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『漂流? 冒険の島!』
And so it begins…
So fing alles an
Vacaciones de Verano
Férias de Verão
Vacanze estive
Férias de Verão
March 7, 1999
August 14, 1999
September 4, 2000
July 3, 2000
Adrift? Island of Adventure!
Hyouryū? Bouken no Shima!
『爆裂進化! グレイモン』
The Birth of Greymon
Greymons Geburt
El Nacimiento de Greymon
O Nascimento de Greymon
Finalmente Greymon!
Nasce Greymon
March 14, 1999
August 21, 1999
September 5, 2000
Explosive Evolution! Greymon
Bakuretsu Shinka! Gureimon
『蒼き狼! ガルルモン』
Nächtliches Abenteuer
El Nacimiento de Garurumon
O Nascimento de Garurumon
Una notte indimenticabile
Nasce Garurumon
March 21, 1999
August 28, 1999
September 6, 2000
The Blue Wolf! Garurumon
Aoki Ōkami! Garurumon
『灼熱! バードラモン』
Biyomon Gets Firepower
Im Dorf der Yokomon
Sora en Peligro
Sora em Perigo
Sora in pericolo
Sora em Perigo
March 28, 1999
September 4, 1999
September 7, 2000
Red Hot! Birdramon
Shakunetsu! Bādoramon
『電光! カブテリモン』
Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
Die geheimnisvolle Fabrik
L'avventura continua
April 4, 1999
September 11, 1999
September 8, 2000
Lightning! Kabuterimon
Denkou! Kabuterimon
Togemon in Toy Town
Der seltsame Bürgermeister
La transformación de Palmon
A Transformação de Palmon
Ora tocca a te, Palmon!
April 11, 1999
September 20, 1999
September 11, 2000
Palmon, Raging Evolution!
Parumon Ikari no Shinka!
『咆哮! イッカクモン』
Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo
Gomamons Verwandlung
El rugido de Ikkakumon
O Rugido de Ikkakumon
La furia di Gomamon
April 18, 1999
September 21, 1999
September 12, 2000
Roar! Ikkakumon
Houkou! Ikkakumon
Evil Shows His Face
Der Herr der Dunkelheit
Devimon, el Mensajero de la Oscuridad
Devimon, o Mensageiro da Escuridão
Devimon, messaggero delle tenebre
April 25, 1999
September 22, 1999
September 13, 2000
Messenger of Darkness, Devimon!
Yami no Shisha Debimon!
『激突! 冷凍デジモン』
Subzero Ice Punch!
Verschollen in Eis und Schnee
El choque con los Digimon más fríos
O Choque com os Digimons Mais Frios
Il cuore caldo di Frigimon
May 2, 1999
September 23, 1999
September 14, 2000
Clash! The Freezing Digimon
Gekitotsu! Reitou Dejimon
A Clue From The Digi-Past
Das geheimnisvolle Labyrinth
Centarumon, el Guardián
Centarumon o Guardião
Il guardiano Centarumon
May 9, 1999
September 24, 1999
September 15, 2000
Centalmon, The Guardian!
Shugosha Kentarumon!
『踊る亡霊! バケモン』
The Dancing Digimon
Tanz der Bakemon
Bakemon, o fantasma dançante
Bakemon, spirito danzante
May 16, 1999
September 25, 1999
September 18, 2000
The Dancing Ghosts! Bakemon
Odoru Bourei! Bakemon
『冒険! パタモンと僕』
DigiBaby Boom
A Aventura de Patamon e T.K.
Io e Patamon
May 23, 1999
September 30, 1999
September 19, 2000
Adventure! Patamon and I
Bouken! Patamon to Boku
The Legend of the DigiDestined
Die Legende der Digi-Ritter
O Aparecimento de Angemon
Finalmente tocca a Patamon!
May 30, 1999
October 1, 1999
September 20, 2000
Angemon's Awakening!
Enjemon Kakusei!
Departure for a New Continent
Abschied von der Insel
Partindo para um novo continente
Attraverso l'oceano
June 6, 1999
October 2, 1999
September 21, 2000
Departure - to a New Continent!
Shukkou Shin Tairiku he!
