Shioda Hirokazu

From Wikimon
(Redirected from Shiota Hirokazu)
Shiota Hirokazu
Shiota Hirokazu
Kanji/Kana 塩田 博和
Dub Name Kazu Shioda
Kyle (Digimon Tamers Singapore English dub)
Age 10 (Dub: 13[1])
Partner Digimon Guardromon
Digivice Brown D-Ark
Family Shioda Hirofumi (father)
Shioda Takako (mother)
Voice Actor Japanese Tamaki Yūki (環 有希)
English Brad MacDonald

Shiota Hirokazu is one of the protagonists of Digimon Tamers. He is the partner of Guardromon.


Hirokazu is one of Matsuda Takato's best friends, who eventually becomes one of ten Digimon Tamers. Hirokazu starts out brash, arrogant, and cheeky, though brave and a loyal friend. He loves the Digimon card game, and typically beats Takato and Kenta at it. Despite this, he's nowhere near the level of Makino Ruki and Akiyama Ryo. He is a fan of the two of them, however.

Card Game Evolution[edit]



Digimon Tamers[edit]

Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express[edit]


Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

During "BONUS TRACK", Wizarmon saw other universes. In one of them, he saw Matsuda Takato travelling through the Digital World alongside Guilmon, Makino Ruki and Hirokazu.

Wizarmon's vision in "BONUS TRACK".

Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Tamers Original Story: Message in the Packet[edit]

Digimon Series 1-4: Original Story Special ~with~[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]


Hirokazu.gif Shioda hirokazu acrylickeychain.jpg Shioda Hirokazu reference art 1.jpg Shioda Hirokazu reference art 2.jpg
Digimon Tamers Digimon Tamers
Limited Base Acrylic Keychain
Digimon Tamers
(reference art)
Digimon Tamers
(reference art)
Shioda Hirokazu lineart.jpg
Digimon Tamers

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
Digimon Tamers
Main Characters Matsuda TakatoMakino RukiLee JianliangKatou JuriShiota HirokazuKitagawa KentaLee ShaochungAi and MakotoAkiyama RyoAlice McCoyUehara MinamiMatsuda Takato (2018)
Partner Digimon GuilmonRenamonTerriermonLeomonGuardromonMarin AngemonLopmonImpmonCyberdramonDobermonLabramon
Supporting Characters CulumonMatsuda TakehiroMatsuda YoshieUrazoe KaiMakino RumikoHata SeikoLee MayumiLee RincheiLee JaarinKatou HajimeKatou ShizueKatou MasahikoGrani
Hypnos Yamaki MitsuoOotori ReikaOnodera Megumi
Wild Bunch Rob McCoy (Dolphin) • Lee Janyuu (Tao) • Mizuno Gorou (Shibumi) • Rai Aishuwarya (Curly) • BabelDaisy
Antagonists DevaFour Holy BeastsD-ReaperMephismonParasimonMalice BotPolitical Correctness
Terms D-ArcCard SlashBlue CardRealizationMetaphorizationZoneD-Reaper ZoneYuggothShaggaiTransphotic EddyOperation DoodlebugDigiGnomeGuilmon Bread
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese cast
Other Media Digimon Tamers 1984Digimon Tamers 2018: Days -Information and the Unordinary-Digimon Tamers 2021