
From Wikimon
For the toys based on this item, see D-3 Toy (Japan) and D-3 Digivice Toy (international).

Kanji/Kana D-3
Dub Name D-3

The D-3 is a model of Digivice that is used by some Chosen Children in Digimon Adventure 02 and its sequels (Digimon Adventure tri., Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, and Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning). It is an improved version of the original Digivice used by earlier Chosen Children.



Compared to the original Digivice, the D-3 is slightly larger and more oblong, less ornate, and has a longer antenna. It has two colored grips along its lower sides. It is controlled by a set of four buttons. On its back is a clip, so that it can be worn on its user's belt or bag.

Unlike the original Digivices, all D-3s have personalized colors that represent their user, but like those Digivices, they also enter "activated" states that change their appearance and color scheme when evolving to the Perfect Level or higher:

  • When a single Adult Digimon undergoes Super Evolution into a Perfect Digimon, the color of the D-3's grips changes to include both white and their original color[1][N 1]
  • When two Adult Digimon undergo Jogress Evolution into a Perfect Digimon, both D-3s change into an identical color scheme that features colors associated with both participating Chosen Children[2]

The name "D-3" is an abbreviation of three text strings that Izumi Kōshirō and an American friend find in the devices' data while analyzing them: "Digital", "Detect", and "Discover".[3][N 2]

In Digimon Adventure tri., the on-screen design of the D-3s is tweaked to add elements from the LCD toys that are not seen on-screen in Digimon Adventure 02. Changes include adding "DIGIMON LINK SYSTEM" branding to the screen bezel and altering the proportions to more closely resemble the toys, as well as adding details that are not present on the toys, such as an "EVOLUTION" label on the grip, altering the proportions of the screen, and a more elaborate border around the screen. (The design was revised between "Reunion" and "Confession", as in "Reunion", Takaishi Takeru's D-3 is missing the "DIGIMON LINK SYSTEM" and "EVOLUTION" labels, as well as the detailing on the power button.)


Regular D-3s[edit]

The D-3 is said to retain all of the functions of the original Digivices. Known features include:

  • Channeling the emotional energy of the Chosen Child to:
  • Empathetically synchronizing with another D-3 user to:
  • Using the Digimental Up (デジメンタルアップ Dejimentaru appu) command to Armor Evolve a Child or Adult Digimon into an Armor Digimon, using a Digimental that is stored in the user's D-Terminal[11]
  • Opening Digital Gates via computers, to enter the Digital World at will[12]
  • Detecting and alerting the user to the presence of an unclaimed Digimental intended for them in the vicinity[11]
  • Has built-in mapping and tracker functions that can:
    • Plot the locations of other nearby Digivices relative to the user as red dots on a simple map[13]
    • Plot the locations of areas with Dark Towers as black spaces on a grid map, updating live as Dark Towers are destroyed[13] (This map can also be transferred onto computers[12])
    • Plot the location of detected distortions caused by Black War Greymon (requires a program devised by Izumi Kōshirō)[7]
  • Unleashing a light that helps Digimon enslaved by Evil Rings overcome their control[3]
ZT06 D-3 Locator.jpg ZT06 D-3 Map.jpg
Map tracking the relative location of another Digivice user Dark Tower area map

Dark Digivice[edit]

In addition to the above functions, Ichijouji Ken's D-3, the Dark Digivice (暗黒のデジヴァイス Ankoku no dejivaisu), has additional functions that he uses while he is the Digimon Kaiser.

The Dark Digivice's signal is also transmitted through all Dark Towers, so areas which have a Dark Power are subject to the evolution-blocking and Digimon-controlling effects even in the Digimon Kaiser's absence. Damaging a Dark Tower will disrupt the transmission and weaken these effects, and destroying it completely will terminate the transmission and effects.[12]

Once he abandons the Digimon Kaiser persona, Ken stops using these powers and exclusively uses regular D-3 functions.

