Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A Beast Digimon that evolved via the data from a treadmill. It is capable of running without any loss in speed even through areas with poor footing such as mountainous areas or swamplands. However, rather than its speed or ability to cover distances, its stamina deserves special mention; it is able to continue running for long periods while maintaining its top speed the entire time.
Its Special Moves are charging at the enemy at super speed from their blind spot (Lightning Rush), and shooting energy blades from its tail that slice enemies apart (Heartbeat Impulse).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English ランニングマシーンのデータで進化した獣型デジモン。山岳地帯や沼地など足場の悪いところでもスピードを落とすことなく走り抜けることが出来る。しかし、特筆すべきは走破能力や速度よりもそのスタミナだ。ほぼ休息をとることなく、トップスピードを維持したまま長く走り続けることが出来る。 必殺技は超スピードで敵の死角から電光石火の突進をお見舞いする『ライトニングラッシュ』と、尻尾からエネルギー刃を飛ばし敵を切り裂く『ハートビートインパルス』。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)