Vamdemon is creating a massive amount of fog. It covers Odaiba and immediately starts to cause trains to slow.
Mimi and Palmon are sitting outside. After a moment, Mimi’s father walks up to them. Mimi quickly covers Palmon, and starts walking home with her father. After they arrive, Mimi takes Palmon to her room. Palmon asks why Mimi did that, and Mimi says she could have pretended Palmon was a stuffed animal, but didn’t want anyone to think she has horrible taste. Palmon’s flower droops sadly.
Jo is outside of Odaiba for school, and mourns that he got a bad grade on his test. He tries to call his parents to tell them that he will be late because of school, but can’t get reception. Yamato is watching television, but suddenly loses the signal. Yamato’s father, Hiroaki, works at a T.V. station, and his coworker tells him that all their transmissions and receptions are down. No one knows why. Vamdemon continues spreading the fog, saying that no one will escape. The trains to Odaiba are not functional due to the heavy fog, and Jo tries a phone booth, but that doesn’t work either. At the television station, they realize that they’re systems went down when the fog started. A small group goes out to investigate.
Hikari is having trouble sleeping, still very worried about Tailmon. Taichi and Agumon encourage her to sleep, and she says she’ll try. Yamato notes that his father is working late again, and says it’s weird that the television only showing static. Hiroaki’s investigation group finds out the fog only covers Odaiba, and sees a Dark Tyranomon. They are all shocked, but confirm it was really there. Hiroaki guesses that the monsters have something to do with the mist. Suddenly, a large group of Gizamon jump up, alarming everyone.
A news station reports that Odaiba is cloaked in fog, with no communication reaching the outside. Takeru, who lives outside of Odaiba, sees the news, and tells him mother he needs to go there. She agrees. Yamato’s father, looking very disheveled, wakes him up and tells him he needs to get dressed. Jo walks through the city, having decided to see if the boats are still working. Taichi and Hikari’s father is stuck, as his train is not running. In the station, a large group of Bakemon and a Fantomon are attacking. Fantomon says that Vamdemon has ordered all the people there to be captured.
Sora wakes up early to go to her soccer practice, saying Taichi will be there, and needs to talk to him about everything. In his house, Taichi is trying to call everyone, but the phone isn’t working. He tells his mother it’s not the time to go to soccer practice. The doorbell rings, and Taichi’s mother goes to answer it. A large group of Bakemon flood through, and she screams. Agumon bursts out and uses Baby Flame, driving some away. He protects Taichi and Hikari, but their mother is taken. Many houses are raided similarly, and Mimi is captured along with her family. Piyomon defends Sora’s mother with Magical Fire, and asks where the soccer fields are, saying Sora is in danger.
Vamdemon orders his Digimon to separate the adults and children, then show all the children to Tailmon so she can find the eighth child. Pico Devimon callously points out it would be quicker to simply kill them all, but Vamdemon says that wouldn’t suit his aesthetics. However, he tells Tailmon if she feigns ignorance, he will unhesitatingly kill them all.
Yamato’s father takes him and Gabumon to an empty warehouse, and tells them to hide there. In Taichi’s building, Agumon evolves into Greymon and breaks through the side of the building. Greymon tries to rescue Taichi and Hikari’s mother, but Fantomon is there, and the buildings around hinder Greymon’s ability to fight. He carries Taichi and Hikari away, promising to save their mother later. At Sora’s soccer field, Piyomon and Sora’s mother arrive too late. They are dressed up in Bakemon costumes, and continue to search.
In the holding area, Mimi finds Sora. Palmon asks if she should evolve, and Sora advises her to wait for an opportunity. Sora finds Taichi’s parents, and Taichi’s mother is distraught, saying she’s sure Greymon has eaten the children. Sora reassures her that he is on their side, and will probably come to save them soon. On the soccer field, Sora’s mother asks Piyomon if Sora ever said she hated her. Piyomon reassures her that Sora really did love her, and tells her about what Sora said when her Crest finally glowed.
The adults in the holding area make a plan for the men to take out the guards, while the women and children escape. Mimi’s mother briefly makes a fuss about her husband participating in such a dangerous plan, and gets the others to agree to let him lead the women and children. Sora finds out that one of Yamato’s father’s co-workers is listening to sutra, and remembers how she and Jo beat Bakemon before by chanting one. The men attack a large group of Bakemon, and everyone else runs out. When they run into a group as well, Sora holds up the radio and plays the sutra loudly. The Bakemon collapse, and the humans keep running.
They arrive outside, but see Dark Tyranomon. Mimi’s father gets into a small landscaping vehicle and charges him, but Dark Tyranomon swats him away immediately. Mimi screams and Palmon evolves to Togemon. Togemon fights but is losing, and Mimi looks around at everyone fighting, asking why they’re doing this. She cries that she won’t let them, and her Crest ignites. Togemon evolves into Lilimon and uses her Flow’ Cannon. Lilimon asks Mimi if she’s still in horrible taste, and Mimi says she’s very cute. Lilimon said Mimi’s Purity allowed her to evolve, then uses Hana no Kubikazari to remove the computer virus from Dark Tyranomon. Vamdemon flies up and uses his Bloody Steam to kill Dark Tyranomon, then says Lilimon is next. She dodges his attack, and counters with Flow’ Cannon.
Jo groans, saying the boats aren’t working, and wondering how to get through the fog. Gomamon asks if they taught him how to do these things in school. Jo says you don’t learn about that kind of thing in school, and Gomamon wonders what they do teach you.
Hiroaki sneaks through his office building, trying to send out communications. Taichi and Hikari walk through the streets, Taichi carrying Agumon. Yamato sees them and calls out. Taichi tells him that Hikari is the eighth child, much to his surprise. Sora is cornered by Fantomon, and he smashes the tape player with the sutras. Two Bakemon move forward to grab Sora, but are revealed to be Piyomon and Sora’s mother. Piyomon evolves into Birdramon and starts to fight.