Japanese Title
Other Titles
Title Screen
Next Episode
Enter Flamedramon
Tais Erbe
El Que Hereda El Valor
O Herdeiro da Coragem
Ritorno a Digiworld
April 2, 2000
August 19, 2000
October 4, 2001
The One Who Inherits Courage
Yūki o Uketsugu Mono
The Digiteam Complete
Das Tor zur DigiWelt öffnet sich
Se Abre La Puerta Digital
Abre-se a Porta Digital
L'apertura del Digivarco
April 9, 2000
August 19, 2000
October 4, 2001
Digital Gate Open
Dejitaru Gēto Ōpun
A New Digitude
Hoffnung und Licht
DigiHuevo Evolución
DigiOvo Evolução
Le Digiuova in azione
April 16, 2000
August 26, 2000
October 5, 2001
Digimental Up
Dejimentaru Appu
Iron Vegiemon
Die schwarzen Türme
Digimon Emperador, El Rey De La Oscuridad
Imperador Digimon, o Rei das Trevas
Gli obelischi di controllo
April 17, 2000
August 26, 2000
October 8, 2001
King of Darkness, The Digimon Kaiser
Yami no Ou Dejimon Kaizā
Old Reliable
Der Kampf mit dem DigimonKaiser
Destruid La Torre De Oscuridad
Destruição da Torre das Trevas
Il ritorno di Joe
April 30, 2000
September 2, 2000
October 9, 2001
Destroy the Dark Tower
Dāku Tawā o Taose
Family Picnic
Gefährliches Picknick
Un Picnic Peligroso
Um Picnic Perigoso
Un picnic pericoloso
May 7, 2000
September 2, 2000
October 10, 2001
Dangerous Picnic
Kiken na Pikunikku
Guardian Angel
Wiedersehen mit Andromon
Los Recuerdos de Kari
As Recordações da Kari
I custodi della libertà
May 14, 2000
September 9, 2000
October 11, 2001
Hikari's Memory
Hikari no Kioku
Ken's Secret
Kens Geheimnis
La Soledad de Digimon Emperador
A Solidão do Imperador Digimon
May 21, 2000
September 16, 2000
October 12, 2001
The Digimon Kaiser's Loneliness
Dejimon Kaizā no Kodoku
The Emperor's New Home
El Poder Desencadenado Del Anillo Maligno
O Poder Desencadeado Pelo Imperador Digimon
Un amico tra i nemici
May 28, 2000
September 23, 2000
October 15, 2001
The Evil Ring's Magic Runs Wild
Ībiru Ringu Maryoku no Bousou
The Captive Digimon
Die Teufelsspirale
El Enemigo Es Metal Greymon
Metal Greymon É o Inimigo
MetalGreymon alla carica
June 4, 2000
September 30, 2000
October 16, 2001
The Enemy is Metal Greymon
Teki wa Metarugureimon
The Storm Of Friendship
Raidramon, der blaue Donner
Raidramon, El Trueno Azul
Raiddramon, o Trovão Azul
Raidramon, tuono blu
June 11, 2000
October 7, 2000
October 17, 2001
Blue Lightning, Lighdramon
Aoi Inazuma Raidoramon
The Good, The Bad, and The Digi
Hüter der Gerechtigkeit
Duello En El Corral Digimon
Duelo no Deserto Digimon
Sfida al Digimon Corral
June 18, 2000
October 14, 2000
October 18, 2001
Duel on the Digimon Meadow
Dejimon Bokujou no Kettou
His Master's Voice
Rufe aus einer anderen Welt
La Llamada De Dragomon
A Chamada do Dragomon
Una strana sensazione
June 25, 2000
October 21, 2000
October 19, 2001
The Call of Dagomon
Dagomon no Yobigoe
The Samurai Of Sincerity
Mimi und ihr amerikanischer Freund
Shurimon, El Viento
Shurimon, o Vento
Shurimon, guerriero veloce
July 2, 2000
October 28, 2000
October 22, 2001
Shurimon's Hurricane
Shippū no Shurimon
Big Trouble in Little Edo
Shurimon, der flinke Kämpfer
La Crónica De Las Artes Marciales De Shurimon
A Crónica das Artes Marciais de Shurimon
La sfida
July 16, 2000
November 4, 2000
October 23, 2001
Shurimon's Martial Arts
Shurimon Bugeichou
20,000 Digi-Leagues Under the Sea
Cody, der Retter
Submarimon, Escape Del Fondo Del Mar
Submarimon, a Fuga das Profundezas do Mar
Prigionieri negli abissi
July 23, 2000
November 4, 2000
October 24, 2001
Submarimon's Escape from The Bottom of the Sea
Sabumarimon Kaitei kara no Dasshutsu
Ghost of a Chance
Gespenstische Rufe
Conmemoración En O-Daiba
Comemoração em O-Daiba
July 30, 2000
November 11, 2000
October 25, 2001
Odaiba Memorial
Odaiba Memoriaru
Run, Yolei, Run
DigimonKaisers Stützpunkt
Perseguid La Base Del Emperador
Em Busca da Base do Imperador
La base dell'imperatore
August 6, 2000
November 11, 2000
October 26, 2001
Follow the Kaiser's Base!
