The children and their Digimon are walking through a forest, when suddenly a whirring noise, almost like a helicopter, pierces the silence. They all look up to see a black thing hurtling through the air. It passes quickly, but not before they get a good look at it. Yamato says it looks like a gear, and Sora wonders if it was a flying saucer. Jo says that something about it didn't feel right.
Suddenly, Takeru slips. He falls to the ground. Yamato and Taichi move to help him, but Taichi gets there first, causing Yamato to take a step back. Takeru says it hurt, but he’ll bear with it. Sora reassures him that he doesn’t need to pretend it doesn’t hurt.
Sora and Yamato verbalize their readiness to keep walking, but Taichi says they don’t even know where they’re trying to go. Piyomon rubs her beak against Sora and says she will be happy anywhere Sora is. Sora sighs a little, and reasons that even if Piyomon is happy anywhere, she will still be worried about things. Piyomon asks what she means, and Sora quickly smiles and tells her not to worry about it. Piyomon says she wants to know more about what Sora is thinking, and Sora responds that Piyomon does not need to know that. By this time, everyone else is walking away, and Yamato calls back for them to stop playing around and catch up.
Tentomon notes that Piyomon is a very social Digimon, and Koshiro is interested to learn that each Digimon has a unique personality. Piyomon happily holds Sora’s hand and sings her name. Sora is bothered by this; she looks away and silently wonders if she’ll be able to get along with a partner that’s so mushy.
The children see an opening in the trees, and decide to leave the forest. They walk out onto a flat, hot plain that Koshiro compares to the African savannah. The strange thing about it is the many telephone poles sticking out of the ground. They’re crooked and placed randomly, with their power lines trailing, disconnected. Taichi asks if they will see lions or giraffes there, to which Gabumon and Tentomon reply that there aren’t animals like that, only Digimon.
Jo takes the telephone poles as proof that there are humans in this place. Taichi points out that they could be like the trolley at the lake, or the phone booths on the beach. Jo stops walking, lifts a fist, and declares that there absolutely must be humans there. Tentomon quietly catches Koshiro’s attention, telling him that there really are only Digimon in this world.
Mimi steps up to the group, presenting her compass. Everyone looks at it, but it begins to randomly spin. Koshiro lifts up a handful of the sand, and declares that it’s actually powdered iron, so the compass is being thrown off. Sora comments on how strange this place is, and Koshiro continues to say it’s very hot, and they should find water as soon as they can.
As they’re walking, Jo wonders if they should have stayed in the forest. Yamato agrees, saying if things keep on like this, they’ll overheat. Gomamon groans, wishing for water and ice. Mimi offers Palmon her hat. Piyomon says Sora’s name again, and that they should keep walking. Sora comments on her energy. Piyomon says Sora’s name a few more times, in a singsong tone. Sora is irritated, and tells Piyomon to stop already, and that she’s thirsty, tired, and sick of walking, so Piyomon should stop clinging to her because it’s making her even more tired. Piyomon stops, looking sad. She apologizes and says she’ll be quiet. Sora relents, and says Piyomon can walk with her. This delights the bird Digimon, and she runs to rub against Sora, saying she loves her.
Yamato smiles briefly at that, and then says that maybe since there’s nothing in sight, they should head back to the forest. Jo starts to agree, and Taichi pulls out his pocket telescope. He looks ahead and sees a village. Jo says that that’s where the people must be. Everyone is re-energized by the hope of water and food, and they begin to walk towards the village.
On the top of a mountain, Meramon is standing by a lake, when the black gear the children saw earlier suddenly plunges into his chest. He screams, and grabs where it went in, but can’t get it out.
In the village, the children are very surprised to see that it belongs to a large group of Pyocomon. The houses only reach about to their waists. The Pyocomon, who Piyomon used to be one of, ask what kind of Digimon Sora is, and Piyomon explains that she’s a human. The Pyocomon are confused but curious about something that’s not a Digimon. Mimi says the small village reminds her of a fairy tale. Yamato and Koshiro look around, noting how they won’t be able to stay here, as the houses are not at all their size.
