Devimon is in a temple-looking building with Leomon and Ogremon. He laughs and says that the children are helpless alone, then sends several black gears away.
Taichi and Agumon are floating on a bit of ice. They’re moving quickly, and soon run into a larger island fragment. The impact throws them into the air, and they sink into the snow. Taichi pops up, shivering immediately, still in his underwear. Agumon is stuck in the snow, and Taichi runs over to pull him out. As Taichi does, his clothes fly out, but they’re frozen solid. Agumon uses Baby Flame to melt the ice, though he puts a little too much energy into it and sets Taichi’s shorts on fire.
A little later, Taichi is looking through his pocket telescope. He sees that Infinity Mountain is getting farther away, and wonders what happened to Leomon and all his friends. Agumon worriedly asks where their island is moving to. Taichi says of course he doesn’t know, and Agumon says that he’s never been anywhere but File Island, so he doesn’t know either. Taichi wonders about the other continent that Devimon mentioned, but is interrupted by Yukidarumon bursting from the snow, yelling his own name as a war cry. Taichi and Agumon are alarmed, and slide down a slope towards a random row of mailboxes to avoid the large snowball Yukidarumon throws at them. Agumon says he’s supposed to be peaceful, but then they catch a glimpse of his back and see a black gear embedded there.
Yukidarumon runs at them, using his attack Zettai Reido Punch. Taichi and Agumon move, and it freezes a mailbox solid. Agumon attacks with Baby Flame, but it’s not strong enough to hurt Yukidarumon. Agumon says he’s too hungry to evolve, and he and Taichi run away from Yukidarumon. Unfortunately, they hit a dead end, their path ending at a towering wall of ice. Yukidarumon corners them against it. Agumon tells Taichi to throw him at Yukidarumon so he can hit the black gear from up close. Taichi can barely lift him though, and Yukidarumon runs up, preparing another freezing punch. By sheer luck, Taichi and Agumon fall over and slide under Yukidarumon, causing him to hit the ice wall. A shower of snow covers him, buying the two a few seconds. Taichi tells Agumon to fold into a ball, and then kicks him over Yukidarumon as he stands up. Agumon grabs him and uses his Baby Flame to destroy the black gear.
Yukidarumon sits up, and apologizes for attacking them. Taichi reassures him that they aren’t hurt. Yukidarumon looks confused, and Taichi asks him what it is. The Digimon says he saw something like Taichi and a Gabumon land on an island a short distance away. They realize it must be Yamato. They look at the island, and wonder how they could get there. Yukidarumon says that in return for them helping destroy the gear, he’ll take them to the island. He uses Zettai Reido Punch to make the beginning of an ice bridge. Agumon asks if it’s safe, and Yukidarumon jumps heavily several times to prove it won’t break.
Out on the other island, Yamato is walking around in the snow, calling for Takeru. He breaks off to cough wetly, then keeps calling. He trips in the snow, landing facedown. Gabumon grabs him and says that he needs to take a break. Gabumon points out a cave, suggesting they rest there for a little while. Yamato quickly gets up and runs to it, but when he gets inside he sees that it’s empty. His face falls, and he stares into the dark. Gabumon uses Petit Fire to light a pile of sticks, and tells Yamato that there’s no point in hurrying, and they need a break because Yamato seems to have caught a cold. Yamato says he’s fine, and Gabumon can rest first. He breaks off coughing again, but starts walking towards the entrance of the cave. Gabumon stops him, saying he’ll go instead. Yamato stops, shocked, and Gabumon says that Yamato needs to wait in the cave quietly while he goes and looks. Yamato still seems reluctant, and Gabumon laughingly says that he’ll be fine because he’s wearing fur. He pushes Yamato over to the fire, then runs out of the cave. Yamato starts coughing again. He stares at the fire, thinking, and a few seconds later, he gets up and leaves, calling for Takeru again.
Taichi and Agumon are following Yukidarumon as he builds the ice bridge. Taichi groans, asking how much farther they have to go. Yukidarumon points out that the island is moving like they are, so they need to hurry or they’ll lose sight of it. Taichi says that if Agumon could fly like Birdramon, they would have been there already. Agumon turns away, sarcastically apologizing for not being able to fly. Taichi says it was just a joke. Agumon frowns. Yukidarumon picks them up, not wanting them to fight, and sets them on his shoulders to carry them. They are grateful to not have to walk, but note that Yukidarumon’s body is freezing cold.
Gabumon trudges through the snow despondently. He says he didn’t find any trace of Takeru, and that Yamato is going to be so disappointed. He then sees Yamato lying in the snow, half-buried, not moving. Alarmed, Gabumon runs over and flips his partner over to see his face. Yamato is unconscious and doesn't respond. Gabumon takes him back to the cave and puts him in front of the fire. Even with that, he worries that Yamato is like ice, and will soon freeze to death. He hesitantly says that no one is watching, then pulls off his fur covering and puts it over Yamato. Outside the cave, unseen, Mojyamon is waiting.