Kaizā no Kichi o Oe!
An Old Enemy Returns
T.K. gegen DigimonKaiser
Kimeramon, El Digimon Compuesto
Kimeramon, o Digimon Composto
Il super Digimon
August 13, 2000
November 18, 2000
October 29, 2001
Chimairamon, the Combined Beast
Gousei Majū Kimeramon
『超絶進化! 黄金のマグナモン』
The Darkness Before Dawn
Das goldene Magnamon
Una Digievolución Prodigiosa, El Dorado Magnamon
Uma Digievolução Prodigiosa, o Dourado Magnamon
Il Digiuovo dei miracoli
August 20, 2000
November 18, 2000
October 30, 2001
Supreme Evolution! Golden Magnamon
Chouzetsu Shinka! Ougon no Magunamon
The Crest of Kindness
DigimonKaisers Ende
Adiós, Ken
Adeus, Ken
Il coraggio di Wormmon
August 27, 2000
November 18, 2000
October 31, 2001
Goodbye, Ken...
Sayonara, Ken-chan…
『豪勇進化! エクスブイモン』
Davis Cries Wolfmon
Der Wiederaufbau
Una difficile digievoluzione
September 3, 2000
December 2, 2000
November 1, 2001
Brave Evolution! XV-mon
Gouyū Shinka! Ekusubuimon
Genesis of Evil
Kens Vergangenheit
Di nuovo insieme
September 20, 2000
December 2, 2000
March 2016[N 1]
When a Digivice is Infected by Darkness
Dejivaisu ga Yami ni Somaru Toki
If I had a Tail Hammer
Der neue Ken
Un salvataggio inatteso
September 17, 2000
December 9, 2000
November 2, 2001
Armored Ankylomon of The Earth
Daichi no Soukou Ankiromon
Spirit Needle
Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Türme
Aquilamon, la regina dei cieli
September 24, 2000
December 9, 2000
November 5, 2001
Aquilamon, Knight of The Skies
Ōzora no Kishi Akuiramon
『ジョグレス進化 今、心をひとつに』
United We Stand
Paildramon - Die Verschmelzung
L'unione fa la forza!
October 1, 2000
February 3, 2001
November 6, 2001
Jogress Evolution, Two Hearts become One
Joguresu Shinka Ima, Kokoro o Hitotsu ni
『無敵合体! パイルドラモン』
Fusion Confusion
Einzelgänger Ken
Il segreto svelato
October 8, 2000
February 3, 2001
November 7, 2001
The Unparalleled Union! Paildramon
Muteki Gattai! Pairudoramon
The Insect Master's Trap
Willkommen im Giga-Haus
Il flauto incantatore
October 15, 2000
February 3, 2001
November 9, 2001
The Insect Master's Trap!!
Konchū Tsukai no Wana!!
『アルケニモン 蜘蛛女のミス』
Arukenimon's Tangled Web
Bezaubernde Flötenklänge
Suoni e ultrasuoni
October 22, 2000
February 10, 2001
November 12, 2001
Archnemon, the Spider Woman's Mistake
Arukenimon Kumojo no Misu
Ultimate Anti-Hero
BlackWarGreymons Geburt
Cento obelischi di controllo
October 29, 2000
February 10, 2001
November 13, 2001
Dark Ultimate Black War Greymon
Ankoku Kyūkyokutai Burakkuuōgureimon
Opposites Attract
L'anello sacro
November 5, 2000
February 17, 2001
November 14, 2001
Love Storm: Silphymon
Ai no Arashi Shirufīmon
If I Only Had A Heart
Der geheimnisvolle Stein
Se avessi un cuore
November 12, 2000
February 17, 2001
November 15, 2001
Mysterious Ruins, Holy Stone
Nazo no Iseki Hōrī Sutōn
A Chance Encounter
Yoleis Schulausflug
La città dei folletti
November 19, 2000
February 24, 2001
November 16, 2001
Today Miyako is in Kyoto
Kyō no Miyako wa Kyō no Miyako
Destiny In Doubt
Auf verlorenem Posten
Salviamo le pietre sacre!
