Crest of Light

From Wikimon
Crest of Light
Crest of Light
Kanji/Kana 光の紋章
Dub Name Crest of Light

The Crest of Light (光の紋章, Hikari no Monshou) is one of the nine Crests. It is engraved with a stylised flower pattern.



Digimon Adventure[edit]

The Crest of Light was the final Crest obtained by the Chosen Children; it remained in the possession of Vamdemon for many years alongside its Tag. When he came to the real world to find and kill the Eighth Child, he produced copies of the Tag and Crest, which were sensitive to the presence of the Eighth Child's Digivice. Wizarmon successfully stole it from Vamdemon and returned it to Yagami Hikari, its rightful bearer, at the cost of his own life; shortly thereafter it was used for the first time to super-evolve Tailmon to Angewomon. Its physical form was later destroyed by Apocalymon, and in May 2000 Hikari surrendered its power to free Qinglongmon from the bonds placed upon him and the other Four Holy Beasts by the Dark Masters.

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

The Crest of Light belongs to Yagami Hikari. Like the other Crests in Adventure:, it does not exist in a physical form, and instead appears in Hikari's Digivice:'s screen when Hikari shows the trait the Crest embodies.

A giant Crest of Light, in the same shape as the ones in Digimon Adventure, appeared in the Tree of Knowledge alongside the other seven Crests in "The Mystery Hidden Within the Crests". Wisemon explained that the Crests predated Digimon themselves and were a complete mystery, which led the Chosen Children to separate to answer said mystery.

In "Hikari, New Life", after a Nyokimon was born from the Digitama that Hikari protected from Skull Baluchimon, Hikari's Digivice: projected the Crest of Light. Angewomon was then powered up by it, creating an Ofanimon aura, which allowed her to defeat and purify Skull Baluchimon and a group of Soulmon, turning them into Digitama.


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

The Crest of Light is seen on a computer screen in Shinkai Denemon's lab at the time Minerva's development was completed in "Minerva and Leviathan!!".

The Crest of Light

Video Games[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon Adventure[edit]

On top of a building, Vamdemon gave Pico Devimon and Tailmon copies of the eighth Chosen Child's Tag and Crest, the Crest of Light, in Episode 34, "Mammon, the Great Clash at Hikarigaoka!", with the original in his possession. Despite being copies, they would react if they were close to the eighth Chosen Child.

Wizarmon found himself outside Yagami Taichi and Yagami Hikari's apartment at night in Episode 45, "The Bond of Destiny! Tailmon", as his fake Crest of Light was reacting to the eighth Child's Digivice there. Wizarmon wondered if a crow picked it up and carried it there, but his thoughts were interrupted by Pico Devimon's arrival. After Tailmon met Hikari, Wizarmon went to retrieve the true Crest of Light alongside Tailmon, as he knew they would need it. Wizarmon and Tailmon returned to Vamdemon's base to recover the true Crest of Light. A Bakemon refused them entrance as the base was to be closed until Vamdemon returned. Wizarmon lied, saying they were there to switch out the guard, then brainwashed Bakemon into believing it, who then left. Wizarmon then found the Crest, but Vamdemon was there and not out until dawn as they thought. While Wizarmon was beaten, he still managed to swipe the Crest of Light and take it with him.

As they swum to Odaiba on Zudomon in Episode 46, "All-Out Assault! The Odaiba Fog!", Kido Jo and Takaishi Takeru found Wizarmon drifting, who introduced himself and begged them to take him to Tailmon. Jo was worried that he was one of Vamdemon's minions, though Takeru cared more about his wounds. Wizarmon gave them the original Tag and Crest of Light so they'd deliver them to Tailmon, shocking both humans.

After Wizarmon was killed by Vamdemon's Night Raid, Hikari's emotions caused her Digivice and Crest of Light to react. Once she recovered her Digivice, the Crest of Light allowed Tailmon to Super Evolve into Angewomon for the first time.

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

The Chip of Light item is imbued with the power of the Crest of Light. Taiga obtains two of them after defeating Yagami Hikari and Angewomon in the Colosseum 40th floor Free Battle: "Light Priestess". Hikari's own Crest of Light shines before this, proving Taiga worthy of the items. It greatly increases Digimaru's HP and MP.

The Chip items

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]



List of Digimon inscribed with this Crest[edit]

Digimon Location
Nefertimon Body Armor
Coatlmon Mask

Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Crest light vpet Digivice.gif

See Also[edit]