Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
Virtual Pets
⇨ Japanese One of the holy "Royal Knights", it possesses the powers of the wyvern. It is a unique being among the Royal Knights, in that it serves the lord who embodied its own sense of justice with deep, unquestioning loyalty. For example, for the sake of its own justice, it won't hate its lord even if they are called "Evil". For that reason, it has a strong spirit of chivalry and bushido, with a character that honors devotion, fidelity, and courtesy. With its tenacious, dragon-like power, and dragon armor made from high-purity Chrome Digizoid, it boasts unparalleled strength. Its Special Moves are firing energy shots from the palms of its hands, with all the attributes of the Ten Warriors (Dragon's Roar), and transforming its body's energy into an aura of a gigantic wyvern (Breath of Wyvern).
The effect on Dynasmon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Although the abilities of the wyvern have been drawn out dramatically, transforming it into a baleful figure, its dragon armor is mostly composed of the lightest "Blue Digizoid". Nevertheless, it is because of the excess, tenacious power of the wyvern that allows the large, heavyweight Dynasmon to reach high altitudes in an instant with a sweep of its wings. As long as it is for the sake of its lord, it will unleash its "Dragon's Gust", in which it thrusts the gigantic horns on its head, soars, and then charges into the enemy with its body, leading it to being the most skillful among the Royal Knights when it comes to aerial combat.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 聖騎士“ロイヤルナイツ”の一員で、飛竜の能力を持つ。ロイヤルナイツの中でも特異の存在で、忠誠心が強く、自らの考える正義に合った主君に絶対的に仕える。例えそれが「悪」と呼ばれる存在でも自らが考える正義の為に命をもいとわない。そのため騎士道・武士道精神が強く、忠義や信義、礼儀を重んじる性格である。竜の様な強靭なパワーと、高純度のクロンデジゾイド製の竜鎧で無双の強さを誇る。必殺技は両手の平から十闘士と同じ属性のエネルギー弾を発射する『ドラゴンズロア』と、全身のエネルギーを巨大な飛竜のオーラに変える『ブレス・オブ・ワイバーン』。 ■X抗体によるデュナスモンのデジコアへの影響 飛竜の能力が格段に引き出され、禍々しいまでの姿に変貌を遂げたが、その竜鎧は最軽量の“ブルーデジゾイド”で大半が構成された。それにしても大型で重量級のデュナスモンを、翼の一振りで一瞬にして高高度まで到達させるのは飛竜の有り余る強靭なパワーが故である。主君のためであれば、頭部の巨大な角を突き立て飛翔し、体諸共敵に突進する『ドラゴンズガスト』を放ち、空の戦いにおいてはロイヤルナイツの中でも随一の実力を持つに至っている。
⇨ Japanese One of the holy "Royal Knights", it possesses the powers of the wyvern. It is a unique being among the Royal Knights, in that it serves the lord who embodied its own sense of justice with deep, unquestioning loyalty. For example, for the sake of its own justice, it won't hate its lord even if they are called "Evil". For that reason, it has a strong spirit of chivalry and bushido, with a character that honors devotion, fidelity, and courtesy. With its tenacious, dragon-like power, and dragon armor made from high-purity Chrome Digizoid, it boasts unparalleled strength. Its Special Moves are firing energy shots from the palms of its hands, with all the attributes of the Ten Warriors (Dragon's Roar), and transforming its body's energy into an aura of a gigantic wyvern (Breath of Wyvern).
