Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A black form of Rapidmon made for night combat after "Black Digitron" was mixed into its body. Despite falling, its speed allows it to move without making a sound. Its ability to capture enemies with its ear-shaped radar remains unchanged, and it specializes in fighting in the dark, and it can be said to be almost impossible to win against Black Rapidmon in night combat. Its Special Moves are rapid-firing homing missiles from its revolver and both of its arms (Rapid Fire), and firing a beam from its whole body that disassembles the enemy's data (Golden Triangle).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English “ブラックデジトロン”が体内に混入し、夜間戦闘用となったラピッドモンの黒き姿。速度は低下したものの音を立てずに移動できるようになった。耳型のレーダーで敵を捕捉する能力は変わらず、暗闇に紛れての戦闘を得意とし、夜戦でブラックラピッドモンに勝つのは至難の業といえる。必殺技は、リボルバーと両腕からホーミングミサイルを連射する『ラピッドファイア』と、敵をデータ分解する光線を全身から放つ『ゴールデントライアングル』。
⇨ Japanese A Cyborg Digimon that improved from Rapidmon for night combat. Its ear-shaped radar has been enhanced, allowing it to quickly detect enemies no matter how dark it is. The missiles that it fires have a homing function.
Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight
⇨ English ラピッドモンが やせんように かいりょうされた サイボーグがたデジモン みみがたのレーダーが きょうかされていて どんな くらやみでも いちはやく てきを はっけんできる はっしゃする ミサイルは ホーミングきのうをもつ
デジモンストーリー サンバースト|ムーンライト
⇨ Japanese A Cyborg Digimon that brings down the enemy with movements near the speed of light. The color of its body has turned black compared to the normal Rapidmon so that it can make full use of its gigantic ear-shaped radar and capitalize on its ability to act in the dark. Like the regular Rapidmon, its neck protector shuts during battle.
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English 光速に近い動きで敵を仕留めるサイボーグ型デジモン。巨大な耳型のレーダーを駆使した暗闇での活動能力を活かすため、通常のラピッドモンに比べ、体色が黒くなった。通常のラピッドモンと同じく、戦闘時には頸部プロテクターが閉じる。
⇨ Japanese A Digimon that improved from Rapidmon for night combat. Its ear-shaped radar has been enhanced, allowing it to quickly detect enemies no matter how dark it is. Its Special Moves are rapid-firing homing missiles from its revolver and both of its arms (Rapid Fire), and firing a beam from its whole body that disassembles the enemy's data (Golden Triangle).
Digimon Visual Dictionary
⇨ English ラピッドモンが夜戦用に改良されたデジモン。耳型のレーダーが強化されており、どんな暗闇でもいちはやく敵を発見できる。必殺技は、リボルバーと両腕からホーミングミサイルを連射する『ラピッドファイア』と、敵をデータ分解する光線を全身から放つ『ゴールデントライアングル』。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Golden Triangle
Gōruden Toraianguru
Golden Triangle\Miracle Missile
Fires a beam from its whole body that disassembles the enemy's data.
Rapid Fire
Rapiddo Faia
Rapid-fires homing missiles from its revolver and both of its arms.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Can be evolved from Galgomon if above level 41 and Darkness EXP above 4000, or can be found at Lava River. It can evolve to Black Saint Galgomon if above level 55 and Darkness EXP above 20000.
During their encounter in Junk Factory, Peter attacks the Player with a Black Rapidmon and two Infermon.
Can be evolved from Centalmon if above level 33, speed 145, and Machine EXP 3500, or can be found at Process Factory. Can evolve to Black Saint Galgomon if above level 50, Darkness EXP 8000, and Machine EXP 8000.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Making use of a strengthened radar, this nocturnal-type Rapidmon dashes through the night!!
Quote (⇨ English): 強化レーダーを駆使!闇夜に駆ける夜戦型ラピッドモン!!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Radar equipped! The flash from its special technique pierces through the darkness!!
Quote (⇨ English): レーダー装備!闇を貫く必殺の閃光!!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It never fails to capture its target! A rapid fighter who shimmers in the dark!!
Quote (⇨ English): 標的を確実に補足!闇に煌めく遊撃戦士!!
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]