Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A Cyborg Digimon that evolved further in strength than Mamemon, who holds the alias of "Smiley Bomber". As usual, if one is deceived by its cute appearance, they will have a terrible experience. Nine-tenths of its body is mechanized, and its Special Move "Energy Bomb", which is fired from the Psycho Blaster equipped to its left arm, possesses tremendous destructive force which is able to reliably bring down the opponent.
The effect on Metal Mamemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Its shift to hi-tech mechanization has progressed, and so 99% of its body has become cyborg. When it comes to battle, it defeats the enemy by reliably performing commands such as attacking, defending and moving. The Psycho Blaster has also become hi-tech, and fires its "Energy Laser Bomb", a unique explosive laser, allowing it to instantly sweep away enemies.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English “スマイリーボマー”の異名を持つマメモンが更に強力に進化したサイボーグ型デジモン。相変わらず見た目の可愛さにだまされると痛い目を見る。体の9割は機械化されており、左腕に装備されたサイコブラスターから発射される必殺技『エネルギーボム』は絶大な破壊力を持ち、確実に敵をしとめることができる。
■X抗体によるメタルマメモンのデジコアへの影響 機械化のハイテク化が進み、体の99%がサイボーグとなった。戦闘となれば、攻撃・防御・移動などのコマンドを確実に実行して敵を倒す。サイコブラスターもハイテク化され、爆発する特殊なレーザー『エネルギーレーザーボム』を放ち、敵を瞬時に一掃することも可能である。
⇨ Japanese A Cyborg Digimon that evolved further in strength than Mamemon, who holds the alias of "Smiley Bomber". As usual, if one is deceived by its cute appearance, they will have a terrible experience. Nine-tenths of its body is mechanized, and its Special Move "Energy Bomb", which is fired from the Psycho Blaster equipped to its left arm, possesses tremendous destructive force which is able to reliably bring down the opponent.
The effect on Metal Mamemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Its mechanization and shift to hi-tech has progressed, and so 99% of its body has become cyborg. When it comes to battle, it defeats the enemy by reliably performing commands such as attacking, defending and moving. The Psycho Blaster has also become hi-tech, and fires its "Energy Laser Bomb", a unique explosive laser, allowing it to instantly sweep away enemies.
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English “スマイリーボマー”の異名を持つマメモンが更に強力に進化したサイボーグ型デジモン。相変わらず見た目の可愛さにだまされると痛い目を見る。体の9割は機械化されており、左腕に装備されたサイコブラスターから発射される必殺技『エネルギーボム』は絶大な破壊力を持ち、確実に敵をしとめることができる。 ■X抗体によるメタルマメモンのデジコアへの影響 機械化とハイテク化が進み、体の99%がサイボーグとなった。戦闘となれば、攻撃・防御・移動などのコマンドを確実に実行して敵を倒す。サイコブラスターもハイテク化され、爆発する特殊なレーザー『エネルギーレーザーボム』を放ち、敵を瞬時に一掃することも可能である。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Energy Laser Bomb
Enerugī Rēzā Bomu
Fires an explosive laser from its Psycho Blaster.
Energy Bomb
Enerugī Bomu
Fires an explosive ball of energy from its Psycho Blaster.
Magnet Beam
Magune Bīmu
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Metal Mamemon (X-Antibody) is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Mame Guys (マメなやつら Mamena Yatsura) set.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This hot Might Guy conceals its fighting spirit under its iron mask!
Quote (⇨ English): 鉄面に闘志を隠す、熱き爆弾野郎(マイトガイ)!
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ Metal Mamemon (X-Antibody)'s initial artwork was illustrated by Himeno Kagemaru.