
From Wikimon
Digimon 20th Anniversary Project art featuring all of the Digimon anime lead protagonists as of 2017. All of these characters, except Daimon Masaru, wear goggles (although the tri. version of Yagami Taichi is not wearing his pair of goggles in this image).

Aviator goggles (ゴーグル Gōguru) are a traditional symbol for the lead human protagonist of Digimon stories, who are often nicknamed "goggle boys". The majority of lead protagonists from the Digimon anime series, manga, and video games wear goggles.

Some species of Digimon and Appmon also have goggles of their own. These species are usually either heroic dragon- or reptile-type Digimon who, like "goggle boys", have goggles purely for aesthetic reasons, or they are militaristic in theme and wear their goggles for practical purposes.


Of the ten characters who have been the lead protagonist of a Digimon anime production, only Daimon Masaru from Digimon Savers and Amanokawa Hiro from Digimon Ghost Game do not wear goggles as part of their regular attire (and of these two, only Masaru never wears any goggles at all).

In the anime and manga, only male characters have worn goggles so far. The only "goggle girls" currently appear only in video games.

Most of the time, the goggles are purely a fashion item that they wear on the forehead and are not used by the wearer as eye protection. Exceptions include Digimon Tamers and Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01.

Other common traits that "goggle boys" often share, especially in the anime and manga, include:

  • They are the leaders of a team of Tamers, Chosen Children, or other human children who are partnered with Digimon
  • Their names start with the phoneme ta (た) or da (だ)
  • They are associated with either warm colors like red and orange, or, less frequently, blue; and their Digivice is at least one of these colors
  • They are partnered with Digimon who are Dragon-, Dinosaur-, or Reptile Type, and/or have fire attacks

These traits are also often shared with lead protagonists who do not wear goggles.


The goggles tradition originated with Yabuno Tenya, the illustrator of Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01. When V-Tamer 01 entered production, Yabuno conceived of an aerial battle that would be a highlight of the story. This inspired the decision to have the V-Tamer 01 version of Yagami Taichi wear aviator goggles, which Yabuno regarded as critical equipment in aerial combat. Since he and Digimon Adventure character designer Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi had previously agreed that Yabuno's Taichi design would also be used for the Adventure anime out of respect for the fact that V-Tamer 01 would be the first of the two productions to release, the Adventure version of Taichi retained the goggles as well.[1]

Yabuno himself would later be responsible for Amanokawa Hiro becoming one of the few anime protagonists to not have goggles. Although some of Hiro's early design concepts still had goggles, Yabuno argued that since their inclusion in the two Taichis' designs was motivated by their practicality for aviation, including them purely for show on a character who has no practical use for them is unnecessary.[2] (This is despite Hiro actually regularly engaging in the exact same practical use scenario—flying on the back of Gammamon's Kaus Gammamon and Canoweissmon forms—as the V-Tamer 01 Taichi.)

Digimon and Appmon with goggles[edit]

Digimon and Appmon possessing goggles
Digimon Location
Arresterdramon Worn on its forehead. Also present on all Xros Up forms, but not on Arresterdramon: Superior Mode.
Assaultmon Worn over its eyes.
Bao Hackmon Sewn into the hood of its cape.
Chamelemon Built into its "helmet".
Fla Wizarmon Worn on top of its hat.
Hackmon Sewn into the hood of its cape.
Hover Espimon Worn on its brow.
Huankunmon Worn on its face.
JESmon Sewn into the hood of its cape.
Ludomon Worn over its eyes.
Savior Hackmon Sewn into the hood of its cape.
Xiquemon Worn on its face.
Appmon Location
Logamon Worn on top of its hat.
Offmon Worn on top of its hat.
Shutmon Worn on its forehead.
Sociamon Worn on its hat.
Tripmon Worn on its hat.



Digimon Adventure original continuity[edit]

Digimon Adventure (Movie)[edit]

In the spring of 1995, Yagami Taichi wears a pair of goggles around his neck. He briefly uses them as a weapon by throwing them at Botamon while it is under the bed, to try to scare it out.

Yagami Taichi throwing his goggles at Botamon.

