Name & Etymology
Appmon Reference Book
Anime & Manga
Video Games
⇨ Japanese An Appmon brimming with curiosity that loves searching out. From daily life knowledge to other's weaknesses, it can look up anything by searching the Net Ocean.
Appmon Reference Book
⇨ English 好奇心旺盛で、調べることが大好きなアプモン。生活の知識から相手の弱点まで、ネットの海を探って何でも検索してくれる。
⇨ Japanese A search app (Social Attribute) Appmon. Brimming with curiosity, it loves searching out. From daily life knowledge to other's weaknesses, it can look up anything by searching the Net Ocean.
Appli Monsters: Appmon Academy!!
⇨ Japanese A search app (Social Attribute) Appmon. Brimming with curiosity, it loves searching out. From daily life knowledge to other's weaknesses, it will look up anything by searching the Net Ocean for you.
⇨ English 検索アプリ(ソーシャル属性)のアプモン。好奇心旺盛で、調べることが大好き。生活の知識から相手の弱点まで、ネットの海を探って何でも検索してくれる。
⇨ English カッコつけ屋だが「検索アプリ」の能力を持ち、どんな情報も頭の虫眼鏡を使いネットから調べてきてくれる。好きな食べ物は「ガッチモナカ」。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Deep Search
Dīpu Sāchi
Deep Search[7]
Uses its magnifying glass to search the Net Ocean for information on a given topic.
Gatch Claw
Gacchi Kurō
Matching Claw
Rushes at the opponent to attack with its shining claws.
Weak Point Search
Wīku Pointo Sāchi
Discovers the enemy's weakness with its magnifying glass.
Messe Stream Attack
Messe Sutorīmu Atakku
When Applinked with Messemon, fires off 3 text bubbles.
Gatch Iine Rush
Gatch Like Rush
Gacchi Iine Rasshu
When Applinked with Tubumon, fires a barrage of hands giving a thumbs-up.
Dokkan Punch
Booming Punch
Dokkan Panchi
When Applinked with Dokamon, flies at the enemy surrounded by comet-like energy and punches them.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Gatchmon is the Buddy Appmon of Shinkai Haru.
Gatchmon from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Gatchmon and Haru from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Gatchmon from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Gatchmon's stats in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Gatchmon is the Buddy Appmon of Shinkai Haru.
Video Games[edit]
Gatchmon appeared on a sign in game to promote Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (3DS).
Virtual Pets[edit]
Appli Monsters Card Game
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It searches through the Net Ocean directly using the magnifying glass on its forehead.
Quote (⇨ English): 額の虫メガネでネットの海へ直接検索。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It is capable of searching for anything, from life hacks to even opponents' weaknesses.
Quote (⇨ English): 生活の知恵から敵の弱点まで何でも検索。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It retrieves search results accurately with its sharp claws.
Quote (⇨ English): 鋭いツメで検索結果を正確に掴み出す。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It slashes furiously with its claws, which it uses to grab hold of search results.
Quote (⇨ English): 検索結果を掴むツメで激しく切り裂く。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Its sharp claws have been changed into sturdy fists through Applinking.
Quote (⇨ English): 鋭いツメから強固な拳へアプリンク。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It searches for information using its magnifying glass and catches it directly.
Quote (⇨ English): 虫メガネで情報検索して直接キャッチ。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Gatchmon's claws are extremely sharp and move with great precision.
Quote (⇨ English): ガッチモンのツメはとても鋭く精密に動く。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): An Appmon brimming with curiosity that loves searching out. From daily life knowledge to other's weaknesses, it can look up anything by searching the Net Ocean.
Quote (⇨ English): 好奇心旺盛で、調べることが大好きなアプモン。生活の知識から相手の弱点まで、ネットの海を探って何でも検索してくれる。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Its Signature Move, Deep Search, is an "unparalleled searching ability" that is capable of precisely retrieving the information floating throughout the Net. It analyzes information on the opponent and uses it to pave its way to victory.
