The ending starts in a black background with the Chosen Children names shown in white text, with their last names moving horizontally and their first names vertically; where upon the two names combine form their respective partner Digimon. It transitions into a bright blue-to-yellow background while circle frames of the eight Chosen Children and their Digimon partners fly to the screen, occasionally moving horizontally and changing the image of which displays their emotions. While the top and bottom sections scrolls through a continuous row of the children, the middle row shows the Digimon partners moving from Koromon to Nyaromon and vice versa. This continues as the Digimon evolve from their Baby II form, to their Child form, their Adult form, and finally their Perfect form, at which point every circle fly away.
The ending then slides down through the background of every location that the Chosen Children has been from their time at File Island up until the defeat of Etemon, with images of Piccolomon, Whamon, Andromon, Leomon, Meramon, Kentarumon, Ogremon, Unimon, Monzaemon, Numemon, Elecmon, and Yukidarumon, Digimon that the Chosen Children have encountered, floating by. At the same time, Jou's glasses and watch, Taichi's monocular and goggles, Sora's hat, Yamato's harmonica, Koushirou's laptop, Mimi's hat, Takeru's hat, and Hikari's whistle fly by the scene as well. Then the scene continues into another black background with names of each of the partner Digimon's Child form rapidly changing to their Adult names and then their Perfect names.
The next scene shows the Chosen Children running through with their Digimon partner at Perfect-level: Taichi with Metal Greymon, Yamato with Were Garurumon, Sora with Garudamon, Koushirou with Atlur Kabuterimon, Mimi with Lilimon, Jou with Zudomon, Takeru with Holy Angemon, and Hikari with Angewomon. The ending then shows everyone running off to the distance, with the eight Chosen Children, Were Garurumon, and Zudomon running, and the the other Digimon flying above. An image depicting both War Greymon and Metal Garurumon is shown before the final frame shows the Chosen Children as their Perfect-level Digimon (except for Taichi and Yamato, whose Digimon are shown in their Ultimate form) appear one by one in the background.