
From Wikimon

A go-getter cameraman who captures targets lacking blind spots with the lenses throughout its body. It has the ability to access surveillance cameras, and secretly monitor around towns.
Appmon Reference Book

Other ▸
Grade Standard [1]

App Camera [1]
Type Tool [1]
Power 1200
List of Appmon

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Killing Shutter [1] キリングシャッター Kiringu Shattā Killing Shutter
Spy Focus [1] スパイフォーカス Supai Fōkasu Spy Focus


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Cameramon is one of Leviathan's underlings. He appears first in "The Search Result is Shinkai Haru! Gatchmon Appears!" observing Shinkai Haru.

Cameramon in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Cameramon in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.


Video Games[edit]

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters/Cyber Arena[edit]

Cameramon DUAM 3DS.jpg

Appmon Gatchinko Bingo[edit]

Appmon Data Lab[edit]

Appli Monsters: Protect the World[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Appli Drive[edit]

Appmon Seven Code Band[edit]

Appli Drive DUO[edit]

Cameramon is an enemy Appmon.



It focuses using the lenses all over its body, leaving it without any blind spots.

Appmon cardgame logo.png
Datacarddass applimonsters logo.png

Image Gallery[edit]

Cameramon appmon seven code band toy.png Cameramon sprite appli drive.png Cameramon sprite appli drive duo.png
Appmon Seven Code Band Appli Drive Appli Drive DUO

Additional information[edit]

References Notes