Appmon Gatchinko Bingo

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Appmon gatchinko bingo logo.png

Appmon Gatchinko Bingo (アプモンガチンコビンゴ, Apumon Gachinko Bingo) is an Appmon Gashapon vending machine with a game function, released on October 8th, 2016; The service terminated in November 2017.

The game consists of a bingo style battle, in which three Appmon are summoned up to fight against an enemy Appmon that have been infected with a virus, and if you win a bingo, you would get Lottery Gashapon-exclusive Appmon Chips.

By using Appmon and App combinations that match your attributes, and by linking them with the Appli Drive, you can increase your chances of winning bingo.

Image Gallery[edit]


Appmon gatchinko bingo promo3.jpg Appmon gatchinko bingo promo4.jpg


Appmon gatchinko bingo vjump.jpg

External Links[edit]