Quote (⇨ English): ネットの海に漂う情報を”類い稀なる検索能力”で正確に掴み取る「ディープサーチ」が得意技。敵の情報を分析し手勝利へと導く。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Having been infected by a virus, Gatchmon pulls out false information on purpose and links to information with low credibility, resulting in warped search results.
Quote (⇨ English): ウイルス化したガッチモンは、わざとデマ情報を引っ張り出してきたり、信憑性の低い情報をつなぎ合わせて検索結果を歪めてしまう。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): While its Gatch Claw is usually used as a convenient tool that is indispensable in retrieving search results, once it enters battle, it quickly turns into a weapon used to tear foes apart.
Quote (⇨ English): 普段のガッチクローは検索結果話して離さない便利な道具だが、ひとたび戦闘になれば敵を斬り裂く武器へと早変わりする。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Gatchmon might be lacking in physical strength, but it doesn't lose out to anyone when it comes to having the courage to stand against fear. No matter what the situation, it stands strong and searches its way to victory.
Quote (⇨ English): ガッチモンは腕っぷしが強いワケではない。だが、恐怖に立ち向かう勇気は誰よりも強く、どんな状況にもめげずに勝利への道筋を検索する。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): An Appmon brimming with curiosity, it spends its days submerged in the Net Ocean. It sometimes pulls all-nighters in order to do its searching, resulting in it oversleeping the next morning.
Quote (⇨ English): 好奇心旺盛で毎日のようにネットの海に潜っているアプモン。徹夜で調べるものをすることもあるため、たまに朝寝坊してしまう。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): By searching the Net, it is able to obtain the information it wants, such as the weaknesses and characteristics of its opponents. The information it obtains gets more accurate as its own level rises.
Quote (⇨ English): ネット上を検索し、相手の弱点や特徴など知りたい情報を得る。自身のレベルによって情報の精度が上がる。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): An Appmon brimming with curiosity, it has a wealth of knowledge pertaining to the real world. It is able to look up anything, from general trivia to even the weaknesses of its opponents in battle.
Quote (⇨ English): 現実世界の知識を豊富に持つ、好奇心旺盛なアプモン。日常生活の豆知識から、バトル相手の弱点まで、何でも調べることができる。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It can search anything by scouring the Net Ocean. When the power of its bond with its Buddy Haru reaches its maximum, a miracle will occur...!?
Quote (⇨ English): ネットの海を探って何でも検索してくれく。バディのハルとの絆の力が最大になったとき、軌跡を起こす...!?
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Gatchmon possesses excellent searching abilities. It has a wealth of knowledge regarding the Real World, and is full of interest in humans. Therefore, it is always searching over here from the other side.
Quote (⇨ English): 優れた検索能力を持つガッチモン。現実世界の知識は豊富で、人間にも興味津々。だから彼は、いつも向こう側からこちらを捜索している。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Even Gatchmon, who is usually full of curiosity, has search terms it is not comfortable with. It will freeze and turn pale when it tries to search for urban legends or horror stories.
Quote (⇨ English): 好奇心旺盛なガッチモンにも苦手な検索ワードがある。都市伝説や怖い話を検索するとフリーズを起こして真っ白になってしまうぞ。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): An Appmon brimming with curiosity that loves searching out. From daily life knowledge to other's weaknesses, it can look up anything by searching the Net Ocean.
Quote (⇨ English): 好奇心旺盛で、調べることが大好きなアプモン。生活の知識から相手の弱点まで、ネットの海を探って何でも検索してくれる。
Data Carddass Appli Monsters
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
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CPG-001 |
CPG-002 |
CPG-004 |
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VSP-001 |
C01-003 |
B01-018 |
B04-001 (Plus Dokamon)
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UGR-005 (with Agumon) |
BSP-023 |
Additional information[edit]