Taichi and Jo are gathering water in plastic bags that Jo says he took from the restaurant. Mimi is watching, looking worried. She says that now they’ll have to keep running from Vamdemon just like they did from Etemon. The others there reassure her that they’ll beat Vamdemon too, and cheer her up slightly. Koshiro runs up and says that Gennai is there, and everyone follows him to a clearing where a hologram of Gennai is projected.
Gennai says he has found them a new comrade, and that there were originally supposed to be eight Chosen Children. Everyone is surprised, and Gennai says that without the eighth child, they won’t be able to fix the worlds. Gennai says he doesn’t know what the child's name is, but that they are located in Japan. He then says that Vamdemon already knows these things, and that he is gathering an army to go to Japan and kill the child.
Inside of Vamdemon’s dark castle, Nanimon is preparing to whip several new recruits into shape. As he walks up, Agumon and Palmon come in, disguised as Punk Agumon and Reggie Palmon. They join Nanimon’s training group. Deep inside the castle, Pico Devimon reports in to Vamdemon, saying that soldiers are coming from everywhere to join. Tailmon walks in, laughing and saying that those ‘soldiers’ will be good for nothing. She says that she has gathered a large number of very strong Digimon who are ready to fight for Vamdemon. Vamdemon seems pleased with her report, much to the distress of Pico Devimon. A Bakemon comes in, telling Vamdemon that the stone room is ready for his inspection. He opens a wall and walks down the stairs to find a room with large doors. He tells the Bakemon that the door leads to other worlds.
Just outside the castle, Gennai explains that the gate to Japan is somewhere inside the castle. Koshiro realizes that this is why Vamdemon hasn’t been chasing them personally, because he was getting the gate ready. Taichi wonders what Agumon and Palmon are doing, as they enlisted in the army to help the others get inside. At that moment, Nanimon is putting all the recruits through rigorous training exercises. After a while, they take a break. Scumon says that Nanimon is a heavy drinker, and the tired Digimon make a plan to get him drunk on sake. A Numemon sneaks away and starts to parachute bottles down from a nearby window. Nanimon sees the first one and immediately starts drinking. The Numemon supplies him with a large amount, and after a little while he is completely drunk and out cold. Agumon and Palmon run away, and Palmon drops her vines down for everyone. As they climb up, Gennai says he won’t be able to contact them inside the castle.
Vamdemon is looking at a set of cards, and he says that they must be understood and placed in the proper order to open the gate.
The Chosen Children split into a few groups to search the castle, and come across strange things. Yamato and Takeru find a torch upside down with flames pointing the wrong way. Taichi and Agumon look off a railing and see Koshiro and Tentomon looking back at them, but each one thinks that the other is below them, due to the strange gravity that makes them stand on either side of the bridge.
Vamdemon says he is ready to open the gate, and sends Tailmon and Pico Devimon to gather the soldiers.
The Chosen Children have met up again, and Koshiro says that the space in the castle is distorted and warped. Gomamon says that something is coming, and everyone ducks. They peek out and see a large group of Digimon, and correctly guess that they are leaving. The children follow them. Vamdemon recites a spell, and the cards fall onto the pedestal. The gate opens, and all the Digimon begin to move through. The Chosen Children run down the stairs, intent on stopping Vamdemon. He tells Pico Devimon to deal with them, and Pico Devimon orders Nanimon to fight them. Agumon and Palmon evolve, and the new recruits are alarmed. Gabumon, Tentomon, and Gomamon also evolve, and the soldiers break ranks and flee. Nanimon also surrenders, and the children let him go. Pico Devimon attacks with his Pico Darts, and Patamon blows them back with Air Shot. Tailmon leaps over, saying she can’t stand watching this anymore. The children don’t take her seriously at first, Jo telling her to shoo so she doesn’t get hurt. Tailmon uses her Neko Kick attack, and knocks over half their adult level Digimon. Togemon and Garurumon try to distract Tailmon while everyone runs for the gate, which is now closing slowly.
Tailmon uses her Holy Ring to animate the Devidramon statues on the wall, and they attack. The children progress across the room, but the Devidramon are strong enough to hold them back. Greymon evolves into Metal Greymon just long enough to use his Giga Destroyer, defeating the Devidramon. Tailmon stands in the closing door blocking the way and creating more Devidramon from the statues. The gate closes just before the children run through, trapping them there.