Ryo's Story!

From Wikimon
Ryo's Story!
Ryo story logo.png
Author Artful Doodlers (Illustrator), John Gatehouse (Writer)
Publisher Panini
Serialization Wickid
Duration September 28, 2003
Volumes N/A
Next Manga N/A
Previous Manga N/A

Ryo's Story! (N/A, ') is a comic based on the WonderSwan videogames' series backstory, including Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer, Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers, Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers, and Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer.



Before Akiyama Ryo met the Tamers, in the desert plain on the Digital World, Ryo and Cyberdramon fought Megadramon. With Ryo hiding behind a rock, Cyberdramon hit Megadramon with his Cyber Nail while telling them to bully a Digimon who could fight back instead of destroying defenceless villages. Megadramon told him that no one could defeat them and shot a cliff with their Darkside Attack (Genocide Attack), causing an avalanche to fall on top of Ryo. Cyberdramon blocked the avalanche with his body, causing both of them to be buried, while Megadramon took the chance to leave while laughing. Cyberdramon was knocked out, causing Ryo to break down, thinking there was no way out and realizing he was tired of all the fighting. His memories of how it all began came back at that point, of how he didn't come from the Digimon Tamers Earth but from the Earth of Digimon Adventure. There, in, his first adventure, he teamed up with Tai Kamiya's (Yagami Taichi) Agumon to defeat the evil Millenniummon (Millenniumon). Millenniumon then came back and Ryo fought him alongside Ichijouji Ken. Ryo was sure he would not come back, but he did, having digivolved (evolved) into Moon=Millenniummon (Moon Millenniumon). By that point, Ryo had been trained by Azulongmon (Qinglongmon) to defend the Digital World, but Moon=Millenniummon tricked him and opened a portal in time that hurled him to the ancient Digital World while he travelled to the future.

In the past, Ryo met Monodramon and ENIAC, the world's first computer, who taught him about the existence of multiple Digital Worlds and Earths and how Moon=Millenniummon was desperate to conquer them all. ENIAC then sent Ryo and Monodramon to the future to face Moon=Millenniummon in his final digivolved form: Xeedmillenniummon (Zeed Millenniumon), who Monodramon faced by shooting beams from his hands. Monodramon then forced a DNA Digivolution (Jogress Evolution) between himself and Xeedmillenniummon after realizing that it was the only way to defeat him. Together, they became Cyberdramon, and then he and Ryo ended up on an alternate Earth where Digimon was simply a TV cartoon and a card game.

In the present, as Cyberdramon woke up and freed himself from the rocks, Ryo explained that the part of Cyberdramon that was Xeedmillenniummon made him hard to control so he had to bring him to the Digital World they now lived in. However, he couldn't go on any further. Cyberdramon rescued Ryo and told him not to give up when he was around.

With his spirits renewed, Ryo got on Cyberdramon's back and they flew away to find and get revenge on Megadramon, who they found as he was destroying a Mushmon village, and immediately slashed them then shot them with a beam from his hand, finally defeating them. The Mushmon then hailed Ryo and Cyberdramon as heroes and invited them to a feast, which made Ryo realize that they needed to protect the weak and innocent of the Digital World, which became Ryo's true purpouse.




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Cmon logo.png Vtamer logo.png Digimonchronicle logo.png Digimonnext logo.png Digimonxroswars logo.png
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Dscs hackersmemory logo white.png Digimonchroniclex logo.png Digimondreamers logo.png Digimonliberator logo.png
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Battle Digitalmonsters logo.png Digimonadventuremanhua logo.png Zerotwo logo.png Digimontamers logo.png Digimonfrontier logo.png Legendary skies logo.png Dcyber logo.png
Web Novel
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