Digimon Adventure[edit]

From August 1, 1999 to the spring of 2000, Taichi wears a pair of goggles, together with a headband.[3][4]

The illusory version of Taichi's younger self, whom Taichi and Agumon encounter during Piccolomon's cave test, also wears the goggles around his neck.[5]

Yagami Taichi putting on his original goggles.

Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

As seen in flashback, Taichi wore the goggles again when Gennai called his group of Chosen Children back to the Digital World in 2000 to surrender their Crests.[6]

At the beginning of the 2002 school year, Motomiya Daisuke wears a pair of goggles of his own in imitation of Taichi, whom he idolizes; he had found these goggles lying around his home.[7] When he first sees Daisuke, Takaishi Takeru cannot help stare as he is strongly reminded of Taichi, and compliments him on his goggles. During Daisuke's first expedition into the Digital World, the goggles are shattered when he is thrown off a cliff by an Evil Ring-possessed Monochromon's Volcano Strike.[8]

On the same day, Taichi initially dons his own goggles again when he enters the Digital World to respond to Agumon's SOS. After the battle with the Monochromon, he gives the goggles to Daisuke as a symbolic passing of the torch to the new protector of the Digital World.[8] Going forward, Daisuke continues to wear Taichi's goggles through 2002 and into 2003.[9]

Ichijouji Ken's Digimon Kaiser outfit also features a pair of thick tinted goggles that he wears over his eyes. He throws these goggles away when he is defeated in "Goodbye, Ken..." and they dissolve into data.[10] The goggles also appear when Belial Vamdemon's Mind Illusion plunges Ken into a fantasy of the Kaiser being tortured by his victims. They are knocked off the illusory Kaiser's face by a Digimon's attack, and linger after the Kaiser's torture scene ends, whereupon an illusory version of Ichijouji Osamu picks them up as he reassures Ken that he has atoned for his sins.[11]

In 2027[12] or 2028[13], Daisuke's son wears a pair of goggles which resemble Taichi and Daisuke's. Neither Taichi nor Daisuke wear goggles.[14]

Motomiya Daisuke wearing his original goggles.
Motomiya Daisuke receiving Taichi's goggles.
The Digimon Kaiser's goggles.
Daisuke's son wearing his goggles.

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

As seen in flashbacks, Nishijima Daigo used to wear a pair of goggles when he was a child, during his adventure in the Digital World with Himekawa Maki and the other original Chosen Children. The goggles were knocked off his head in his team's final battle with the Dark Masters. He no longer wears them as an adult.[15]

When the Chosen Children begin their investigation into the Infected Digimon in 2005, Izumi Kōshirō finishes manufacturing a new pair of enhanced goggles for Taichi. These goggles visualize the flow, strength and format of data as swirling lines of different colors, and as such can be used to visualize distortions (marked in red) and identify ones large enough for an Infected Digimon to emerge from them. When he is not using them, Taichi usually lets the goggles hang around his neck, instead of wearing them on his forehead as he used to do.[16]

When Taichi disappears in the aftermath of JESmon's Un Pour Tous attack in the four-way battle between the Chosen Children, Raguelmon, JESmon and Alphamon, only his goggles are left behind. Ishida Yamato begins wearing them in Taichi's place, as a symbol of how Taichi would want the group to keep going.[17] When Taichi returns to the group during the final battle against Ordinemon, Yamato returns the goggles to him.[18]

A pair of goggles are part of the Mysterious Man's Digimon Kaiser disguise. These goggles are smaller and significantly different than the original Kaiser goggles, but they are still darkly tinted.[19]

Yagami Taichi wearing his enhanced goggles.
The Mysterious Man wearing goggles.
Ishida Yamato wearing Taichi's goggles.
Nishijima Daigo wearing goggles.

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

In 2010, during the battle with Parrotmon in Nakano, Taichi uses a new set of prototype goggles developed by Kōshirō, which Taichi had taken without Kōshirō's permission. These goggles are equipped with a targeting heads-up display which locks onto targets by perceiving its user's line of sight and provides information readouts about them.[N 1] However, they are still a work in progress, and an error with their display nearly causes Taichi and Agumon to be unnecessarily hit by Parrotmon, so he stops using them.

