Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese An Angel Digimon which has the appearance of a beast. It is one of the Three Archangel Digimon assigned the highest rank, just like the Seraph Digimon Seraphimon. Its primary duty is to defend the Digital World's "Kernel". Angel Digimon, which are positioned at the ultimate "Virtue", have the aspect of their being easily stained by its antithesis of "Vice" as a consequence of their extremity. It uses mighty lightning techniques, and their strike is thought to be divine punishment. Its Special Moves are firing a spear of lightning (Lightning Spear), and summoning a gigantic thundercloud, then loosing innumerable thunderbolts on the opponent (Heaven's Judgment).
The effect on Cherubimon (Virtue)'s Digicore due to the X-Antibody
It accumulates endless light energy in its abdomen, and it seems that pure Digimon unleash their own latent abilities when hugged by Cherubimon. However, as for Digimon with wicked hearts, it replaces their evil spirit with light and they revert back into a Digitama from which they will emerge as a good Digimon. Evil Digimon that Cherubimon has given up on are reduced to ashes with its "Biririn Hug You", which sends an electric shock through their body as they are being hugged.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 獣の姿をした天使型デジモン。熾天使型デジモンのセラフィモンと同じく最高位に位置する三大天使デジモンの1柱である。本来の役目はデジタルワールドの“カーネル(中核)”を守護することである。究極の“善”に位置する天使型デジモンは、その極端さゆえに対極である“悪”に身を染めやすい一面を持っている。強烈な雷系の技を使い、その一撃は神の天罰を思わせる。必殺技は雷の槍を放つ『ライトニングスピア』と、巨大な雷雲を呼び、無数の雷を敵に落とす『ヘブンズ・ジャッジメント』。 ■X抗体によるケルビモンのデジコアへの影響 腹部に無限の光エネルギーを蓄積し、ケルビモンにハグされると、清きデジモンは自身の潜在能力を解き放ってくれるらしい。しかし邪悪な心を持つデジモンは、その邪気を光に入れ替えられ、善良なデジモンが生まれるデジタマに還される。ケルビモンに匙を投げられた悪しきデジモンには、ハグした中で電撃を体内に送る『ビリリンハギュー』で消し炭にされてしまう。
⇨ Japanese It accumulates endless light energy in its abdomen, and when Cherubimon hugs a Digimon with a wicked heart, their evil spirit is replaced with light and they revert back into a Digitama from which they will emerge as a good Digimon.
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⇨ English 腹部に無限の光エネルギーを蓄積し、邪悪な心を持つデジモンをケルビモンがハグすると、邪気は光に入れ替えられ、善良なデジモンが生まれるデジタマに還される。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Heaven's Judgement
Hebunzu Jajjimento
Calls multiple lightning bolts from the Heavens to rain down upon the enemy. These lightning bolts are white and are somberly summoned unlike Cherubimon (Vice) who calls them violently.
Biririn Hug You
Shocking Hug You
Biririn Hagyū
Hugs evil Digimon that it has given up on, sending an electric shock through their body and reducing them to ashes.
Lightning Spear
Raitoningu Supia
Forms a heavenly spear in Cherubimon's hand.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
When Doumoto Kouta and Musha Yuuji gather several Digimon to fight for the Old Digital World, the Three Archangels, who watching from their position in the Kernel, are moved by Kouta's speech about protecting the future.
While Seraphimon is in charge of protecting the Kernel, Cherubimon (Virtue) (X-Antibody) and Ofanimon (X-Antibody) join the army gathered by the boys.
The two are in between the Digimon of the New World who are the first to reach the Old Digital World, intervening in Dynasmon (X-Antibody) battle against Ofanimon: Falldown Mode (X-Antibody) and Cherubimon (Vice) (X-Antibody).
The two offer to face the two Ultimates, so Dynasmon X can deal with the Seven Great Demon Lords. Then, the duo begins to face off against their corrupted counterparts, as Dynasmon X sets out to aid Magnamon (X-Antibody) in his battle against Beelzebumon (X-Antibody).
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Sketches from the Digital Monster Artbook Ver. X
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ Cherubimon (Virtue) X-Antibody's initial artwork was illustrated by Nakano Haito.