Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
Virtual Pets
⇨ Japanese An Armor-level Aquatic Beast Man Digimon that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Sincerity". With a conscientious personality, wearing a life jacket and life preserver, it is an overly cautious type. Although it is clumsy in some areas in that it breaks things by hitting them too much, it is actually a savior of the ocean who has outstanding agility. There are many Digimon that rely on it and come to it for advice. When it comes to battle, the speed of its movements increases; on land, it runs as if it is cutting through the wind, and underwater, it swims elegantly without disturbing the current. If it gets into a pinch, it will call its comrades using high-frequency waves and attack en masse. Its Special Move is pulverizing the enemy with a powerful dolphin kick (Vassallo Crush).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English “誠実のデジメンタル”のパワーによって進化したアーマー体の水棲獣人型デジモン。ライフジャケットと浮き輪を装着した用意周到な性格で、石橋を叩いて渡るタイプ。叩きすぎて壊してしまうような間抜けな部分もあるが、実は瞬発力が優れた海の救世主。彼を頼って相談にくるデジモン達も少なくはない。バトルになると動きの素早さは増し、陸では風を切るように走り、水中では水流を乱すことなく優美に泳ぐ。ピンチになると高周波で仲間を呼び寄せ集団で攻撃してくることもある。必殺技は強烈なドルフィンキックで敵を粉砕する『バサロクラッシュ』。※オルカモンは「バンダイタウンFAXサービスデジモンイラストコンテスト」で宮城県「かん野しゅん平」さんのデジモンが入賞し、採用されたものです。
⇨ Japanese An Armor-level Aquatic Beast Man Digimon that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Sincerity". With a conscientious personality, wearing a life jacket and life preserver, it is an overly cautious type. Although it is clumsy in some areas in that it breaks things by hitting them too much, it is actually a savior of the ocean who has outstanding agility. There are many Digimon that rely on it and come to it for advice. When it comes to battle, the speed of its movements increases; on land, it runs as if it is cutting through the wind, and underwater, it swims elegantly without disturbing the current. If it gets into a pinch, it will call its comrades using high-frequency waves and attack en masse. Its Special Move is pulverizing the enemy with a powerful dolphin kick (Vassallo Crush).
Digimon Life
⇨ English “誠実のデジメンタル”のパワーによって進化したアーマー体の水棲獣人型デジモン。ライフジャケットと浮き輪を装着した用意周到な性格で、石橋を叩いて渡るタイプ。叩きすぎて壊してしまうような間抜けな部分もあるが、実は瞬発力が優れた海の救世主。彼を頼って相談にくるデジモン達も少なくはない。バトルになると動きの素早さは増し、陸では風を切るように走り、水中では水流を乱すことなく優美に泳ぐ。ピンチになると高周波で仲間を呼び寄せ集団で攻撃してくることもある。必殺技は強烈なドルフィンキックで敵を粉砕する『バサロクラッシュ』。
⇨ English 誠実のデジメンタルにより進化した水棲獣人型(すいせいじゅうじんがた)デジモン。 必殺技-強烈なドルフィンキックで敵を粉砕する『バサロクラッシュ』
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Vassallo Crush
[3][N 2]
Basaro Kurasshu
Pulverizes the opponent with a powerful dolphin kick.
Reflection Wave
Rifurekushon Wēbu
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
In "The Land of Children", two Hawkmon evolved into Orcamon to protect their human friend Kazuma from Petermon.
Orcamon and Kazuma from Digimon Ghost Game.
Video Games[edit]
Orcamon is only obtainable as a collectable card. Its card is part of the Digimental of Sincerity (誠実のデジメンタル, Seijitsu no Dejimentaru) set.
Orcamon is only obtainable as a collectable card.
Orcamon is only obtainable as a collectable card.
Orcamon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Available as a Digimon Medal in the Japanese PS4/Switch versions, and the western Switch/PC versions.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Orcamon evolves from Hawkmon using the Digimental of Sincerity.
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It uses its unique swimming technique to provide support to Digimon afraid of water!
Quote (⇨ English): たぐいまれな航行能力で水の苦手なデジモンをサポート!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It saves drowning data from the Net Ocean! An ocean rescue party member of sincerity!!
Quote (⇨ English): ネットに溺れるデータを救う!誠実な海の救助隊!!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This sea warrior dishes out a Vassallo-style dolphin kick!
Quote (⇨ English): バサロ泳法で蹴り上げる海戦士!
Card Game Alpha
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]