Later, Taichi gets a pair of regular goggles, resembling his original ones, out of storage along with his old Digivice, and starts wearing them again until after the final battle with Eosmon.

Daisuke no longer wears any goggles, and instead wears a pair of sunglasses.

Yagami Taichi wearing his new enhanced goggles.

Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[edit]

Motomiya Daisuke's original goggles are briefly seen in a cabinet, alongside several pairs of glasses, his D-Terminal, and his D-3.

Motomiya Daisuke's goggles, D-Terminal and D-3

Digimon Tamers[edit]

When he first brings Guilmon home, Matsuda Takato adopts a pair of goggles that he had stored in his room when he declares to Guilmon that he is his Tamer. He continues to wear them on a daily basis, except when in class at school, to the amusement of Shioda Hirokazu and Kitagawa Kenta when they first see him wearing them the following day.[20]

Takato regularly uses his goggles to protect his eyes against hazards like the fog of Digital Fields in the Real World,[21] and when entering the Digital World.[22] His friends, Makino Ruki and Lee Jianliang, instead use sunglasses as their eye protection.

Following the defeat of the D-Reaper and the return of the partner Digimon to the Digital World, Takato ceases wearing his goggles.[23] He wears them again during the Locomon incident.[24]

Matsuda Takato using his goggles as eye protection against a Digital Field.

Digimon Frontier[edit]

Kanbara Takuya wears a pair of goggles on top of his hat. He only uses them as eye protection on one occasion: to protect his eyes from a sandstorm in the Hamburger Digimon Village.[25]

Kanbara Takuya's hat and goggles.
Takuya using the goggles as eye protection.

Digimon Xros Wars & Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

Kudou Taiki wears a pair of goggles. He has a habit of snapping his fingers on his goggles whenever he has an epiphany or an idea for a tactic in battle.[26]

During the last battle of Lake Zone, after Taiki has been incapacitated by exhaustion, Tsurugi Zenjirou temporarily wears Taiki's goggles while he takes command of Xros Heart in Taiki's place.[27]

Kudou Taiki snaps his fingers against his goggles.
Tsurugi Zenjirou wearing Taiki's goggles.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

One year after Bagramon's defeat, Taiki has taken to wearing a new pair of goggles. Akashi Tagiru wears another pair of goggles of his own in imitation of Taiki, claiming that he needs them if he is going to surpass Taiki and become a "superstar," although Amano Yuu accuses him of not understanding what they symbolize.[28]

Hinomoto Akari puts on Taiki's goggles while Taiki rests after winning the city basketball championship.[29]

The "legendary heroes" Yagami Taichi, Motomiya Daisuke, Matsuda Takato, and Kanbara Takuya all still wear their own goggles while they are in DigiQuartz.[30]

When Astamon turns on the Digimon Hunters, it unleashes a blast that destroys Tagiru's goggles. Taiki, having been badly injured by Astamon, gives his own goggles to Tagiru when he asks him to wield the Brave Snatcher in his place. As he struggles to raise the Brave Snatcher again, Daisuke, Yuu and Mogami Ryouma lecture him about what the goggles represent—bearing all of their power, and being one's own person rather than a mere substitute for Taiki—inspiring him to succeed at raising the Brave Snatcher in his own way.[31]

A month after Quartzmon's defeat, Tagiru continues to wear Taiki's goggles, while Taiki goes without goggles of his own.[31]

Akashi Tagiru and Kudou Taiki wearing their goggles.
Hinomoto Akari wearing Taiki's goggles.
Tagiru puts on Taiki's goggles.

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Shinkai Haru wears a pair of goggles as part of all of his regular outfits.

On Halloween, when Cameramon tricks the city crowds into pursuing Haru in an attempt to force him to surrender his Appli Drive, he briefly wears them over his eyes while he attempts to blend in with the crowd. However, when a child catches him immediately, he realizes that this is entirely ineffective given that there are cameras everywhere, and takes them off his eyes.[32]

Shinkai Haru wearing his goggles over his eyes.

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

Yagami Taichi wears a pair of goggles, together with a headband, as part of his regular attire.

Like the real Taichi, all of the identical fake Taichis created by Algomon also wear goggles.[33]

Yagami Taichi's goggles and headband.