『エテモン! 悪の花道』
The Dark Network of Etemon
Das erste Wappen
Etemon, O Terror do Cenário
Etemon e la prima Digipietra
June 13, 1999
October 4, 1999
September 22, 2000
Etemon! The Stage Mounting of Evil
Etemon! Aku no Hanamichi
『暗黒進化! スカルグレイモン』
The Arrival of Skullgreymon
Lektion für Taichi
A Digievolução Obscura, SkullGreymon
Greymon contro Etemon
June 20, 1999
October 5, 1999
September 25, 2000
Dark Evolution! Skull Greymon
Ankoku Shinka! Sukarugureimon
The Crest of Sincerity
Die Kaktusblüte
Kokatorimon, O Capitão do Navio Fantasma
Il capitano Kokatorimon
June 27, 1999
October 6, 1999
September 26, 2000
Cockatrimon, the Illusionary Ship's Captain!
Maboroshi Senchou Kokatorimon!
『妖精! ピッコロモン』
The Piximon Cometh
Schule des Lebens
Piximon, a Fada Digimon
Piximon, il mago
July 4, 1999
October 7, 1999
September 27, 2000
The Fairy! Piccolomon
Yousei! Pikkoromon
The Prisoner Of The Pyramid
Der Gefangene der Pyramide
Datamon no Labirinto
Datamon e il labirinto
July 11, 1999
October 8, 1999
September 28, 2000
Nanomon of the Labyrinth
Meikyū no Nanomon
『完全体進化! メタルグレイモン』
The Earthquake Of MetalGreymon
MetalGreymon, A Digievolução Perfeita
Il momento giusto
July 25, 1999
October 9, 1999
September 29, 2000
Perfect Evolution! Metal Greymon
Kanzentai Shinka! Metarugureimon
Home Away From Home
Wieder zu Hause
A Grande Aventura de Koromon em Tóquio
Ritorno a casa
August 1, 1999
October 16, 1999
October 2, 2000
Koromon, the Great Clash in Tokyo!
Koromon Tōkyō Daigekitotsu!
Forget About It!
Nichts als Lügen
DemiDevimon, O Pequeno Demónio Misterioso
L'astuto DemiDevimon
August 8, 1999
October 23, 1999
October 3, 2000
The Whispering Imp, Pico Devimon
Sasayaku Koakuma Pikodebimon
『友よ! ワーガルルモン』
WereGarurumon's Diner
Im Namen der Freundschaft
O Meu Amigo WereGarurumon
Un grande amico!
August 15, 1999
October 30, 1999
October 4, 2000
Oh Friend! Were Garurumon
Tomo yo! Wāgarurumon
『撃破! アトラーカブテリモン』
No Questions, Please
Der Kampf um Izzys Wappen
O Poder do MegaKabuterimon
Il trionfo di MegaKabuterimon
August 22, 1999
November 6, 1999
October 5, 2000
Breaking Through! Atlur Kabuterimon
Gekiha! Atorākabuterimon
『眠れる暴君! トノサマゲコモン』
Princess Karaoke
Prinzessin Karaoke
ShogunGekomon, o Tirano Adormecido
Il re tiranno
August 29, 1999
November 6, 1999
October 6, 2000
The Sleeping Tyrant! Tonosama Gekomon
Nemureru Boukun! Tonosamagekomon
『輝く翼! ガルダモン』
Sora's Crest of Love
Im Zeichen der Liebe
As Asas Brilhantes de Garudamon
Garudamon, ali gloriose!
September 5, 1999
November 13, 1999
October 9, 2000
Shining Wings! Garudamon
Kagayaku Tsubasa! Garudamon
The Gateway To Home
Das Tor zur Welt
O Castelo da Escuridão de Myotismon
Il castello incantato
September 12, 1999
November 20, 1999
October 10, 2000
Vamdemon, the Castle of Darkness
Yami no Shiro Vandemon
『追撃! 日本へ急げ』
It's All In The Cards
Sesam öffne dich
Perseguição, Há que Regressar ao Japão
Di corsa verso il Giappone!