ZT18 D-3 Evo Block.jpg
Emitting an evolution-blocking signal


Owner Color Activated Color Episode Notes
Motomiya Daisuke Blue grips; white body; black buttons Jogress Evolution:
  • Green grips
  • Blue body
  • Red buttons
Digimon Adventure 02: "The Inheritor of Courage"
Inoue Miyako Red grips; white body; black buttons Jogress Evolution:
  • White grips
  • Maroon body
  • Yellow buttons
Digimon Adventure 02: "The Inheritor of Courage"
Hida Iori Yellow grips; white body; black buttons Jogress Evolution:
  • White grips
  • Mustard body
  • Red buttons
Digimon Adventure 02: "The Inheritor of Courage"
Takaishi Takeru Green grips; white body; black buttons Jogress Evolution:
  • White grips
  • Mustard body
  • Red buttons
Super Evolution:
Green/white grips; white body; black buttons
Digimon Adventure 02: "Digimental Up" Transformed from his original Digivice.
Yagami Hikari Pink grips; white body; black buttons Jogress Evolution:
  • White grips
  • Maroon body
  • Yellow buttons
Super Evolution:
Magenta/white grips; white body; black buttons
Digimon Adventure 02: "Digimental Up" Transformed from her original Digivice.
Ichijouji Ken
  • Black grips
  • Gray body[N 3]
  • White buttons
Jogress Evolution:
  • Green grips
  • Blue body
  • Red buttons
Digimon Adventure 02: "When a Digivice is Infected by Darkness" Transformed from his original Digivice. Also known as the "Dark Digivice," and has additional functions.
Kawada Noriko
  • Light red grips
  • White body
  • Black buttons
None seen Digimon Adventure 02: "Our Digital World"
Yoshizawa Takashi
  • Orange grips
  • White body
  • Black buttons
None seen Digimon Adventure 02: "Our Digital World"
Shibata Hiroshi
  • Turquoise grips
  • White body
  • Black buttons
None seen Digimon Adventure 02: "Our Digital World"
17 other Dark Seed
  • Assorted grips
  • White body
  • Black buttons
None seen Digimon Adventure 02: "Our Digital World"
Akiyama Ryo
  • Blue grips
  • White body
  • Black buttons
None seen Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers



Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

Motomiya Daisuke receives his D-3. Inoue Miyako and Hida Iori's D-3s are flying past him to find their owners.

Ichijouji Ken's D-3, the "Dark Digivice", is the first D-3 to come into existence. As seen in flashbacks, Ken's original Digivice was mutated into the Dark Digivice when he submerged it in the Dark Ocean, under the influence of his Dark Seed and Oikawa Yukio.[16] When Ken tells this story to Izumi Kōshirō, Kōshirō theorizes that the shape of D-3s is the result of Ken's subconscious desires when the transformation of his Digivice occurred.[17] As the Digimon Kaiser, Ken uses the powers of the Dark Digivice to control Digimon using Evil Rings and Evil Spirals, and to block all natural evolution from occurring. His Dark Towers are able to transmit both of these effects even in his absence, and when they are damaged or destroyed, the effects fail.

Kōshirō theorizes that the other D-3s later came into existence specifically because the Chosen Children needed the same type of Digivice in order to stand a chance against the Digimon Kaiser.[17] Qinglongmon later reveals that he is correct: in response to the appearance of the Dark Towers, the Four Holy Beasts planned to use the forgotten power of Armor Evolution to fight back and restore harmony to the world. They created three D-3s for Motomiya Daisuke, Inoue Miyako and Hida Iori,[18] which are released and sent to them in the Real World when Yagami Taichi finds and touches the Digimental of Courage.[14] Some days after, when Takaishi Takeru and Yagami Hikari find the Digimentals of Hope and Light, their original Digivices react to them and are transformed into D-3s as well.[19] Qinglongmon later reveals that it was responsible for transforming their Digivices, so that they could use Armor Evolution, but that their use of the Digimentals quickly defied its expectations because of their use of D-Terminals to store Digimentals when not in use, enabling them to use multiple Digimentals each.[18]

The Chosen Children quickly discover that the original Digivice is at a disadvantage compared to the D-3s due to their new functions, such as the ability to open Digital Gates.[12] When it speaks to the Chosen Children after it is released, Qinglongmon implies that the original Digivice model is, unlike D-3s, also not compatible with the ancient evolutionary technique of Armor Evolution.[18][N 4] Because of this, the six older Chosen Children pass the torch to the five (later six, when Ken joins them after his defeat) D-3 users and let them take the lead in the fight against the Digimon Kaiser and, later, Archnemon and Mummymon.[14]

On one occasion, Kōshirō borrows Miyako's D-3 to study it and learn more about it. He finds a map function that tracks the locations of Dark Tower-controlled areas, and copies that function onto computers.[12] He also has an American friend help him analyze its data, and from these findings, he coins the name "D-3" from three text strings that start with "D" that they find in the data.[3]

The Digimon Kaiser abducts Agumon and uses him as a guinea pig in his evolution experiments. Using the power of his Dark Digivice through an Evil Ring, he succeeds in forcing Agumon to Dark Evolve into Skull Greymon, although Skull Greymon is uncontrollable and the evolution is unstable and short-lived.[15] In response to this, he develops the Evil Spiral, with which he succeeds in forcing Agumon to evolve more stably into a Virus-attribute Metal Greymon.[20] He abandons these experiments after the Chosen Children free Metal Greymon.[21]