Digimon Ghost Game[edit]

Amanokawa Hiro does not wear goggles as part of any of his regular outfits.

However, when he goes go-karting with Tsukiyono Ruli, Hiro wears a pair of racing goggles, together with a helmet. When their go-karting turns into an investigation of Sistermon Ciel's "nightly procession" Digimon races, Jellymon gives Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro a helmet-and-goggles set as well when she makes him join the race. (Ruli wears a full racing helmet with a visor instead of goggles.)[34]

Amanokawa Hiro wearing his borrowed racing helmet and goggles.
Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro with his borrowed racing helmet and goggles.

Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: Original Story 2003 -Spring-[edit]

In the spring of 2003, Motomiya Daisuke shares the story behind his/Yagami Taichi's goggles with a child who asks about them, and admits that simply wearing him makes him feel as if he can do anything, and as if his feelings become stronger. The child asks whether the act of wearing goggles will make him stronger so that he can protect his family, having been inspired by seeing Taichi (wearing his goggles) and Greymon in action in Odaiba in August 1999, and Daisuke gives him a pep talk about how to be stronger.[7]


Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]

Yagami Taichi wears a pair of goggles, together with a headband, as part of his regular attire before, during and after his adventure in the Digital World.[35][36] As he tells Piyomon during the fight with Raremon, he has had them since he was very young: they were a gift from his grandfather, who had them as a memento of a deceased pilot friend. After Taichi witnessed a friend being bullied, his grandfather gave the goggles to him as a symbol of the courage to act to protect one's friends, like his pilot friend used to do, sharing the maxim that "courage will become your wings upon which to fly through the sky" 「勇気こそが大空を飛ぶ翼になる」.[37]

Following Zeromaru's evolution into Aero V-dramon, Taichi periodically uses the goggles for eye protection while flying on Zeromaru.[38]

When Motomiya Daisuke, Kanbara Takuya, and an alternate Yagami Taichi are brought from their realities to meet Taichi, they are all still wearing their goggles.[39][40][41] In particular, when Taichi notices that Daisuke's goggles are identical to his own, he concludes that Daisuke must have received them from his world's Taichi. When Daisuke demands to know why Taichi saved him despite his hostility toward him, Taichi characterizes the goggles as a sign of friendship and, based on his own reasons for hypothetically giving his own goggles away, he speculates that the other Taichi must have given Daisuke the goggles out of recognition of the fact that that Daisuke cares about his friends and is cared about by them in return. On hearing this, Daisuke recognizes something of the Taichi that he knows in this Taichi and has a change of heart about him, enabling them to work together against Parallelmon.[39]

Taichi wearing goggles.

Digimon Chronicle[edit]

Doumoto Kouta wears a pair of goggles.

Kouta wearing goggles.


Lóng Zhìguāng wears a pair of goggles.

Digimon Next[edit]

Tatsuno Tsurugi wears a pair of goggles.

Tsurugi wearing goggles.

Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Kudou Taiki wears a pair of goggles.

Taiki wearing goggles.

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Shinkai Haru wears a pair of goggles.

Haru wearing goggles.

Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Doumoto Kouta wears a pair of goggles.

Digimon Dreamers[edit]

Kodou Ritsu wears visor-like goggles on his head.

Wakamiya Jo wears a pair of goggles around his neck.

Digimon Liberator[edit]

At the beginning of "DigitalGate Open", a person with glasses and a War Greymon alongside a man with goggles looking at two cards were shown.

A person with glasses, War Greymon and a man with goggles in Digimon Liberator

Digimon ReCollection[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon World 2[edit]

Akira wears a pair of goggles.

Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]

Motomiya Daisuke in Flame City wears the same pair of goggles he did in Digimon Adventure 02. Yagami Taichi at the end of the credits also wears the same goggles he did in Digimon Adventure, but he wears none during the game itself in Beginner City as he uses his Digimon Adventure 02 design.

Motomiya Daisuke's goggles.

Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution[edit]

Yagami Taichi, Motomiya Daisuke and Matsuda Takato all wear the same goggles they do during their respective series.

Digimon World 3[edit]

Atsushi wears a pair of goggles.

Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]

Both player avatar options from both versions of the game, Koh and Sayo, wear goggles.

