolution Phase; they may be activated at any time throughout your phase.
- After the player first to attack has carried out their AppGattai, the player second to attack may decide whether or not to go through with their AppGattai after seeing the first player's actions.
- After both players have carried out their AppGattais, any cards left in the AppGattai Box and Power Box that were not used will be discarded.
Battle Phase[edit]
During the Battle Phase (バトルフェイズ), both players' Appmon will do battle. When a winner is decided, the game moves on to the next phase.
- If any player is unable to Appliarise an Appmon in their Appmon Box during their Preparation Phase, they will automatically lose the battle in this phase.
- Starting with the player first to attack, both players will check each other's battle type. Every Appmon card has a battle type - A, B, or C, denoted by the letter on the card's top left corner. This letter determines the type of attack the opponent must use against you - for example, if your Appmon's battle type is A, the opponent must use their A attack. After checking battle type, each player determines their attack power, based on the attack power amount written in the A, B, or C attack fields on their cards. Take note that if you are using your C attack with the effect (A→0), and the opponent is using their A attack, their A attack power will become zero.
- Starting with the player second to attack, each player will now choose one of 3 actions: performing an Applink, activating an Appmon's ability or effect, or using an Option card. After one player has carried out an action, the opposing player will carry out their action, and each player will keep carrying out one action alternately until both players decide not to carry out any more actions.
- To Applink, place an Appmon card from your hand into the Applink box, ensuring that the plug icon next to the Applink Effect of the card to be placed down corresponds with a plug on the Appmon in your Appmon Box, and apply the Applink Effects onto your Appmon. Each plug can only be used for one Applinked Appmon; to Applink a second Appmon, stack it onto the Appmon previously used to Applink. Placing one card down for Applink is considered one action; however, an Appmon's ability that is activated when a certain card is Applinked will be included into this action.
- To activate an Appmon's ability or effect, check that the ability is not activated by fulfilling any requirements (if that is the case, the ability will be activated immediately when the requirements are fulfilled). Activating one ability is considered one action.
- To use an Option card, turn an Option card set face-down in your Option slot face-up, ensuring that its Activation Timing is during the Battle Phase. Apply its effects, and leave the card face-up in your Option slot. Using one Option card is considered one action.
- 4. When both players have decided not to take any more actions, determine both players' final attack power; the player with the greater attack power wins the battle. If both players have the same attack power, the battle ends in a draw.
- 5. After the battle, both players discard all cards placed in their Applink box. Check any Option cards remaining in your slots, and discard them if they state 'this card remains in its slot until the battle ends'.
Point Calculation Phase[edit]
During the Point Calculation Phase (ポイント計算フェイズ), both players will calculate how many points they lose due to the battle. The turn ends at the end of this phase.
- Starting with the player first to attack, both players will now use any Option cards that require to be used during the Point Calculation Phase.
- After that, the player who lost the battle will calculate the amount of points lost by looking at their Appmon's Lost Points field, and subtracting the points lost corresponding to the opponent Appmon's Grade, by moving the card on their Point Gauge down. If the battle ended in a draw, both players lose 10 points, and their Appmon remain as is.
- If a player automatically lost the battle in the previous phase due to not having Appliarised an Appmon, they lose 10 points during this phase.
- Starting with the player first to attack, both players will now use any Appmon abilities that require to be used after point calculation.
- If the Appmon that lost the battle is a non-Standard Grade, discard all other cards from the Appmon Box such that only the Standard Grade Appmon card remains.
- If the player's deck has run out of cards, regardless of whether they won or lost the battle, the player is forced to renew their deck; discard all other cards from the Appmon Box such that only the Standard Grade Appmon card remains. After that, shuffle your discard pile, and use it as your new deck. The cards in your hand and slots remain as is.
After the above has taken place, the turn ends, and the next turn starts again from the Preparation Phase. The game ends when either player reaches zero points and loses the game.
The player who won the battle will now become 'first to attack' during the next turn. If the battle ended in a draw, the turn order remains the same as the previous turn.
Card Sets[edit]
See also: Full Card List APM
Starter Decks[edit]
Set Name | Japanese Name | No. of cards | Release Date |
AM-ST1 | スターターセット 第1弾~はじめてのアプ合体セット!~ | 30 | October 8, 2016 |
Booster Series[edit]
Set Name | Japanese Name | No. of cards | Release Date |
AM-BT1 | ブースター第1弾~起動!アプリアライズ!~ | 56 | October 8, 2016 |
AM-BT2 | ブースター第2弾~共闘!超アプモンとキセキのアプリンク!~ | 56 | December 26, 2016 |
AM-BT3 | ブースター第3弾~デジモン参戦!究極バトル!~ | 50 | April 22, 2017 |
Image Gallery[edit]
External Links[edit]
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