When Hikari is taken into the Dark Ocean from the Real World, she does not have her D-3 with her, as it is in her backpack, which she drops on the way in. Because of this, Tailmon is unable to Armor Evolve to destroy the lighthouse/Dark Tower. However, once it is destroyed, a powerful beam of light appears that enables Tailmon to Super Evolve into Angewomon without Hikari's D-3 needing to be present.[22]

During the Chosen Children's efforts to protect the Holy Stones from Black War Greymon, Kōshirō provides them with a program for both their D-3s and their D-Terminals that enables them to track Black War Greymon's movements by the distortions that he causes.[7]

In an attempt to move the last Holy Stone so that they can protect it from Black War Greymon, the Chosen Children aim their D-3s at it. Instead, this triggers the release of Qinglongmon from captivity.[18]

The six D-3s owned by Daisuke's team become especially important when lost Digimon appear in the Real World on December 25 2002. Since there are at the time no other D-3s, nobody else can open Digital Gates, so sending those Digimon home requires their assistance. Since using the Digital World would take too long, Gennai instructs the Japanese Chosen Children to ride Imperialdramon to six hotspots around the world where other Chosen Children have rounded up the Digimon, and use their D-3s to open Digital Gates to send those Digimon home. He also shares the power of one of Qinglongmon's Digicores into their D-3s, as well as the original Digivices, to re-enable Super Evolution.[9] The Chosen Children complete this mission within the day.[23]

On December 31 2002, during the final confrontation with Belial Vamdemon in the Digital World, D-3s of their own appear in the hands of the twenty children whom Oikawa Yukio had given Dark Seeds, when the Chosen Children inspire them to have faith in themselves and their ability to achieve their dreams. Their hope contributes to the destruction of Belial Vamdemon.[24]

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

Motomiya Daisuke and Ichijouji Ken still have their D-3s when the Old Clock Shop Man brings them into DigiQuartz.[25]

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

Takaishi Takeru and Yagami Hikari still possess their D-3s and routinely use them. Izumi Kōshirō observes that in the year leading up to the events of tri., the Digivices had begun malfunctioning as one of six unusual events related to the closing off of the Digital World, but when the Infected Digimon start emerging and the partner Digimon return from the Digital World, they are able to use their D-3s for evolution again with no problems.[26]

Following Ichijouji Ken's disappearance, his D-3 came into Himekawa Maki's possession, along with his D-Terminal. When the Chosen Children gather at Tokyo Big Sight to enter the Digital World, she presents the Chosen Children with the D-3 and D-Terminal for them to use to open a Digital Gate by synchronizing it with the powers of their Crests.[1]

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

Motomiya Daisuke, Ichijouji Ken, Inoue Miyako, Hida Iori, Takaishi Takeru, and Yagami Hikari all still possess their D-3s. However, as of the start of the film, they are no longer in regular use. Instead, the Chosen Children use new smartphone Digivices as a replacement that performs all of the functions of their original devices and more.

When Ishida Yamato contacts Daisuke, Ken, and Iori to recruit them into his efforts to investigate Menoa Bellucci and Yamada Kyotaro, he asks Daisuke whether their D-3s have undergone any changes (thinking of the appearance of the coundown rings on his own and Yagami Taichi's Digivices), but Daisuke reports that there are no changes.

Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[edit]

Motomiya Daisuke, Ichijouji Ken, Inoue Miyako, Hida Iori, Takaishi Takeru, and Yagami Hikari all still possess their D-3s. While they also still have their smartphone Digivices and initially use those, they switch back to using their D-3s when they gather for their mission to help Ohwada Lui with Ukkomon's Digitama, as they feel them most fitting for their current situation.

As a consequence of Lui time-traveling to prevent himself from making the childhood wish that caused Digivices to exist in the first place, every D-3 ceases to exist and vanishes once Big Ukkomon is destroyed in the present day.

Digimon Adventure -Beyond-[edit]

At some point between Digimon Adventure tri. and Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[N 5], Hida Iori used his D-3 to open a Digital Gate so an unnamed International Chosen Child and he could escape from a Yatagaramon.


Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]

Motomiya Daisuke, Inoue Miyako, Hida Iori, Takaishi Takeru, and Yagami Hikari all still have their D-3s. At the climax of the battle with Parallelmon, Miyako, Iori, Takeru, and Hikari use their D-3s to send their strength, feelings and encouragement to Daisuke's D-3, along with those of all the other Tamers that Parallelmon had captured. Their feelings temporarily create the Digimental of Miracles, which Daisuke uses to Armor Evolve V-mon into Magnamon and deal the final blow to Parallelmon.[27]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: D-1 Tamers[edit]

Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]

The six main D-3s from Digimon Adventure 02 appear in Digimon World: Digital Card Arena as the "Digivice" series of Option Cards, each named after their color. Each of them boosts the user's Digimon's HP and Attack depending on their Attribute.

D-3 red option dwdca.png 206 Red Digivice
(レッドデジヴァイス Reddo dejivaisu;
Dub: Red Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Fire>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 blue option dwdca.png 207 Blue Digivice
(ブルーデジヴァイス Burū dejivaisu;
Dub: Blue Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Water>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 green option dwdca.png 208 Green Digivice
(グリーンデジヴァイス Gurīn dejivaisu;
Dub: Green Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Nature>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 black option dwdca.png 209 Black Digivice
(ブラックデジヴァイス Burakku dejivaisu;
Dub: Black Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Darkness>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 yellow option dwdca.png 210 Yellow Digivice
(イエローデジヴァイス Ierō dejivaisu;
Dub: Yellow Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Rare>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 pink option dwdca.png 211 Pink Digivice
(ピンクデジヴァイス Pinku dejivaisu;
Dub: Pink Digivice)
If own and foe's Attributes are the same, boost own Attack Power +200, and recover HP +400.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card

Digimon World 3[edit]

D-3s are featured on the card art for the "Summon" series of Program Cards in the Card Battle mode. Each of the seven Summon cards automatically summons one or more of a specific Digimon species: Patamon, Angemon (x2), Goburimon, Devimon, Gomamon, Hagurumon (x2), and Palmon. These cards reuse the same card art depicting D-3s from Digimon World: Digital Card Arena's "Digivice" series of cards, plus a new brown version of the art for the Summon Hagurumon card.

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

While unseen, Motomiya Daisuke still owns his D-3, though he calls it simply "Digivice". He tries to use it to evolve V-mon after being defeated in the Colosseum 1st floor Free Battle: "Taichi's Kouhai", only to realize he forgot to bring it with him. He remembers to bring it with him for the 20th floor Free Battle: "V-mon's Evolution!", using it to evolve V-mon into XV-mon.

Digimon New Century[edit]

A D-3, alongside a Digivice, D-Ark, D-Scanner, Digivice Burst (incorrectly stated to be a Digivice iC), and Digimon Xros Loader, is displayed on a desk in the real world.

Virtal Pets[edit]

D-3 Toy[edit]

This Digivice is the basis for the D-3: Digimon Detect & Discover line of LCD quest toys, produced for Japanese markets. Its main gimmick is its antenna, which is used to locate Digimentals in the game and other D-3 toys. Three versions were produced in 2000, and an enhanced re-release, the D-3 Ver.15th, was released in 2017 to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of Digimon Tamers.

D-3 Digivice Toy (International)[edit]

Non-Japanese markets received the D-3 Digivice line of LCD quest toys. These are greatly simplified compared to the Japanese toys, and do not have any of the antenna functionality.


Image Gallery[edit]

D3 ref.jpg D3 daisuke.png D3 miyako.png D3 iori.png
Digimon Adventure 02
(control art)
Digimon Adventure 02
(Daisuke & Ryo's)
Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02
D3 hikari.png D3 takeru.png ZT26 D3 Activated Paildramon.jpg ZT31 D3 Activated Silphymon.jpg
Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02
(Daisuke & Ken's, activated Jogress)
Digimon Adventure 02
(Miyako & Hikari's, activated Jogress)
ZT36 D3 Activated Shakkoumon.jpg D3 Tri Takeru.png D3 Tri Takeru Perfect.png D3 Tri Hikari.png
Digimon Adventure 02
(Iori and Takeru's, activated Jogress)
Digimon Adventure tri.
Digimon Adventure tri.
(Takeru's, activated)
Digimon Adventure tri.
D3 Tri Hikari Perfect.png
Digimon Adventure tri.
(Hikari's, activated)