Both Sayo and Koh wear goggles.
Sayo and Koh from Digimon Story: Sunburst wearing goggles .
Sayo and Koh from Digimon Story: Moonlight wearing goggles .

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]

Both player avatar options, Shū and Kizuna, wear goggles.

Both Shū and Kizuna wear goggles.

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]

Kudou Taiki wears a pair of goggles.

Digimon Fortune[edit]

The protagonist wears goggles.

All versions of the Protagonist, except the default male and female, and the female elementary school student in the lower grades, wear goggles.

Digimon World Re:Digitize & Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Taiga and Shinomiya Rina both wear goggles.

Yagami Taichi, Motomiya Daisuke and Matsuda Takato all wear their respective goggles.

Clearing the first Free Battle in the Colosseum of each of the leaders of the anime series grants Taiga their goggles as accessories for his Partner Digimon to wear. The goggles of the leaders that aren't in the game can be obtained from other fights in the Colosseum:

  • 1st floor "Take on my Agumon!": "Taichi's Goggles".
  • 1st floor "Taichi's Kouhai": "Daisuke's Goggles"
  • 20th floor "My Guilmon": "Takato's Goggles".
  • 40th floor Tournament: "I can't believe my eyes!": "Taiki's Goggles".
Both Taiga and Rina wear goggles.
Digimaru wearing Taichi's Goggles
Digimaru wearing Daisuke's Goggles
Digimaru wearing Takato's Goggles
Digimaru wearing Taiki's Goggles

Digimon Adventure[edit]

Yagami Taichi wears a pair of goggles, together with a headband.

The illusory version of Taichi's younger self, whom Taichi and Agumon encounter during Piccolomon's cave test, also wears the goggles around his neck.

During the special episode, Motomiya Daisuke, Matsuda Takato, Kanbara Takuya, Kudou Taiki, and Akashi Tagiru all wear the same goggles they did during their own series, and Hackmon also wears a pair of goggles. In Episode 68, "Golden Armor! Magnamon", Daisuke tries to use his goggles to make Taichi recognize him, as they were the same he wore.

The crossover heroes with their respective goggles

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Both player avatar options, Aiba Takumi and Aiba Ami, wear a pair of goggles that serve as their Digivice. The game's pause menu is the Digivice's interface.

When Lord Knightmon traps Takumi/Ami in Chapter 17, "Recollection", their goggles are left behind and found by their allies. Shiramine Nokia temporarily uses the goggles for the duration of Chapter 18, "Lost, Lost Memories", but she does not actually wear them and her access to its Digivice functions is restricted: she can command Takumi/Ami's Digimon, but cannot use their DigiLine chat or Hacking Skills. She returns the goggles to Takumi/Ami when they reappear for their final fight with Lord Knightmon.

Kamishiro Yuuko also has a pair of goggles that she wears around her left arm. Shinomiya Rina also continues to wear her goggles.

Both Takumi and Ami wear goggles.
Aiba Takumi/Ami's Digivice goggles.

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Both player avatar options, Takuto and Shiki, wear goggles.

Both Takuto and Shiki wear goggles.

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Both player avatar options, Kazuki and Itsuki, wear goggles, as does Shinkai Haru.

Kazuki, Itsuki and Haru wear goggles.
Close-up from the main protagonist, Kazuki, wearing googles.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Amazawa Keisuke wears a pair of goggles that serve as his Digivice. The game's pause menu is the Digivice's interface. He uses his goggles as the interface through which he enters EDEN, and the goggles can project a holographic screen which he uses to perform hacking tasks.

Two NPCs in the entrance to EDEN imply that goggle-style Digivices are sold as sought-after consumer goods and that they come in many styles, including both Keisuke's visor-like ones and Takumi/Ami's smaller ones.

Aiba Takumi/Ami, Kamishiro Yuuko, and Shinomiya Rina all continue to wear their own respective goggles.

Amazawa Keisuke using his Digivice goggles to install the Hummingbird malware on a target.

Digimon Encounters[edit]

The protagonist wears goggles.

Both versions of the Protagonist wear goggles.

Digimon New Century[edit]

Sakamoto Satoru wears goggles.