The effect on Dynasmon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Although the abilities of the wyvern have been drawn out exceptionally, transforming it into a baleful figure, its dragon armor is mostly composed of the lightest rare metal "Blue Digizoid". Nevertheless, it is because of the excess, tenacious power of the wyvern that allows the large, heavyweight Dynasmon to reach high altitudes in an instant with a sweep of its wings. As long as it is for the sake of its lord, it will unleash its "Dragon's Gust", in which it thrusts the gigantic horns on its head, soars, and then charges into the enemy with its body, leading it to being the most skillful among the Royal Knights when it comes to aerial combat.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 聖騎士“ロイヤルナイツ”の一員で、飛竜の能力を持つ。ロイヤルナイツの中でも特異の存在で、忠誠心が強く、自らの考える正義に合った主君に絶対的に仕える。例えそれが「悪」と呼ばれる存在でも自らが考える正義の為に命をもいとわない。そのため騎士道・武士道精神が強く、忠義や信義、礼儀を重んじる性格である。竜の様な強靭なパワーと、高純度のクロンデジゾイト製の竜鎧で無双の強さを誇る。必殺技は両手の平から十闘士と同じ属性のエネルギー弾を発射する『ドラゴンズロア』と、全身のエネルギーを巨大な飛竜のオーラに変える『ブレス・オブ・ワイバーン』。 ■X抗体によるデュナスモンのデジコアへの影響 飛竜の能力が格段に引き出され、禍々しいまでの姿に変貌を遂げたが、その竜鎧は最軽量のレアメタル“ブルーデジゾイド”で大半が構成された。それにしても大型で重量級のデュナスモンを、翼の一振りで一瞬にして高高度まで到達させるのは飛竜の有り余る強靭なパワーが故である。主君のためであれば、頭部の巨大な角を突き立て飛翔し、体諸共敵に突進する『ドラゴンズガスト』を放ち、空の戦いにおいてはロイヤルナイツの中でも随一の実力を持つに至っている。
⇨ Japanese One of the holy "Royal Knights", it possesses the powers of the wyvern. It is a unique being among the Royal Knights, in that it serves the lord who embodied its own sense of justice with deep, unquestioning loyalty. For example, for the sake of its own justice, it won't hate its lord even if they are called "Evil". For that reason, it has a strong spirit of chivalry and bushido, with a character that honors devotion, fidelity, and courtesy. With its tenacious, dragon-like power, and dragon armor made from high-purity Chrome Digizoid, it boasts unparalleled strength. Its Special Moves are firing energy shots from the palms of its hands, with all the attributes of the Ten Warriors (Dragon's Roar), and transforming its body's energy into an aura of a gigantic wyvern (Breath of Wyvern).
The effect on Dynasmon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Although the powers of the wyvern have been drawn out exceptionally, transforming it into a baleful figure, its dragon armor is mostly composed of the lightest "Blue Digizoid". Nevertheless, it is because of the excess, tenacious power of the wyvern that allows the large, heavyweight Dynasmon to reach high altitudes in an instant with a sweep of its wings. As long as it is for the sake of its lord, it will unleash its "Dragon's Gust", in which it thrusts the gigantic horns on its head, soars, and then charges into the enemy with its body, leading it to being the most skillful among the Royal Knights when it comes to aerial combat.
Digimon Life
⇨ English 聖騎士“ロイヤルナイツ”の一員で、飛竜の能力を持つ。ロイヤルナイツの中でも特異の存在で、忠誠心が強く、自らの考える正義に見合った主君に絶対的に仕える。例えそれが「悪」と呼ばれる存在でも自らが考える正義の為に命をもいとわない。そのため騎士道・武士道精神が強く、忠義や信義、礼儀を重んじる性格である。竜の様な強靭なパワーと、高純度のクロンデジゾイド製の竜鎧で無双の強さを誇る。必殺技は両手の平から十闘士と同じ属性のエネルギー弾を発射する『ドラゴンズロア』と、全身のエネルギーを巨大な飛竜のオーラに変える『ブレス・オブ・ワイバーン』。 ■X抗体によるデュナスモンのデジコアへの影響 飛竜の能力が格段に引き出され、禍々しいまでの姿に変貌をとげたが、その竜鎧は最軽量の"ブルーデジゾイド"で大半が構成された。それにしても大型で重量級のデュナスモンを、翼の一振りで一瞬にして高高度まで到達させるのは飛竜の有り余る強靭なパワーが故である。主君のためであれば、頭部の巨大な角を突き立て飛翔し、体諸共敵に突進する『ドラゴンズガスト{一陣の風/激発}』を放ち、空の戦いにおいてはロイヤルナイツの中でも随一の実力を持つに至っている。
⇨ Japanese Although it is a member of the holy "Royal Knights", it is a unique being, serving the lord who embodied its own sense of justice with deep, unquestioning loyalty (even if they are called "Evil"). It has a strong spirit of chivalry and bushido, and honors devotion. The powers of the wyvern have been drawn out due to X-Evolution, transforming it into a baleful figure, and acquiring tenacious power at the same time.
Special Move: Thrusts the gigantic horns on its head, soars, and then charges into the enemy (Dragon's Gust).
Digimon Pendulum X
⇨ English 聖騎士“ロイヤルナイツ”の一員だが特異の存在で、忠誠心が強く自らの考える正義に合った主君に絶対的に仕える(それが「悪」と呼ばれる存在であっても)。騎士道・武士道精神が強く礼儀を重んじる。X-進化により飛竜の能力が引き出され禍々しい姿に変貌、同時に強靱なパワーも獲得した。 必殺技:頭部の巨大な角を立てて飛翔し、敵に突進する『ドラゴンズガスト』
⇨ English 飛竜の能力が引き出され、竜鎧は最軽量のブルーデジゾイドで大半が構成された。空の戦いにおいてはロイヤルナイツの中でも随一の実力を持つ。