Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A Bird Man Digimon that evolved via dance music data. It is a natural-born dancer who always performs to the rhythm and unleashes its taijutsu while dancing, even in battle. It is a performer who dances to things ranging from cheerful music to mellow, moody songs, and whenever its headphones come off or the music stops, it gets into a bad mood and starts acting violently.
It has mastered "Rhythmic Arts", dance kenpō which incorporates capoeira and martial arts. Its Special Moves are blowing the enemy away with a very loud beat emitted from the speaker in its abdomen (Howling Blast), and creating tornadoes and roaring sounds with its skillful footwork (Upbeat Twister).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English ダンスミュージックのデータによって進化した鳥人型デジモン。常にリズムを取りながら行動し、戦闘時も踊りながら体術を繰り出す生粋のダンサー。陽気な音楽からしっとりとしたムーディな曲まで踊りこなすパフォーマーで、ヘッドホンが外れたり音楽が止まってしまうと機嫌を悪くして暴れ出してしまう。 カポエラやマーシャルアーツを取り入れたダンス拳法『リズミック・アーツ』を使いこなす。必殺技は腹部のスピーカーから流す大音量のビートで敵を吹っ飛ばす『ハウリングブラスト』と、巧みな足裁きで轟音と竜巻を引き起こす『アップビートツイスター』。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)