Satoru wears goggles.

Digimon Survive[edit]

Momotsuka Takuma wears a pair of goggles.

Takuma wears goggles.

Digimon Soul Chaser[edit]

The protagonist wears goggles.

Both versions of the Protagonist wear goggles.

Digimon Story: Time Stranger[edit]

Both player avatar options wear goggles.

Virtual Pets[edit]


One of the three player characters in the D-Spirit's "Quest" game mode wears goggles.


Digimon Adventure Divine Project[edit]

Heitong wears goggles.

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Habu, Kazumasa. "関係者に聞く スペシャルインタビュー! ≪ やぶのてんや先生 & 渡辺けんじ先生 ≫". デジモンゲーム公式コミュニティ「デジモンゲームコミュ」. November 12 2017.
  2. "やぶうのてんや先生キャラクターデザインを担当! 「デジモンゴーストゲーム」特集!!" In Digimon Dreamers Volume 01. Shueisha. pp. 186-187. December 2, 2022. ISBN 978-4088833200.
    (English translation by onkeikun)
  3. Digimon Adventure: "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!"
  4. Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
  5. Digimon Adventure: "The Fairy! Piccolomon"
  6. Digimon Adventure 02: "The Unparalleled Union! Paildramon"
  7. 7.0 7.1 Digimon Adventure 02: Original Story 2003 -Spring-'': "Goggles"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "The Inheritor of Courage"
  9. Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back
  10. Digimon Adventure 02: "Goodbye, Ken..."
  11. Digimon Adventure 02: "The Last Armor Evolution"
  12. デジモンアニメーション・クロニクル デジモンシリーズ メモリアルブック [Digimon Animation Chronicle: Digimon Series Memorial Book]. Shinkigensha. February 23, 2010. ISBN 978-4775307496.
    (Excerpt English translations/summaries: by onkeikun | by Kazari | by TMS and garmmy)
  13. Digimon: Last Evolution Kizuna Producer Talks Conclusions and Cameos
  14. Digimon Adventure 02: "Our Digital World"
  15. Digimon Adventure tri. - "Loss"
  16. Digimon Adventure tri. - "Reunion"
  17. Digimon Adventure tri. - "Coexistence"
  18. Digimon Adventure tri. - "Our Future"
  19. Digimon Adventure tri. - "Determination"
  20. Digimon Tamers: "You are my Friend - Introducing Terriermon!"
  21. Digimon Tamers: "A Tamer's Task! Defeat Gorimon!"
  22. Digimon Tamers: "Enter the Digital World! Goodbye to Our City"
  23. Digimon Tamers: "Dreaming Power is Our Future"
  24. Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
  25. Digimon Frontier: "Save the Burgamon! Tomoki's Pure Heart"
  26. Digimon Xros Wars: "Sand Zone, A Great Adventure in the Ruins!"
  27. Digimon Xros Wars: "Xros Heart, Burn!"
  28. Digimon Xros Wars: "Us, the Digimon Hunters!"
  29. Digimon Xros Wars: "A Heart-throbbing Horror Experience! The Spirit Hunter Roars!!"
  30. ': ""
  31. 31.0 31.1 Digimon Xros Wars: "Burn Up, Tagiru! The Glorious Digimon Hunt"
  32. Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "I Will Have You in Costume! Cameramon's Halloween Scandal!"
  33. Digimon Adventure:: "Contact from the Catastrophe"
  34. Digimon Ghost Game: "Nightly Procession of Monsters"
  35. Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01: "100% Tamer!!"
  36. Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01: "Thank You!!"
  37. Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01: "Goggles..."
  38. Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01: "Mighty Wing"
  39. 39.0 39.1 Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01: Double Tamer!! The Great Super-dimensional Battle!!
  40. Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01: "Frontier Generation"
  41. Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 ~New Courage~
  1. In Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, a chatlog between Yagami Taichi and Izumi Kōshirō is shown on Kōshirō's computer screen during the opening credits. (Translation of the chatlog by Kazari.) In it, Kōshirō gives Taichi instructions on how to operate the goggles (which he refers to as a "visor" 「バイザー」), and warns him that since he took them without permission in the first place, any damage that they incur will be Taichi's responsibility.