Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese An Omegamon which has an appearance like an angel, with white wings that flutter like a scarf. Having realized that there are some people who can only be saved by fighting, and defeating them, Omegamon transformed into this form through sorrow and determination, and "Photon Spreads", lines of bluish-white light that resemble tears rolling down one's cheeks, have emerged across its whole body. The "Photon Spreads" run across its whole body, temporarily increasing its power drastically. It is a being who relieves Digimon that have become corrupt and are unable to revert back by imposing judgment upon them, and it is said that the targets it attacks are always those who initially had a "good heart".
The "Grey Sword" that Omegamon was equipped with has also transformed into a katana called the "Gurei Tou". It is a weapon used for beheading its slain target with a single stroke, swinging down its parting blade with feelings of farewell in its heart. In addition, its Special Move "Garuru Cannon" has also transformed into the technique "Garuru Hou", where it fires cold air at absolute zero in the form of a laser.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English マフラーのようになびく白い翼をもった、まるで天使の様な姿をしたオメガモン。戦い、倒すことでしか救えない者がいると悟ったオメガモンが悲しみと決意をもって変化した姿で、まるで涙が頬を伝うような青白い光のライン「フォトンスプレッド」は全身にも浮かび上がっている。「フォトンスプレッド」が全身を駆け巡ることでパワーを一時的に大幅に上げている。道を踏み外し、後戻り出来なくなったデジモンを裁くことで救済する存在であり、彼が攻撃する対象は常に本来「善の心」を持つ者とされる。
⇨ Japanese An Omegamon with white wings, like an angel. It transformed into this form through sorrow and determination, and lines of bluish-white light that resemble tears rolling down one's cheeks have emerged across its whole body. The "Grey Sword" that Omegamon was equipped with has also transformed into the katana, "Gurei Tou".
Digimon Linkz
⇨ English 白い翼をもった、まるで天使のようなオメガモン。悲しみと決意をもって変化した姿で、まるで涙が頬を伝うような青白い光のラインは全身にも浮かび上がっている。オメガモンが装備する『グレイソード』も『虞玲刀』へと日本刀の姿に変化している。
⇨ Japanese This true form shines silver!
⇨ English 白銀に輝く真・形態!
⇨ Japanese An Omegamon which has an appearance like an angel. It strikes the enemy with its "Garuru Hou", which fires an absolute zero laser, and its katana "Gurei Tou".
⇨ English 天使のような姿をしたオメガモン。絶対零度のレーザーを放つ「雅琉々砲」、日本刀「虞玲刀」で敵を討つ。
Omegamon: Merciful Mode, also spelled Omegamon Marciful Mode[2]
Omegamon Māshifuru Mōdo
Omnimon Merciful Mode[3] Omegamon MM[4] Omegamon: Merciful Mode[5]
| Omega 「オメガ」
1} l., Omega (Ω) is the 24th and final letter of the Greek alphabet.
2} n., "Omega" has developed a symbolic meaning where it represents or describes the end, or the ultimate, of a sequence or category. For example, in many translations of the Book of Revelation, the Abrahamic God and Jesus are referred to as "the Alpha and the Omega," symbolizing them as the beginning and end of all things. (Digimon also alludes to this by frequently presenting Alphamon as a countepart of Omegamon's.)
| Merciful 1} adj., The ability to show mercy to others; i.e. wilfully sparing an individual, protecting an individual from harm, or ending or easing an individual's suffering, done not out of obligation, but out of a sense of pity, forgiveness, or compassion.
2} n., According to Watanabe Kenji, the use of the word "Merciful" in this Omegamon form's name is intended to connote a kaishakunin 「介錯人」, an individual who beheads another individual who has committed seppuku. Since the English language has no direct equivalent to the term "kaishakunin", the word "merciful" is used instead (connoting that what a kaishakunin does is an act of mercy to ensure that the individual who has committed seppuku does not experience pain and suffering for long).[1]
| Mode
According to Watanabe Kenji, Omegamon: Merciful Mode was conceptualized for "Our Future" to serve as a kaishakunin to end Ordinemon's life. An early idea for it was a simple gold recolor of Omegamon to serve as a more conventional powered-up form, but it was decided that this would not have enough emotional weight for the purposes of the narrative.
The Gurei Tou was designed to resemble a katana, rather than the European sword design of the Grey Sword, as part of an effort to add more Japanese elements to the design. Omegamon: Merciful Mode also took inspiration from the heroes featured in the works of Ishinomori Shotaro (Watanabe specifically cited Kamen Rider, Kikaider, and Cyborg 009) and includes nods to iconic features of such heroes:
- Lines resembling tears rolling down cheeks, like Omegamon: Merciful Mode's Photon Spreads, are a common feature of helmeted Ishinomori heroes like the Kamen Riders.
- The slender design of its wings is intended to resemble the trailing scarves that are frequently seen on Ishinomori heroes.[1]
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Garuru Hou
[5][N 1]
Refined-Lapides Cannon
Graceful Cannon[5]
With the Garuru Cannon on the right arm, fires cold air at absolute zero in the form of a laser.
Gurei Tou
[5][N 2]
Fear-Tingling Katana
Fearsome Blade[5], Benevolent Blade[8]
With the Grey Sword transformed into the katana on the left arm, performs a multi-hit and long-range attack.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Omegamon: Merciful Mode is a fusion of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato's Omegamon with the Partner Digimon of the other six Chosen Children: Izumi Kōshirō's Herakle Kabuterimon, Takenouchi Sora's Hououmon, Kido Jo's Vikemon, Tachikawa Mimi's Rosemon, Takaishi Takeru's Seraphimon, and Yagami Hikari's Holydramon.
Omegamon: Merciful Mode is formed in "Our Future" at the climax of the Chosen Children's battle with Ordinemon. Using its Gurei-tou, it cuts away Ordinemon's wings to halt its attacks, and then kills it/Meicoomon with a downward stroke that cleaves it in half, thus ending Meicoomon's suffering.
When Omegamon: Merciful Mode is created, Taichi, Yamato, and Mochizuki Meiko's Digivices turn white, and blue lines of light that resemble Omegamon: Merciful Mode's Photon Spreads appear along its shell.
Omegamon: Merciful Mode in Digimon Adventure tri.
Omegamon: Merciful Mode in Digimon Adventure tri.
Video Games[edit]
Omegamon: Merciful Mode or Omegamon MM (オメガモンMM) can be obtained by evolving an Omegamon. Its signature skill, Gu-Rei Tou, deals multiple physical damage to a single enemy with a chance to put all enemies into a sleep.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Battle Spirits
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ The attack name spelled in kanji is reflecting to the Omegamon's Garuru Cannon attack.
- ↑ The attack name spelled in kanji is reflecting to the Omegamon's Grey Sword attack.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 The actual in game evolution is from War Greymon or Metal Garurumon. The other component is spawned from thin air to Jogress with the base form.