
From Wikimon
Metal Garurumon


Battle Type Evolution Requirements Metal Mamemon + Winning Percentage: 60%!
Black Rapidmon + Winning Percentage: 60%!
Brachiomon + Winning Percentage: 60%!
Illust. by As'maria
Its laser sight allows it to carry out precise tracking! A silver wolf that shines with blue light!!
Level Type Attribute
Ultimate Cyborg Data
Field Special Abilities
Metal Empire
Cannot lose its special abilities.
A will not go to zero due to the effects of attack C.

◎During battle, you may discard one War Greymon card from your hand and double your attack power (1 card max).

A Cocytus Breath 650
B Garuru Tomahawk 550
C Guard (A→0) 460
Lost Point III 40 IV 30 20 20