Piyomon tells the Pyocomon she was able to evolve because she was with Sora. Piyoman says she evolved to protect Sora, and Sora, listening nearby, is skeptical of that assessment. She says that Piyomon is too lovey-dovey for that, but remembers how Taichi and Yamato’s Digimon evolved to protect them. She briefly wonders if Piyomon will do that if she is in danger, but laughs at the thought.
Piyomon announces that the Pyocomon will give the humans a feast. Everyone is delighted, and Koshiro begins to wonder what will be served. Takeru sees a fountain, and cries out in delight, running towards it. A Pyocomon says that the water runs there from Miharashi Mountain, and Tentomon says he’s heard of the famously delicious water. The Pyocomon point out the mountain, which is the same one that Meremon was on.
On the mountain, Meramon groans, and starts to burn brighter and hotter, and his flames fill the area. At the Pyocomon village, the fountain suddenly stops, then erupts with a massive column of flame. Everyone is startled, and Takeru and Mimi complain that they haven't had any water yet. The group then runs to the lake, which has also completely dried up.
Next they try a well. Taichi throws a bucket down, but it makes a ‘bang’ sound when it hits the bottom. Yamato says to pull the bucket up anyway, but when Taichi pulls, the rope comes out as a smoking, burned end. Fire spurts out of the well, alarming everyone again.
A Pyocomon says something landed on Miharashi Mountain earlier, and Yamato wonders if it could be the black gear they saw. Sora asks how the gear would cause all this. A Pyocomon says that all the water they get is from the mountain, so they’re very dependent on it. Another Pyocomon says Meramon should be protecting the mountain. Taichi looks through his telescope and sees Meramon coming down. Everyone is very surprised.
As he comes down, he screams that he’s burning. Everyone wonders why, as fire Digimon aren’t hurt by their own flames. Meramon runs through the forest towards the village. Taichi yells for everyone to run. They start loading into the boat sunk into the now dry lake. There are so many Piyocomon, it’s taking too long to get them loaded. Sora realizes that Piyomon isn’t there, and her mind flashes through several moments with Piyomon. She looks and sees that Piyomon is helping the Pyocomon.
Sora runs after her, ignoring Taichi and Yamato calling after her. She makes it to the cliff as the Pyocomon are done coming down. Meramon comes up behind Piyomon, and Sora yells for her to run. Piyomon is swatted away by Meramon and falls down the cliff. Sora runs and catches her. Piyomon thanks Sora for helping her, and they hug.
Piyomon then sees Meramon aiming Burning Fist at them, and flies up to attack him with Magical Fire. Taichi sees that Piyomon can’t win alone, and the other child level Digimon all run out and use their attacks. Meramon only sucks in the fire energy of their attacks and grows bigger, causing everyone to worry.
Piyomon is hit aside by Meramon, and looks up from the ground. She sees that everyone is in danger, and wants to protect Sora. She evolves into Birdramon and lifts Meramon into the air. Meramon hits her with several large fireballs (Burning Fist), causing her to falter. After gathering her strength, she attacks with Meteor Wing, and the black gear flies into the air and explodes, leaving Meramon to shrink back to his normal size. Birdramon turns back into Piyomon, and goes to hug a delighted Sora. This time, Sora doesn't mind Piyomon saying “I love you”.
Meramon is recovering, and says that he remembers a black gear, and not much after that. Meramon goes back to protect the mountain again, and the Pyocomon remember the promised feast. When it is served, the humans look at it skeptically, though the Digimon are quite enthusiastic. Takeru and Yamato eat first, followed by Taichi. Jo says if you chew it enough, it’s not too bad. Sora continues looking at her bowl. Mimi exclaims in disgust, saying she wants to go home.
As Piyomon eats, Sora looks at her and warmly thinks about how Piyomon really did evolve to protect her, just like the Digimon thought.