Hawkmon (Adventure)

From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana ホークモン
Dub Name Hawkmon
Human Partner Inoue Miyako
Voice Actor Japanese Tōchika Kōichi (遠近 孝一)
English Neil Kaplan (02)[N 1]
Christopher Swindle (Kizuna)

Hawkmon is the partner Digimon of Inoue Miyako in Digimon Adventure 02 and its sequels (Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna and Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning).


Baby I Pururumon
Baby II Poromon
Child Hawkmon
Adult Aquilamon
Armor Holsmon (with Digimental of Love)
Shurimon (with Digimental of Purity)
Rinkmon (with Digimental of Friendship)[1]
Allomon (with Digimental of Courage)[2]
Flybeemon (with Digimental of Knowledge)[2]
Orcamon (with Digimental of Sincerity)[2]
Moosemon (with Digimental of Hope)[2]
Harpymon (with Digimental of Light)[2]
Toucanmon (with Digimental of Kindness)[2]
Peacockmon (with Digimental of Miracles)[2]
Perfect Silphymon (with or without[3] Tailmon)
Ultimate Valkyrimon[3]


He is very samurai-like in nature, a polite and brave Digimon with a strong sense of honor. The reasonable Hawkmon often tries to serve as a voice of reason to Miyako when she goes overboard. He is very tolerant of her antics, and is actually quite fond of them, as they make Miyako who she is. His favorite food is kanpyoumaki, pickled gourd sushi rolls.



Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

Digimon Hurricane Touchdown!! Supreme Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals[edit]

Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grand Prix[edit]

Diablomon Strikes Back[edit]

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[edit]

Digimon Adventure -Beyond-[edit]

Nefertimon and Holsmon flew on a starry night sky, with Yagami Hikari and Inoue Miyako riding them. Holsmon then somehow split into five and they flew in six different directions, opening up a barrier.

Inoue Miyako and Holsmon


Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]

In "Double Tamer!! The Great Super-dimensional Battle!!", Hawkmon is shown briefly alongside the rest of the Digimon Adventure 02 cast before they were all absorbed by Parallelmon, excluding Motomiya Daisuke and V-mon.

Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: Armor Evolution to the Unknown[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]

Hawkmon opens Jungle City's Extra Arena after Flame City's first Extra Arena is beaten. This Arena exists for Hawkmon's evolved levels, to the point that Hawkmon also calls it the "Hawkmon Arena". These evolved levels are:

