Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon stand to fight Piemon. Metalgarurumon leaps to fight Piemon bit Piemon launches a fire loom that catches him. Piemon then conjures a beach ball which emerged from underneath Wargreymon causing him to lose his balance and fall on top of Metal Garurumon.
Koushirou warns that Piemon is only playing. Piemon preforms his Trump Sword attack but Metal Garurumon is able to detect the swords so he and Wargreymon can deflect them. Wargreymon then attacks with Gaia Force knocking Piemon off his feet. Taichi instructs everyone the others to evolve and attack. But Piemon raises a white handkerchief. Jou questions if he is surrendering. Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon charge but Piemon throws the handkerchief over them and they disappear. Taichi and Yamato run to where they were only for Piemon to throw a handkerchief over them causing them to vanish as well. Piemon reveals that he has transformed them into key-chain figurines much to the others' terror.
Elsewhere Gennai, riding in a Mechanorimon, arrives at the Wall of Fire to meet Kentarumon. Kentarumon explains that the Wall of Fire was described in a prophecy inscribed into ancient ruins on File Island. Gennai asked if "it" really came from behind the Wall of Fire, and Kentarumon says that's what the prophecy indicated.
Back with the fight, the group retreats into a cave as Andromon volunteers to fight off Piemon. Andromon uses Spiral Sword but Piemon deflects it with his own swords. Piemon stroked relentlessly with his words but Andromon uses the armor on his arms as shields. Andromon punches Piemon away and blasts him with Gatling Missile, but it was a trap as Piemon had thrown another handkerchief into the air that landed on Andromon turning him into a key-chain figurine also.
Inside the cave the group finds a circus ring. Their is a break in the pathway. They have to preform an aerial act by swinging over a deep hole to continue on their way. Most of them make it across but Piemon shows up and transforms Jou, Koushirou, and Tentomon into key-chain figurines as well.
Elsewhere, Mimi's group is climbing a cliff to reach Piemon's location. Lilimon complains that Mimi is to heavy as she tries to push her up the cliff, which Mimi protests. Yukidarumon, Meramon, and Elecmon are also seen going up the cliff on ropes that the Gekomon and Otamamon have tied to the top of the cliff. A Gekomon says that he thinks the fight has already started. Unimon's shadow passes.
Back with the main group, the hide underneath the floor to evade Piemon. At first Piemon pretends not to notice them only to stabs his swords through the floor at them. Their digimon quickly evolve to Angewomon and Garudamon. Angewomon shoots one of Piemon's swords out of his hand with Holy Arrow. Piemon attacks with Shadow Wing but Piemon takes little damage. Garudamon grabs for him with her talon but he avoids it causing her to crash through the floor. He then uses another handkerchief to change Garudamon into a keychain figurine. Piemon pins Angewomon to the wall with his swords and does the same to her.
Sora tells Takeru to take Hikari and flee saying he was the only one that can protect her. Gomamon wants to stay with Sora and fight but she says he can't evolve without Jou. Piemon arrives and Gomamon jumps Piemon and grabs the Yamato figurine and tosses it to Sora. Sora throws it to Takeru before Piemon turns her and Gomamon into figurines.
Takeru and Hikari run out a door to a balcony where they find a magic rope that floats up. They climb the rope but on their way up Piemon burst through the door. Patamon evolves to Angemon and faces Piemon's swords with his staff. Piemon lands a hit on Angemon and tosses one of his swords at Angemon's face while he's recovering but it misses and Angemon strikes Piemon in the forehead with his staff then hits him in the gut knocking him over. Angemon attacks with Heaven's Knuckle but Piemon reflects the attack back on him. Angemon falls to the ground only for Piemon to blast him off the balcony.
Takeru was dispersed at seeing Angemon fall but did his best to hide the fears not wanting Hikari to be depressed. He says to keep climbing but Piemon throws a sword to cut the rope so they can't climb any further. Piemon climbs the rope and grabs Takeru's leg. Takeru tells Hikari to let go of him so he won't get her also, but she refuses. Piemon cuts the rope again to make them both fall. Takeru remembers Yamato's words about not giving up and activating his crest. Angemon super evolves into Holyangemon and saves Takeru and Hikari from falling. Piemon throws a handkerchief but Holyangemon cuts it in half telling Piemon to receive his "sword of judgment". Holyangemon swipes at Piemon cutting the key-chain figurines off of his belt and sent him falling off the balcony. Holyangemon uses Holy Disinfection to restore all of the others to normal.
Elsewhere, Piemon complains that he was trying to be merciful to them by turning them into dolls, but they seemed to want to die. He summons the Evilmon who surround the Chosen Children. At that moment Mimi arrives with all the Digimon they had gathered.
Orgemon swipes a few Evilmon away with his club. Taichi announces that this is their last battle and the battle ensnares. Metalgarurumon charges a few Evilmon that retreat. Elecmon and Unimon combine their attacks to blast a few more. Ogremon blasts two down with Haouken. Three Evilmon chase some Gekomon and Otamamon only to be chases away by Yukidarumon, Meramon, and Andromon. Gomamon and Tentomon evolve into Zudomon and Atlur Kabuterimon. Zudomon obliterates three Evilmon with Hammer Spark. Piemon attacks with Trump Sword but Atlur Kabuterimon destroys the swords with Horn Buster. Lilimon attacks with Flower Cannon but Piemon blocks it and throws a handkerchief at her but Angewomon destroys it with Holy Arrow. Garudamon attacks with Shadow Wing knocking Piemon off his feet. Holyangemon summons the Heaven's Gate that begins to suck up the Evilmon. Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon hit Piemon with Gaia Force and Garuru Tomahawk throwing him into the Heaven's Gate.
With Piemon gone, the group begins to celebrate. Taichi is surprised to see the other Digimon there, particularly Orgemon. Mimi was about to fill him in but is interrupted when Koushiru gets an e-mail from Gennai telling them that the Dark Masters were not their real enemy. It explains that the real enemy is what caused the distortions in the Digital World, and that the Dark Masters only gained their power from the distortions. Taichi demands to know who the real enemy is. The ground shakes as the world grows dark.