The children are walking on a flat area, and Mimi falls to her knees, panting. She says she needs to stop. Gomamon, Takeru and Palmon also collapse, declaring that they can’t go any farther. Yamato, Sora, and Taichi see that the younger kids are tired, and because they’ve been walking for a long time, agree to take a break.
Koshiro opens his laptop, disappointedly seeing that it isn’t functioning. Taichi quickly runs up and grabs it, saying that at times like this, you have to hit it a few times to make it work. He then proceeds to whack the machine, telling it to work. Koshiro jumps up in alarm, taking the computer back and running a few steps away. Taichi says he was just trying to help, and Sora, ever the peacemaker, diplomatically says that Taichi wouldn’t want others touching his valued possessions either.
Taichi then sees something in the distance and runs off towards it. Jo wonders where he’s going, and Yamato assumes it must be the bathroom. Koshiro presses a few keys on his computer, and it suddenly starts up. He is delighted, then sees that the battery is dead, and wonders why it’s still functional.
From the distance, Taichi calls the group. Everyone runs over. He is looking down on a large factory. The children are surprised to see something similar to the real world there, and go down the hill to check it out.
Inside, there are gears and conveyor belts, designed to put together objects in an assembly line. They can’t yet tell what is being constructed. Jo declares that if they’re going to explore, they should find the people who must be there. They split up into two groups. Taichi, Sora and Jo go one way with their partners, calling for anyone. No one responds, and Sora says there might not be anyone after all. Jo insists that someone must be there to run the machines. Piyomon then says she can hear something. Everyone listens, and an odd, mechanical groaning echoes through the area, startling them.
Meanwhile, the other group finds the power room. When they open the door, they see a massive battery hooked up to a motor, which connects to some gears. Koshiro runs forward in surprise, asking aloud if this is what makes the machines run.
Taichi’s group is running down a hallway when Agumon suddenly stops and calls out, pointing through a doorway. Everyone else comes back, looking to see what it is. They see a large humanoid figure laying on the floor, the lower half of his body trapped in a wall of gears. Taichi asks if he’s a robot, and Gomamon recognizes him as Andromon, a ‘very good Digimon’. The Digimon also note that he is very highly evolved. The humans decide to help Andromon, and begin to pull him out of the gears.
Back with Yamato’s group, Koshiro is still examining the giant battery, and he tells the other to go on and keep exploring without him.
Taichi, Sora, Jo and their partners are struggling to pull Andromon out of the machines. Taichi slips, and falls back against a lever. The gear wall immediately begins moving, and unseen by the children, a black gear enters Andrmon’s leg. Now he’s not as tightly wedged, and the children drag him out. Andromon groans a little, but doesn't wake up. Taichi declares that in times like this, you just have to hit- Sora and Jo interrupt him as he lifts his hand, crying out in alarm and grabbing him to stop his motion. Unfortunately, no one was watching Agumon, who rapidly chops at Andromon’s face. Everyone stares in alarm. Andromon's eyes are now open, and he watches the children. Jo scolds Taichi and Agumon, saying that you can’t just hit machines like that and they might have broken something inside of him. Sora, worriedly looking over Andromon, agrees.
Suddenly Andromon grabs Sora by the leg, standing and lifting her up high. He says that the intruder has been secured. Piyomon cries out and flies into the air, then uses Magical Fire. It hits Andromon, and he turns and throws Sora. She flies into Taichi and Agumon, who catch her and fall backwards. Andromon moves towards them ominously. Taichi tells Agumon to aim at the ceiling. He uses Baby Flame to snap several chains, and a large pile of metal beams fall, pinning Andromon to the ground. The humans all agree they need to leave.
Yamato, Takeru, and Mimi are all looking at the assembly line with their partners. Mimi says that whatever they’re making must be really amazing, like a time machine. Koshiro, still in the power room with Tentomon, runs his hands across the huge battery's surface. He finds a door, and opens it. Much to his surprise, the battery is hollow. The walls are covered in glowing characters that Koshiro says are a computer program. He swipes his finger through a symbol, and everything in the factory loses power. The lights turn off and the machines stop. This presents a problem for the group running from Andromon, and they have to stop or risk running into something. They see a pair of glowing eyes in the hallway and hear Andromon’s footsteps. Taichi suggests that he might not be able to see them in the dark, and they start walking quietly away. Andromon’s eyes glow red, and he sights the ‘intruders’. He uses Spiral Sword, and the shining bolt almost hits the children. At the last second they drop to the ground in the next hall, and the attack hits the wall.
Tentomon comes back, reporting the power outage to Koshiro. Koshiro worries he erased the wrong part of the program. Tentomon suggests that he repair the part he erased, and Koshiro takes out a marker, carefully completing the character. The power turns back on, and everything continues. Koshiro comments on how strange this is, and explains to Tentomon batteries in their world make power through a chemical reaction. Here, however, the characters written on the wall are making power themselves. Koshiro begins analyzing the program, happy to have something here in his area of expertise.
Elsewhere, Taichi’s group is running from Andromon. Jo says they shouldn’t have helped Andromon, and Sora blames Taichi and Agumon for hitting him. Taichi says they’re busy and shouldn’t talk about that now. Andromon uses his Spiral Sword again, and the children climb over and cling to the outside railing of the catwalk they’re on to avoid being hit.