September 19, 1999
November 27, 1999
October 11, 2000
The Chase! Hurry to Japan
Tsuigeki! Nippon he Isoge
Return to Highton View Terrace
Der erste Kampf der Digimon
Combate em Hikarigaoka contra Mammothmon
Strane coincidenze
September 26, 1999
December 11, 1999
October 12, 2000
Mammon, the Great Clash at Hikarigaoka!
Manmon Hikarigaoka Daigekitotsu!
Almost Home Free
Heimkehr mit Hindenissen
A Grande Travessia dos Digimon em Tóquio
Viaggio verso casa
October 3, 1999
December 11, 1999
October 13, 2000
Digimon, the Great Tokyo Crossing
Dejimon Tōkyō Daiōdan
『レアモン! 東京湾襲撃』
The Eighth Digivice
Der achte Digi-Ritter
Raremon Ataca na Baía de Tóquio
Il mostro di fango
October 10, 1999
December 18, 1999
October 16, 2000
Raremon! The Surprise Attack on Tokyo Bay
Raremon! Tōkyōwan Shūgeki
『熱いぜ東京タワー! デスメラモン』
Gatomon Comes Calling
Kari in Gefahr
SkullMeramon, a Ardente Torre de Tóquio
Battaglia alla torre di Tokyo
October 17, 1999
December 18, 1999
October 17, 2000
Tokyo Tower is Hot! Death Meramon
Atsui ze Tōkyō Tower! Desumeramon
Out On The Town
Freunde für einen kurzen Moment
Pumpkinmon e Gotsumon, Dois Digimons de Shibuya
Due Digimon nella città dei bambini
October 24, 1999
January 29, 2000
October 18, 2000
Pump and Gottsu are Shibuya-type Digimon
Pampu to Gotsu ha Shibuyakei Dejimon
『運命の絆! テイルモン』
The Eighth Child Revealed
Endlich gefunden
Os Laços do Destino de Gatomon
Il misterioso destino di Gatomon
October 31, 1999
February 5, 2000
October 19, 2000
Destiny's Bonds! Tailmon
Unmei no Kizuna! Teirumon
『お台場の妖精! リリモン開花』
Flower Power
Die Nebelwand
Floresceu Lillymon, A Fada de Odaiba
La nebbia si dirada
November 7, 1999
February 5, 2000
October 20, 2000
The Fairy of Odaiba! Lilimon Blossoms
Odaiba no Yousei! Ririmon Kaika
『結界突破! ズドモンスパーク!』
City Under Siege
Eine schwere Entscheidung
O Explosivo Golpe de Zudomon
Tutti per uno
November 14, 1999
February 12, 2000
October 23, 2000
Break through the Barrier! Zudomon Spark!
Kekkai Toppa! Zudomon Spark!
『完全体総進撃! きらめくエンジェウーモン』
Wizardmon's Gift
Wizardmons Opfer
O Ataque dos Digimons Perfeitos, A Radiante Angewomon
Una grande scoperta
November 21, 1999
February 12, 2000
October 24, 2000
Perfects Attack Together! Sparkling Angewomon
Kanzentai Sou Shingeki! Kirameku Enjeūmon
『復活! 魔王ヴェノムヴァンデモン』
Alle gegen VenomMyotismon
A Vingança de VenomMyotismon, O Rei Demónio
Pronti a tutto!
November 28, 1999
February 19, 2000
October 25, 2000
Revival! The Devil Venom Vamdemon
Fukkatsu! Maou Venomuvandemon
『二大究極進化! 闇をぶっとばせ!』
The Battle for Earth
Zusammentreffen zweier Welten
Duas Ultra Transformações, Acabemos com as Trevas
Due mondi uniti
December 5, 1999
February 19, 2000
October 26, 2000
Two Great Ultimate Evolutions! Get Rid of the Darkness!
Ni Daikyūkyoku Shinka! Yami wo Buttobase!
『魔の山の四天王! ダークマスターズ』
Enter The Dark Masters
Rückkehr in die DigiWelt
Os Mestres das Trevas, Os Quatro Imperadores da Montanha do Mal
Un nuovo mondo
December 12, 1999
February 26, 2000
October 27, 2000
The Four Heavenly Kings of the Demonic Mountain! The Dark Masters!