  • Hawkmon is the first opponent of the Extra Arena. Hawkmon plays the Mach Draw deck, a Green/Nature deck with 2 attack, 3 defense and 3 evolution speed. Upon being defeated, he warns the player that he'll become stronger by evolving to Aquilamon next.
  • Aquilamon is the second opponent of the first Extra Arena and the second opponent of the second. Having evolved from Hawkmon, he considers himself invincible in his Adult form. Aquilamon plays the Rising Storm deck, a Red/Flame and Green/Nature deck with 3 attack, defense, and evolution speed that focuses on 1st Attacks. He's shocked about being defeated but proceeds to use the Digimental of Love to Armor Evolve into Holsmon, which he considers his strongest level in the first Extra Arena, and his real form in the second.
  • Holsmon is the last opponent in the first Extra Arena, the second in the second, and the first in the third. He considers himself truly invincible as he is surrounded by love. He uses the Flapping Love deck, a Green/Nature deck with 3 attack, defense, and evolution speed whose fortes are Recovery and 1st Attacks. After being defeated in the second Extra Arena, he evolves to Shurimon, saying that he's unbeatable in that form.
  • Shurimon appears in Jungle City's Battle Café after Flame City's second Extra Arena is cleared. However, he won't speak to the player until after Jungle City's second Extra Arena is cleared, which is already open if Shurimon appeared in the Battle Café. He is the last opponent of the second Extra Arena, the second of the third, and the first of the fourth. As his shurikens are sharp enough to cut through anything, he thinks the player must be 100% ready or else he'll get hurt. He plays the Ninja deck, a Green/Nature and Yellow/Rare deck with 3 attack, 3 defense and 4 evolution speed.
  • Silphymon appears in Jungle City's Battle Café after Flame City's third Extra Arena is cleared. However, he won't speak to the player until after Jungle City's third Extra Arena is cleared, which is already open if Silphymon appeared in the Battle Café. He is the last opponent of the third Extra Arena and the second of the fourth. Upon evolving for the first time, he calls himself the master of the skies and tells the player how no one has survived his Hit-and-Run Attack. Silphymon plays the Wind Messenger deck, a Green/Nature deck with 4 attack, defense, and evolution speed that uses 1st Attack and defensive cards. Upon being defeated, he acknowledges the player's impressive skill. In the third Extra Arena, he then promises to evolve even further, while in the fourth, he does it instead, while telling the player he's passed the point of no return.
  • Valkyrimon appears in Jungle City's Battle Café after Flame City's fourth Extra Arena is cleared. However, he won't speak to the player until after Jungle City's fourth Extra Arena is cleared, which is already open if Valkyrimon appeared in the Battle Café. He is the fourth and last opponent of the fourth and last Extra Arena. He introduces himself as the prince of war, and accepts the player's challenge, but will not accept excuses for him not doing his best, as giving the battle everything he has is the way to show respect to Valkyrimon. Valkyrimon plays the Warrior Princess deck, a Green/Nature deck with 4 attack, defense, and evolution speed that fights fair and square. Upon being defeated, he tells the player that he will never forget this battle, but also that the player will be defeated when he stops improving his power and skills.

Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Hawkmon appears on a poster that promotes Digimon Adventure 02 in the "Multi Dimensional Digital World Memory Observation Recorder".

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Unlike the original Japanese versions, it is common for the American English dubs of Digimon Adventure and its sequels to have a partner Digimon's different forms portrayed by different voice actors. In Digimon Adventure 02, Neil Kaplan only regularly portrayed some of Hawkmon's forms; the following were regularly portrayed by other actors instead: This is not the case in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, in which Christopher Swindle plays all of his forms.
Digimon Adventure 02
Main Characters Motomiya DaisukeInoue MiyakoHida IoriYagami HikariTakaishi TakeruIchijouji KenOhwada Lui
Partner Digimon V-monHawkmonArmadimonTailmonPatamonWormmonUkkomon
Original Chosen Children Yagami TaichiAgumonIshida YamatoGabumonTakenouchi SoraPiyomonIzumi KōshirōTentomonTachikawa MimiPalmonKido JoGomamon
International Chosen Children Michael Barton Jr.WallaceTerriermonLopmonTatumSamMariaLouSteveHoi BrothersYuehonDienMinaDingoCatherine DeneuveChichosAnnaLaraYuri
Supporting Characters Motomiya JunInoue MantarouInoue ChizuruInoue MomoeHida HirokiHida FumikoHida ChikaraIchijouji OsamuGennaiYagami YuukoYagami SusumuIshida HiroakiTakaishi NatsukoTakaishi MichelTakenouchi HaruhikoTakenouchi ToshikoIzumi KaeIzumi MasamiTachikawa KeisukeTachikawa SatoeKido ShinKido ShuuQinglongmonYoshizawa TakashiKawada NorikoShibata HiroshiKurata Keiko
Antagonists Digimon KaiserDagomonChimairamonOikawa YukioArchnemonMummymonBlack War GreymonDemon • Demon Corps (Skull SatamonLady DevimonMarin Devimon) • Belial VamdemonArmagemon
Terms Chosen ChildD-3D-TerminalDigimentalDark SeedDark TowerDigital GateEvil RingJogress EvolutionSmartphone Digivice
Other List of EpisodesDigimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden DigimentalsDigimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes BackDigimon Adventure 02: The BeginningList of CharactersJapanese Cast