November 26, 2000
February 24, 2001
November 19, 2001
Defend The Holy Point
Hōrī Pointo o Mamore
『爆進! ブラックウォーグレイモン』
Cody Takes A Stand
Cody in Gefahr
Il coraggio di Cody
December 3, 2000
March 3, 2001
November 20, 2001
Assault on Black War Greymon
Bakushin! Burakkuuōgureimon
Stone Soup
Das Chinarestaurant
L'ultima pietra sacra
December 10, 2000
March 10, 2001
November 21, 2001
Steel Angel, Shakkoumon
Hagane no Tenshi Shakkoumon
Kyoto Dragon
Das weise Azulongmon
Una nuova minaccia
December 17, 2000
March 17, 2001
November 22, 2001
Gigantic Ultimate, Qinglongmon
Kyodai Kyūkyokutai Chinronmon
『ホーリーナイト デジモン大集合!』
A Very Digi-Christmas
La festa di Natale
December 24, 2000
March 24, 2001
July 1, 2002
Holy Night, All Digimon Gather Together!
Hōrī Naito Dejimon Daishūgou!
『全員出動! インペリアルドラモン』
Dramon Power
La nascita di Imperialdramon
December 24, 2000
March 31, 2001
July 2, 2002
Imperialdramon, All Chosen Children Sally Out!
Zenin Shutsudou! Inperiarudoramon
Digimon World Tour, Part 1
Mit vereinten Kräften
Viaggio in America e a Hong Kong
January 14, 2001
April 7, 2001
July 3, 2002
New York and Hong Kong, The Battle Royal
Nyū Yōku Honkon Daikonsen!
Digimon World Tour, Part 2
DigiChaos auf den Kontinenten
Viaggio in Australia e in Francia
January 21, 2001
April 14, 2001
July 4, 2002
Coral and Versailles, The Rebel Fight!
Sango to Berusaiyu Dairansen!
Digimon World Tour, Part 3
Russisch für Anfänger
Viaggio in Messico e in Russia
January 28, 2001
April 21, 2001
July 5, 2002
Love and Borscht, The Fierce Fight!
Koi to Borushichi Daigekisen!
Invasion of the Daemon Corps
Entführung der Kinder
February 4, 2001
April 28, 2001
July 8, 2002
Attack of the Demon Corps
Dēmon Gundan no Shūrai
Dark Sun, Dark Spore
Eine Stadt wird verwüstet
Il segreto del successo
February 11, 2001
April 28, 2001
July 9, 2002
The Deadly Struggle with the Dark Digimon
Ankoku Dejimon to no Shitou
The Dark Gate
Das Tor zur Finsternis
La resa di Demon
February 18, 2001
May 5, 2001
July 10, 2002
The Gate of Darkness
Ankoku no Gēto
Duel of the WarGreymon
Kleine Genies
Una sconfitta necessaria
February 25, 2001
May 5, 2001
July 11, 2002
Black War Greymon VS War Greymon
Burakkuuōgureimon tai Uōgureimon
BlackWarGreymon's Destiny
Die Saat des Bösen
El Sello De BlackWarGreymon
O Selo de BlackWarGreymon
Il gesto eroico di BlackWarGreymon
March 4, 2001
May 12, 2001
July 12, 2002
The Seal of Black War Greymon
Burakkuuōgureimon no Fūin
『恐怖! ベリアルヴァンデモン』
Oikawa's Shame
Neuer Terror für die DigiWelt
El Terror De MaloMyotismon
O Terror de MaloMyotismon
Una nuova dimensione
March 11, 2001
May 12, 2001
July 15, 2002
Terror! Belial Vamdemon
Kyoufu! Beriaruvandemon
The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined
Wundersame Waffe
La Última Armodigievolución
A Última Armodigievolução
Forza di volontà
March 18, 2001
May 19, 2001
July 16, 2002
The Last Armor Evolution
Saigo no Āmā Shinka
A Million Points of Light
Lebe deine Träume
Nuestro Mundo Digimon
O Nosso Mundo Digimon
Digiworld dolce Digiworld
March 25, 2001
May 19, 2001
July 17, 2002
Our Digital World
Bokura no Dejitaru Wārudo