Navimon (Appmon)

From Wikimon
For Digimon species, see Navimon.
Name & Etymology
Appmon Reference Book Anime & Manga Video Games Misc
⇨ Japanese
It's an Appmon that guides us through the shortest route to our destination. With a personality as straightforward as the arrows on both arms, it hates detours.
Appmon Reference Book

Other ▸
Grade Standard [1]

App Navi [1]
Type Navi [1]
Power 560
List of Appmon

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Yajirushi Missile [4] Arrow Missile 矢印ミサイル Yajirushi Misairu
Shock Attack Marker [1]
ショックアタックマーカー Shokku Atakku Mākā Marker Attack
Navigation Arrow [1]
ナビゲーションアロー Nabigēshon Arō Navi-Arrow Throws a marker at the enemy. Once the marker is on the enemy, shoots missiles that can track them.
Navimon Ninpo: Kage Shibari [5] Navimon Ninja Arts: Shadow Bind ナビモン忍法・影縛り Nabimon Ninpo: Kage Shibari
Throws a marker at the enemy's shadow, stopping their movements.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Navimon gets infected by the L-Virus and messes up with the GPS in Japan, so that navigation systems show incorrect data. Gatchmon fights against it.

Navimon from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Infected Navimon from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Navimon and Gatchmon from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Appli Monsters: Appmon Academy!![edit]

Navimon from Appmon Academy!!.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters/Cyber Arena[edit]

Navimon DUAM 3DS.jpg

Appmon Gatchinko Bingo[edit]

Appmon Data Lab[edit]

Appli Monsters: Protect the World[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Appli Drive[edit]

Appmon Seven Code Band[edit]

Appli Drive DUO[edit]


Appli Monsters Card Game


Data Carddass Appli Monsters
Digimon Card Game
Appmon cardgame logo.png
Datacarddass applimonsters logo.png

Image Gallery[edit]

BSP-003 front.png BSP-004 front.png B01-019 front.png V01-003 front.png
BSP-003 BSP-004 B01-019 V01-003
Appmon gang digimon universe appli monsters seika coloring book.jpg Navimon perorimon recomon digimon universe appli monsters seika coloring book.jpg Digimon universe appli monsters manga promo art2.jpg Digimon universe appli monsters manga promo art4.jpg
Appli Monsters Seika's Coloring Book Appli Monsters Seika's Coloring Book Illustration by Akamine Naoki Illustration by Akamine Naoki
Digimon universe appli monsters manga promo art6.jpg Gatchmon navimon sketch DUAM manga.jpg Navimon appmon data lab art.png
Illustration by Akamine Naoki Sketch by Akamine Naoki Original artwork for the Appmon Data Lab corner
Navimon appmon seven code band toy.png Navimon sprite appli drive.png
Appmon Seven Code Band Appli Drive

Additional information[edit]

References Notes