Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Anime & Manga
⇨ Japanese A gourmet Digimon that read data on all kinds of fries. As it walks about eating fries, it wants many Digimon to know how delicious they are, and goes around sharing fries that it recommends. It views those who criticize its fries as complainers, and bashes its "Shubashuba Potato", which sends razor-sharp fries flying, and its big, flat, piping hot "Bashed Potato" down from the sky, and lets those who have apologized to it enjoy the splendor of its fries. It is in a competitive relationship with Burgamon over who is better when it comes to fast food.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English あらゆるフライドポテトのデータを読み取った美食家デジモン。フライドポテトを食べ歩きながら、この美味しさを多くのデジモンに共感してほしく、おすすめのフライドポテトを分け与えて回っている。フライドポテトにいちゃもんをつける相手はクレーマー認定し、キレ味鋭いポテトを飛ばす『シュバシュバポテト』や、平らで大きなアツアツ『バッシュドポテト』を空から叩き落として、謝った相手にはフライドポテトの素晴らしさを味わわせる。バーガモンとはどちらがファーストフードの主役かを競う仲である。
⇨ Japanese A gourmet Digimon that loves fries. As it walks about eating fries, it wants many Digimon to know how delicious they are, and goes around sharing fries that it recommends. As for complainers who criticize its fries, despite not even tasting them, it drops its "Shubashuba Potato", which sends razor-sharp fries flying, and its big, flat "Bashed Potato" from the sky to crush them, and will feed them once they apologize. It is in a competitive relationship with Burgamon over who is better when it comes to fast food.
Toei Animation | Digimon Adventure:
⇨ English フライドポテトが大好きな美食家デジモン。フライドポテトを食べ歩きながら、この美味しさを多くのデジモンに共感してほしく、おすすめのフライドポテトを分け与えて回っている。食べてもないのにいちゃもんをつけるクレーマーには、キレ味鋭いポテトを飛ばす『シュバシュバポテト』や、平らで大きな『バッシュドポテト』を空から落として圧し潰し、謝ったら食べさせてあげる。バーガモンとはどちらがファーストフードの主役かを競う仲である。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Shubashuba Potato
Shubashuba Poteto
Sends razor-sharp fries flying having been bashed down from the sky.
Bashed Potato
Basshudo Poteto
Bashes its big, flat, piping hot fries down from the sky to crush those who criticize its fries.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Potamon makes its anime debut in "Jyagamon, Potato Hell". It is one of the customers of the haven for travelling Digimon. It is the only one that eats their fries, but it loves them, eating them at high speed and several at once. It quickly forms a friendship with Kido Joe, who also loves fries, and they become "potato buds", soon followed by Gomamon. However, after Burgamon tells it that no more fries will be sold from the next day onwards, it leaves with sorrow of not being able to eat its fries anymore causes it to evolve into Jyagamon and go on its rampage until Joe stopped him.
Potamon in Digimon Adventure:
Potamon and Burgamon in Digimon Adventure:
Two Potamon appear in "Kamaitachi" as members of a group of Digimon that meet daily to exchange information, Angoramon is part of that group.
A Potamon was driven mad by Morphomon's Rinrin Therapy scales in "Moaning Bug". It was stopped by Clockmon stealing its time.
Potamon in Digimon Ghost Game.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]