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Digimon Adventure tri.: "Confession"
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "Jogress Evolution, Two Hearts become One"
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Digimon Adventure 02: "Hikari's Memories"
  4. Digimon Adventure 02: "Odaiba Memorial"
  5. Digimon Adventure 02: "Brave Evolution! XV-mon"
  6. Digimon Adventure 02: "Coral and Versailles, The Battle Royal!"
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 Digimon Adventure 02: "Defend the Holy Point"
  8. Digimon Adventure tri.: "Loss"
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "Everyone Advance Out! Imperialdramon"
  10. Digimon Adventure 02: "Invasion of the Demon Army"
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "Digital Gate, Open"
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Digimon Adventure 02: "King of Darkness, The Digimon Kaiser"
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 Digimon Adventure 02: "Dangerous Picnic"
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 14.2 Digimon Adventure 02: "The Inheritor of Courage"
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "The Evil Ring's Magic Runs Wild"
  16. Digimon Adventure 02: "When the Digivice is Infected by Darkness"
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "Today Miyako is in Kyoto"
  18. Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Digimon Adventure 02: "Gigantic Ultimate, Qinglongmon"
  19. Digimon Adventure 02: "Digimental Up"
  20. Digimon Adventure 02: "The Enemy is Metal Greymon"
  21. Digimon Adventure 02: "Blue Lightning, Lighdramon"
  22. Digimon Adventure 02: "The Call of Dagomon"
  23. Digimon Adventure 02: "Love and Borscht, The Great Fierce Battle!"
  24. Digimon Adventure 02: "Our Digital World"
  25. Digimon Xros Wars: "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
  26. Digimon Adventure tri.: "Reunion"
  27. Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01: "Double Tamer"
  1. The Super Evolution activated state for D-3s is only depicted in Digimon Adventure tri.. Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning depicts Yagami Hikari's D-3 as not changing color when Tailmon Super Evolves. (Digimon Adventure 02 itself does not show any Digivices at all in any Super Evolution stock footage.)
  2. The meaning of the "Digital", "Detect", and "Discover" labels is not explored at all in any anime production, but marketing for the D-3 LCD toy uses the terms to describe three key gameplay functions of the device (although in its case, the first word is "Digimon" and not "Digital").
  3. The original theatrical cut of Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning depicts Ichijouji Ken's D-3 as having a white body and black buttons, matching the D-3s used by the rest of the Chosen Children. The Japanese home media cut of The Beginning corrects this, along with several other instances of miscolored D-3s, to depict its standard gray-bodied coloration, but the uncorrected footage remains in use in American releases of the film as of June 2024.
  4. Despite Qinglongmon's implication in "Gigantic Ultimate, Qinglongmon" that only D-3s can perform Armor Evolution, Wallace (a user of an original model Digivice) is also depicted using Armor Evolution in Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals. However, his Digivice is not seen coming into play at all for to his use of the Digimental of Fate; this is also the case for both times that Motomiya Daisuke uses the Digimental of Miracles.
  5. Hida Iori mentions he's a high schooler to the unnamed International Chosen Child. As he's an adult in Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, this must happen before the movie. Furthermore, Agumon and Gabumon are still around, with no time to come back between both films, thus placing it also before Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. Yagami Taichi is also shown using a normal smartphone and his original Digivice instead of the Smartphone Digivice he owned in Last Evolution: Kizuna.
Digimon Adventure 02
Main Characters Motomiya DaisukeInoue MiyakoHida IoriYagami HikariTakaishi TakeruIchijouji KenOhwada Lui
Partner Digimon V-monHawkmonArmadimonTailmonPatamonWormmonUkkomon
Original Chosen Children Yagami TaichiAgumonIshida YamatoGabumonTakenouchi SoraPiyomonIzumi KōshirōTentomonTachikawa MimiPalmonKido JoGomamon
International Chosen Children Michael Barton Jr.WallaceTerriermonLopmonTatumSamMariaLouSteveHoi BrothersYuehonDienMinaDingoCatherine DeneuveChichosAnnaLaraYuri
Supporting Characters Motomiya JunInoue MantarouInoue ChizuruInoue MomoeHida HirokiHida FumikoHida ChikaraIchijouji OsamuGennaiYagami YuukoYagami SusumuIshida HiroakiTakaishi NatsukoTakaishi MichelTakenouchi HaruhikoTakenouchi ToshikoIzumi KaeIzumi MasamiTachikawa KeisukeTachikawa SatoeKido ShinKido ShuuQinglongmonYoshizawa TakashiKawada NorikoShibata HiroshiKurata Keiko
Antagonists Digimon KaiserDagomonChimairamonOikawa YukioArchnemonMummymonBlack War GreymonDemon • Demon Corps (Skull SatamonLady DevimonMarin Devimon) • Belial VamdemonArmagemon
Terms Chosen ChildD-3D-TerminalDigimentalDark SeedDark TowerDigital GateEvil RingJogress EvolutionSmartphone Digivice
Other List of EpisodesDigimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden DigimentalsDigimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes BackDigimon Adventure 02: The BeginningList of CharactersJapanese Cast