Ma no Yama no Shitenō! Dāku Masutāzu
『荒ぶる海の王! メタルシードラモン』
Sea-Sick and Tired
Seadramons Rache
MetalSeadramon, o Furioso Rei do Mar
La vendetta di MetalSeadramon
December 19, 1999
February 26, 2000
October 30, 2000
The Raging King of the Seas! Metal Seadramon
Araburu Umi no Ou! Metarusīdoramon
Under Pressure
Whamon, mein Held
Whamon e o Silencioso Fundo do Mar
Grazie Whamon!
December 26, 1999
March 4, 2000
October 31, 2000
Silent Whamon on the Bottom of the Sea
Chinmoku no Kaitei Hoēmon
『危険な遊戯! ピノッキモン』
Playing Games
T.K. wird erwachsen
O Perigoso Jogo de Puppetmon
Un gioco pericoloso
January 9, 2000
March 25, 2000
November 1, 2000
The Dangerous Game! Pinocchimon!
Kiken na Yūgi! Pinokkimon
Trash Day
Cherrymons Intrige
Cherrymon, O Rei do Bosque da Confusão
Il misterioso Cherrymon
January 16, 2000
April 1, 2000
November 2, 2000
Jyureimon of the Lost Forest
Mayoi no Mori no Jyureimon
『究極体激突! ウォーグレイモンVSメタルガルルモン』
The Ultimate Clash
Bilder aus der Vergangheit
WarGreymon contra MetalGarurumon
WarGreymon contro MetalGarurumon
January 23, 2000
April 8, 2000
November 3, 2000
The Clashing Ultimates! War Greymon VS Metal Garurumon
Kyūkyokutai Gekitotsu! Wōgureimon tai Metarugarurumon
Etemon's Comeback Tour
Getrennte Wege
O Contra-Ataque de MetalEtemon
La vendetta di Etemon
January 30, 2000
April 15, 2000
November 6, 2000
Metal Etemon Strikes Back
Metaru Etemon no Gyakushū
『風よ! 光よ! サーベルレオモン』
Ogremon's Honor
Die Stadt des ewigen Anfangs
Vento, Luz, SaberLeomon
Addio Leomon
February 6, 2000
April 22, 2000
November 7, 2000
Oh Wind! Oh Light! Saber Leomon
Kaze yo! Hikari yo! Sāberureomon
『爆撃指令! ムゲンドラモン』
My Sister's Keeper
Plan Z
A Ordem de Bombardear de Machinedramon
Kari in pericolo
February 13, 2000
April 29, 2000
November 8, 2000
Bombing Mission! Mugendramon
Bakugeki Shirei! Mugendoramon
The Crest of Light
Wieder vereint
Adeus Numemons
La fine di Machinedramon
February 20, 2000
May 6, 2000
November 9, 2000
Farewell Numemon
Saraba Numemon
『女の戦い! レディデビモン』
Joe's Battle
LadyDevimon e a Luta das Raparigas
Donne guerriere
February 27, 2000
May 13, 2000
November 10, 2000
Catfight! Lady Devimon
Onna no Tatakai! Redidebimon
『地獄の道化師 ピエモン』
The Crest of Friendship
Der Höllenclown
Piedmon, o Palhaço Infernal
Quando il gioco si fa duro
March 5, 2000
May 20, 2000
November 13, 2000
The Clown from Hell, Piemon
Jigoku no Doukeshi Piemon
『聖剣士! ホーリーエンジェモン』
Piedmon's Last Jest
Der letzte Meister der Dunkelheit
MagnaAngemon, o Cavaleiro Sagrado
La fine di Piedmon
March 12, 2000
May 20, 2000
November 14, 2000
The Holy Swordsman! Holy Angemon
Seikenshi! Hōrīenjemon"
Now Apocalymon
Ein neuer Feind
O Último Digimon das Trevas
March 19, 2000
June 24, 2000
November 15, 2000
The Final Dark Digimon
Saigo no Ankoku Dejimon
The Fate of Two Worlds
Abschied ohne Wiedersehen?
O Novo Mundo
Addio a un mondo nuovo
March 26, 2000
June 24, 2000
November 16, 2000
A New World
Aratana Sekai