Tentomon comments on how excited Koshiro is, and asks if this is fun. Koshiro says he enjoys deciphering things, and he might be able to learn more about the mysteries here, like what the Digimon are. Tentomon says he has no interest in learning about where he came from or who he is. He then asks Koshiro if he is interested in knowing where he himself came from. Koshiro zones out, and his mind flashes back to when he was younger. He remembers putting his eye to a gap between the door frame and door, and seeing his parents talking. His mother asks his father when they will ‘tell Koshiro’. His father says that it’ll be too great of a shock now, and they should wait a little longer.
Tentomon’s voice interrupts Koshiro’s thoughts, and he points out that Koshiro’s computer is acting strange. He looks and sees that the lines of code are stretching and warping, and bounding around the screen. He is shocked, and realizes that his Digivice is also lighting up. Yamato’s group is still examining the assembly line, and have reached a point where the machines are now removing parts instead of putting more on. They are confused and surprised, and Mimi asks why it’s doing that. On Koshiro’s computer screen, the lines of code twist quickly into a map. He sees the factory they are in, and then it expands, growing until it forms a map of an island with a large mountain in the middle. He stares at it in fascination, but Tentomon starts to yelp. The lines on his body are glowing blue, and smoke is hissing from his joints. He says he’s burning, and doesn’t know why. Koshiro looks at his Digivice, and sees that there are lines filling it up to the top as it flashes. Koshiro turns off his computer, and the Digivice goes dark again, and Tentomon stops smoking.
Taichi climbs back to the catwalk, and runs to where a crane is located. He quickly figures out the controls, then swings the arm around. There is a line with a hook on the end, and Taichi catches Andromon with it. He lifts Andromon into the air, where he stays, swinging his limbs. The children run away, intent on warning the others and leaving as soon as they can.
On the roof, Yamato shares his analysis of the factory with Takeru and Mimi. He says that the assembly and disassembly lines are connected, and the whole thing is one loop, so the factory actually produces nothing. The other two kids are surprised. Deeper in the factory, Andromon breaks the cable suspending him. He begins to move through the factory. Koshiro runs up to Yamato’s group, excitedly telling them that he has found something out. He begins to explain that the program which runs the factory powers it as well. He says this shows that in the world they are in, computer programs and data make physical effects, instead of just being information. Taichi’s group suddenly runs over, Taichi calling for them to run. As Yamato is asking what is happening, Andromon suddenly bursts out of the ground. He immediately locks onto Yamato, Takeru, and Mimi, and fires Gatling Missiles. Everyone scatters, except for Takeru, who remains frozen, staring at the oncoming missiles. Yamato yells his name, and Gabumon flashes by, evolving into Garurumon as he runs towards Takeru. Koshiro notices that Yamato’s Digivice is glowing, staring at it open mouthed. Garurumon swats the missiles away, sending them into the sky. One explodes, but the other turns around to fire bullets at Taichi, Sora, Jo and their partners. (I guess that’s where the ‘gatling’ part comes in...)
They quickly move backwards, the bullets throwing up sparks around their feet. Agumon drops out of line, evolving into Greymon. One again, Koshiro notices that Taichi’s Digivice is glowing. Greymon smashes the last missile, and joins Garurumon in attacking Andromon. Andromon is much stronger, however, and the fight doesn’t go well. Andromon easily negates Greymon’s Mega Flame and Garurumon’s Fox Fire. Worriedly watching, Yamato and Sora note that Andromon really is at a higher level than their Digimon.
Tentomon tells Koshiro to run the computer program from before, because it might help him evolve. Tentomon starts glowing like before, but instead of burning and smoking he evolves into Kabuterimon. He immediately flies down and smashes into Andromon. However, the mechanical Digimon is still too strong, and Jo wonders out loud if Andromon has a weakness. Koshiro hears this and notices that Andromon’s leg is sparking, electricity dancing around it. He shouts for Kabuterimon to aim for that leg, and Kabuterimon uses Mega Blaster. It hits as intended, and a Black Gear flies out and into the air before puffing into nothing.
Andromon crashes to his knees, saying that the evil is gone. He explains that he was trying to remove a black gear that was caught in the machines. Andromon expresses remorse for attacking them, and the children tell him it’s alright. He says he doesn’t know why the factory is there, or what it’s supposed to do. He can, however, show them how to get out of it. He shows them a nearby tunnel to the sewers, saying it’s the best way to leave.
The group starts to walk down the tunnel. They reach a place where they can walk on either side of the water. Yamato comments on how disgusting the sewers are. Taichi agrees. Takeru asks if Koshiro’s computer could make Patamon evolve too, and Koshiro excitedly gets out his computer to try. After a few more steps, though, his computer screen fades to black. He is surprised, and he taps a key a few times. Taichi and Agumon say that if it’s broken, all they need is a few whacks, and then it’ll work great! Koshiro looks, alarmed, at the two of them approaching on both sides of him. At the last second, he moves, causing Taichi and Agumon to hit each other instead of the computer. Comically exaggerated lumps immediately form where they made contact. Sora sighs and says it’s too bad they can’t fix the two of them by hitting them.
The narrator says that as soon as they left, Koshiro’s laptop became useless. He then goes on to foreshadow by saying that no one knew it would be the key to the mysteries of this world.