Yukidarumon wakes up Taichi and Agumon saying that they’re at the island. Taichi thanks him, then looks for where Yamato is. Yukidarumon says he saw them fall into the forest at the island’s center, and they walk there. After a time, they find a bed crashed into the ground, and become even more certain they’re in the right place. They begin calling.
Yamato wakes up, shivering hard. Gabumon quickly takes his fur back and runs behind a rock. Yamato asks if Gabumon kept him warm all night. Gabumon pokes his head out, asking if Yamato is all right now, before coughing and sneezing. Yamato sees that Gabumon got his cold and apologizes, but says he’s all better, and thanks Gabumon. They hear Taichi calling outside, and run out to meet him along with Agumon and Yukidarumon.
They are happy to see each other, and Yamato asks how they found him. Taichi says Yukidarumon saw him fall, and Yamato urgently asks if he saw anyone else. Yukidarumon says no, and that the others must have landed on different islands. Yamato’s face turns worried, and Taichi puts an arm on his shoulders, telling him not to get depressed. Gabumon sneezes hard, and says he has a cold. Upon hearing this, Yukidarumon walks away. Taichi teasingly notes that even Digimon get colds. Yamato roughly grabs his arm, telling him to stop making fun of Gabumon. Gabumon sneezes a few more times, and Agumon suggests he rest inside of the cave. The two Digimon go in, and Taichi asks Yamato what they should do next. Yamato says obviously they need to find everyone else. Taichi says he knows, but he points out it’s difficult when neither of them can fly. Yamato folds his arms and stubbornly says he’ll swim if he has to. Taichi calls him dumb, saying that it’s freezing and the water would kill them. Yamato snaps that he’ll build a raft out of trees, then. Taichi takes Yamato’s shoulders, telling him to calm down and that everyone is fine, even if they’re separated.
Taichi then says, more importantly, isn’t Yamato curious to know where the island is headed? Yamato is angered by his choice of words; he grabs Taichi’s collar and shoves him, saying nothing is more important than finding their friends, and Taichi can go to the other side of the world by himself. He says he’s going to help everyone, then runs off. Taichi chases him, tackling him and saying he understands how Yamato feels, but they might find a way to help the others on the other side of the ocean. Yamato says there’s no way Taichi understands what he’s feeling, and rolls over to hit him in the face. Taichi falls backward on the snow, and Gabumon and Agumon run over to their respective partners. Yamato says that Taichi's insensitivity makes him mad. Taichi jumps at him, grabbing him around the waist and pinning him to the ground. They start punching each other, rolling in the snow. Their partners cry for them to stop, but they ignore it. They start rolling down a hill, and end up on the edge of a cliff. Taichi pulls back for another hit, but freezes when he sees the tears running down Yamato’s face. Yamato chokes out that he’s worried because Takeru is alone, and can’t do things by himself. Taichi puts his fist down, relaxing a little.
Suddenly the cliff breaks off, sending them over the edge. Taichi grabs Yamato’s hand and a tree branch, saying he won’t let go even if they both die. Their Digimon start to climb down the cliff, but they’re too hungry and tired to be able to help. Mojyamon appears, running towards them with a large icicle held as a sword. He has a black gear sticking out of his chest. He uses Icicle Rod to break the cliff more, sending everyone falling through the air. They all land on Yukidarumon, who is holding food for them to eat. He says they startled him falling out of the sky like that. They thank him for saving them, and he gives them food, as well as some very bitter herbs for Gabumon’s cold. They eat quickly.
Mojyamon arrives, having found his way down the cliff safely. Yukidarumon attacks, but is overpowered. Having had food, Agumon and Gabumon evolve to Greymon and Garurumon. Mojyamon uses Hone Hone Boomerang, but Garurumon catches the bone and breaks it with his jaws. Greymon uses Mega Flame to destroy the black gear as Yukidarumon holds Mojyamon tightly. With the force of the attack, they fly into the stone cliff behind them. The stone crumbles, and a wall of interlocking black gears is revealed. Garurumon says that the gears were separating Yamato and his brother, and uses Fox Fire to destroy them.
Garurumon and Greymon revert to their child forms. Mojyamon has shrunk, and they explain to him what happened. The gears in the wall suddenly start moving again, but in the opposite direction, and the island fragment starts to move back towards Infinity Mountain. Yamato says that that’s where Devimon is. Taichi nods, and says that they probably shouldn’t be fighting. Yamato agrees.