Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese A God Man Digimon which belongs to the Olympos XII and has the appearance of a maiden. Though it has an extremely short physique, it possesses superhuman strength it uses to freely wield a greatsword as large as its own body. It possesses a cheerful personality due to its childlike innocence, but when its emotions become violently unstable, it gets into a bad mood which causes selfish and willful (problematic) behavior that no one can help it cope with. Its Special Moves are a forward rolling slash unleashed from its greatsword "Olympia" (Strike Roll) and a horizontal spinning slash too quick to catch with the eyes (Madness Merry-go-round). "Strike Roll" splits the ground, and "Madness Merry-go-round" creates a large tornado.
The effect on Minervamon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
The X-Antibody has caused portions of its hair to become enlarged, and gain sentience. Referring to themselves as sages, they support Minervamon in battle with their vast knowledge. Although it already had a young physique, it has now become smaller than its cherished sword, Olympia, possibly as a result of providing its hair with nourishment. However, Minervamon does not seem to mind at all, and rejoices innocently at its hair, which it has named "Ulula" and "Serpens" respectively, becoming its playmates. Even though it has shrunk in size, its monstrous strength has not weakened at all; it has instead become able to run about nimbly while wielding its Olympia, which is larger than its own body, and has grown increasingly out of control. Its Special Moves are freely stretching its hair and setting "Ulula" and "Serpens" loose (Haunted Pilus), and generating a large tornado of blue flames after performing a powerful horizontal spinning slash (Crazy-go-round). Also, the energy cannon it fires from the crystal on its shield (Sanctus Tormentum) boasts power rivalling that of the main cannons found on giant battleships, and is said to be able to blow apart a single mountain with ease.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English オリンポス十二神族に属する少女の姿をした神人型デジモン。非常に小柄な体格ではあるが、身の丈ほどの大剣を自由自在に振り回す怪力の持ち主である。幼子のように天真爛漫で明るい性格の持ち主であるが、感情の起伏が激しく、機嫌が悪くなるとわがまま放題な行動(問題)を引き起こし、誰も手が付けられなくなってしまう。必殺技は大剣「オリンピア」から繰り出される前転斬り『ストライクロール』と目にも留まらぬ横回転斬り『マッドネスメリーゴーランド』。『ストライクロール』は大地を割り、『マッドネスメリーゴーランド』は大竜巻を巻き起こす。 ■X抗体によるミネルヴァモンのデジコアへの影響 X抗体により髪の毛の一部が肥大化し、意思を持つようになった。自らを賢者と名乗る髪の毛達は、戦闘の際にミネルヴァモンをその大いなる知恵でサポートする。その影響で髪に養分を取られているのか、ただでさえ幼かった体躯が、いまでは愛剣であるオリンピアよりも小さくなってしまった。しかし本人はそのことをあまり気にしておらず、それぞれ「ウルラ」「セルペンス」と名付けた髪の毛が遊び相手になってくれると無邪気に喜んでいる。小さくなりながらも怪力は全く衰えず、それどころか身の丈以上のオリンピアを振り回しながら俊敏に駆け回るようになり、ますます手が付けられなくなった。必殺技は髪の毛を自在に伸ばし「ウルラ」と「セルペンス」をけしかける『ホーンテッドピルス』と、強烈な横回転斬りから青い炎の大竜巻を生み出す『クレイジーゴーラウンド』。また、盾のクリスタルから放つエネルギー砲『サンクタス・トルメンタム』は巨大戦艦の主砲並の威力を誇り、山一つを容易に吹き飛ばすという。
⇨ Japanese Portions of its hair have become enlarged, and this hair, which refer to themselves as sages, support Minervamon in battle with their vast knowledge. Although it already had a young physique, it has now become smaller than its cherished sword, Olympia, possibly as a result of providing its hair with nourishment.
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⇨ English 髪の毛の一部が肥大化し自らを賢者と名乗る髪の毛達は、ミネルヴァモンを大いなる知恵でサポートする。その影響で髪に養分を取られているのか、ただでさえ幼かった体躯が、いまでは愛剣であるオリンピアよりも小さくなってしまった。
Watanabe Kenji commented during the 'Come Back Digimon Play Festival - New Toys and Game Special' livestream that when designing Minervamon X-Antibody, he went for the chibi route since he already had been made Mervamon as an Onee-sama type of character when working in the production of Digimon Xros Wars.
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)