Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
Virtual Pets
⇨ Japanese An Armor-level Insect Digimon that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Knowledge". It is a mythical Digimon that is said to have evolved in a mutant-like manner due to the power of the Digimental when Kunemon emerged in large numbers. Honeybeemon and Butterflamon are also species of Flybeemon, so it is extremely rare to encounter. It is very territorial, and will try to repel those that intrude its territory, even if they are an Ultimate. Its Special Moves are rapidly vibrating the wings on its back and sending out an electric shock (Fly Spark), and firing the hardened stinger on the tip of its tail to pierce the enemy (Needle Stinger).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English “知識のデジメンタル”のパワーによって進化したアーマー体の昆虫型デジモン。クネモンが大量に発生したときにデジメンタルの力で突然変異的に進化するといわれている幻のデジモン。ハニービーモンやバタフラモンもその一種で遭遇することは非常に稀である。縄張り意識が非常に強く、自分のテリトリーに侵入したものはたとえ究極体であろうとも撃退しようとする。必殺技は背中の羽を高速で振動させ電撃をあびせる『フライスパーク』と、尻尾の先にある硬質な針を打ち出し敵を貫く『ニードルスティンガー』。 ※フライビーモンは「バンダイタウンFAXサービスデジモンイラストコンテスト」で群馬県「武井奈穂」さんのデジモンが入賞し採用されたものです。
⇨ Japanese An Armor-level Insect Digimon that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Knowledge". It is a mythical Digimon that is said to have evolved in a mutant-like manner due to the power of the Digimental when Kunemon emerged in large numbers. Honeybeemon and Butterflamon are also species of Flybeemon, so it is extremely rare to encounter. It has very intense territoriality, so those that intrude its territory will try to repel it even if they are an Ultimate. Its Special Moves are rapidly vibrating the wings on its back and sending out an electric shock (Fly Spark), and firing the hardened stinger on the tip of its tail to pierce the enemy (Needle Stinger).
Digimon Life
⇨ English “知識のデジメンタル”のパワーによって進化したアーマー体の昆虫型デジモン。クネモンが大量に発生したときにデジメンタルの力で突然変異的に進化するといわれている幻のデジモン。ハニービーモンやバタフラモンもその一種で遭遇することは非常に稀である。縄張り意識が非常に強く、自分のテリトリーに侵入したものはたとえ究極体であろうとも撃退しようとする。必殺技は背中の羽を高速で振動させ電撃をあびせる『フライスパーク』と、尻尾の先にある硬質な針を打ち出し敵を貫く『ニードルスティンガー』。
⇨ Japanese An Insect Digimon that evolved due to the Digimental of Knowledge.
Special Moves - Rapidly vibrates the wings on its back and sends out an electric shock (Fly Spark), and fires the hardened stinger on the tip of its tail to pierce the enemy (Needle Stinger).
⇨ English 知識のデジメンタルにより進化した昆虫型(こんちゅうがた)デジモン。 必殺技-背中の羽を高速で振動させ電撃をあびせる『フライスパーク』と、尻尾の先にある硬質な針を打ち出し敵を貫く『ニードルスティンガー』
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Fly Spark
Furai Supāku
Lightning Sting/Electro-Sting
Rapidly vibrates the wings on its back and sends out an electric shock, or fires lightning from its tail.
Needle Stinger
Nīdoru Sutingā
Fires the hardened stinger on the tip of its tail to pierce the enemy.
Poison Stinger
Poizun Sutingā
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Flybeemon from Digimon Tamers.
Flybeemon from Digimon Tamers.
Flybeemon using Fly Spark.
Some Flybeemon guard Zamielmon's Castle in Honey Land.[12]
Ichijouji Ken raised his fist to the sky as Pucchiemon flew forward followed by other flying Armor Digimon (Pipismon, Searchmon, Harpymon, Thunderbirmon, Flybeemon, Pteranomon and Honeybeemon).
Ichijouji Ken and flying Armor Digimon
Video Games[edit]
May evolve from Hawkmon if level 11 or more with Digimental of Knowledge.
Flybeemon is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Digimental of Knowledge (知識のデジメンタル, Chishiki no Dejimentaru) set.
Available as a collectable card.
Available as a collectable card.
Flybeemon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Available as a Digimon Medal in the Japanese PS4/Switch versions, and the western Switch/PC versions.
Flybeemon is an unobtainable Digimon.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Flybeemon evolves from Hawkmon using the Digimental of Knowledge.
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This crimson warhead paints the blue skies red! It stabs its enemies and inflicts them with deadly poison!!
Quote (⇨ English): 青空に描く紅の弾頭!敵を貫く猛毒の槍撃!!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It is capable of overwhelming even giant-sized Digimon with its aerial hit-and-run attacks!
Quote (⇨ English): 上空からの一撃離脱攻撃で、巨大なるデジモンも圧倒する!
Card Game Alpha
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]