Digimon Seekers ~Witch of the Crossroads~ - Episode 2

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Release Date November 1, 2024

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Chapter #2 of Digimon Seekers ~Witch of the Crossroads~



Xu Yulin and Ryudamon were caught instantly in the Crossroad Fortress. As they walked forward, surrounded by two Etemon, Yulin turned around to see a group of Digimon (which included Hagurumon, Hawkmon, Lalamon, Betamon, Candmon, Bakumon, Vegimon, Dracomon and Floramon) held hostage in cages, with her attention focusing on the Candmon. The Etemon behind them then shouted at them to walk faster.

The group reached Waru Monzaemon, resting on its throne. Etemon reported they were caught sneaking in and Ryudamon offered to make a trade, which got Waru Monzaemon to laugh and stand up. Yulin found it menacing. Waru Monzaemon asked if Ryudamon thought he could bargain with it, but Ryudamon didn't lose his cool and merely offered to exchange Yulin, a rare servant as a human as well as the one known as the "Witch", for one of Waru Monzaemon's own. Waru Monzaemon wondered how the digitized human tasted as well as what Ryudamon wanted in return, which was its black Agumon and nothing else. Waru Monzaemon ordered its two Etemon to bring the black Agumon, which they tried to protest but ultimately went through with. After the Etemon left, Waru Monzaemon returned to rest on its throne and Ryudamon and Yulin looked at each other, satisfied.

Half an hour earlier, Yulin asked Ryudamon to trade her off for the black Agumon once they got inside as humans were considered rare to Digimon. Afterwards, her Hololization would shut off and she'd return to his Digicore once he got far away enough so they could escape, and even if something happened, they could use the escape route Kamemon showed them. Ryudamon asked Yulin why she'd go that far, and, remembering the comatose Ryusenji Saya, she answered that she lost someone important during a Mindlink in an accident a few years ago and she remained unconscious to this day. Since her data should remain inside the Digicore of her Partner Digimon, the black Agumon, she could regain consciousness if they found it. That was also why she wanted to avoid a head-on confrontation, since that could risk damaging her data. With that, Ryudamon finally understood the source of Yulin's resolve.

Back in the present, the Etemon duo brought a group of shackled black Agumon, with both Yulin and Ryudamon shocked at their number. After one fell, an Etemon kicked it and forced it to get back up, which made Ryudamon realize they were just regular Agumon that were dirtied to look black. Waru Monzaemon told Ryudamon to pick whichever he liked but Ryudamon called it out on the deception and how it didn't intend to trade in the first place. Waru Monzaemon got up, admitted Ryudamon was smarter than it expected, then addressed the "Witch", asking her if she came for the minions she sent earlier. Yulin wondered if they were the Digimon she lost to the wall, and Waru Monzaemon explained they kept talking about the Witch but it never expected her to actually show up. As it said this, it walked forward, then grabbed one of the dirtied Agumon and threw it against a wall. It then grabbed three others and held them in a bear hug, to give an example of how rebellious minions ended up, punished as they deserved in a Digital World where survival of the fittest was the rule. Yulin was angered by it, but also felt another strong feeling she didn't know, Ryudamon's rage, which she could feel from the Mindlink. Ryudamon refused to allow their world to become a violent and oppressive hell, which Yulin thought was very bushido. Waru Monzaemon, flanked in both sides by its Etemon minions, let go of the Agumon trio and threatened Ryudamon, who said they needed a change in plans, something Yulin agreed with. Several iron spheres then rained from the roof at high speeds, freeing Yulin and Ryudamon from their shackles. Yulin wondered if Ryudamon was responsible but he wasn't. The actual responsible party was DORUmon, who was standing on a pipe on the roof. Waru Monzaemon sent its Etemon at him as it threatened to feed Yulin to his Etemon. Yulin and Ryudamon denied DORUmon was with them but Waru Monzaemon didn't believe them and attacked them with its Bear Claw, which Ryudamon evaded by jumping while Yulin cancelled her Hololization, confusing Waru Monzaemon. Ryudamon ran to Waru Monzaemon's back, then jumped upwards and spit up several Iaijin at it, though Waru Monzaemon evaded them and they just hit the cages behind him instead. Nonetheless, Yulin congratulated him on the attack and told him to continue. Ryudamon did so, running away to attack Waru Monzaemon with several more Iaijin, none of which hit it. However, he was never aiming at it in the first place, but rather the cages, releasing all the hostages (which included Lalamon, Lopmon, Gabumon, Gomamon, Phascomon, Mushmon, Gazimon, Candmon, Wormmon, Hagurumon, Patamon, Pomumon, Labramon, Bakumon, Gottsumon, Tyumon and Petit Mamon). Waru Monzaemon was angry they let its minions escape and easily swatted away another batch of Iaijin then attacked Ryudamon with a Bear Claw. Ryudamon attempted to block it with Kabutogaeshi but failed and got knocked straight into a wall, making Yulin realize just how powerful their enemy was. Yulin and Ryudamon's view got fuzzier, but Ryudamon said there was no issue even as he thought about how powerful Perfects were. As Ryudamon attempted to walk, Waru Monzaemon kicked him, mocking how he didn't have enough strength left to run away. Yulin was worried but Ryudamon ordered her not to come out. Waru Monzaemon then attempted to end Ryudamon's life by stomping on him but was interrupted by a katana that was flung at him. Said katana came from a group of ex-hostages (which included V-mon, Hawkmon, Koemon, Coronamon, Kotemon, Herissmon, Betamon, Plotmon, Piyomon, Kokuwamon, Monodramon, Penmon and a dirtied Agumon) some of which had picked up the katanas Ryudamon's attacks had left behind. They were determined to save Ryudamon but were easily swatted away. This angered Ryudamon even more as he thought that power should be used only to protect, never to dominate, Yulin hearing his inner voice thanks to the Mindlink.

As Waru Monzaemon laughed and tried to kill a Herissmon, Ryudamon exclaimed he'd put an end to the hell Waru Monzaemon ruled through violence. However, he nearly fell due to his wounds, but was caught by Yulin who reactivated her Hololization and asked Ryudamon to let her help him out as his partner. Ryudamon then started glowing before becoming a massive pillar of light that reached the heavens, evolving into Ginryumon briefly then Hisyaryumon, who immediately bit Waru Monzaemon's arm and carried it into the heavens. Waru Monzaemon was impressed Ryudamon reached the Perfect level as Yulin admired the power of evolution itself. Hisyaryumon asked Waru Monzaemon if it was ready to repent but Waru Monzaemon stated he was still too worried about its minions and that was why he was going to die. It then climbed up Hisyaryumon's snout and hit him with a Heartbreak Attack, making him fall into a depression to Yulin's shock. Waru Monzaemon mocked Hisyaryumon for evolving yet still being useless and he admitted he couldn't save anyone. From his Digicore, Yulin got angry and asked him where his bushido spirit was, which Hisyaryumon reacted to. Waru Monzaemon told Hisyaryumon to give up so it'd be the end of everything but Hisyaryumon said it'd be the end for it and let go of it. He then stated his bushido's purpouse was to fight for the sake of the Digital World. He then killed Waru Monzaemon with a combination of Jūouguruma and Seiryūjin, trapping Waru Monzaemon in an exploding cube then splitting it in half. Waru Monzaemon turned back into a Digitama as it wondered how that happened.

Hisyaryumon praised the Witch's coordination. As she caught Waru Monzaemon's Digitama, she tried to give Hisyaryumon her real name, but he already knew it. He asked her how she saved him earlier and Yulin explained that the Mindlink connected their consciousnesses so whatever strong feelings they felt were passed to one another. Hisyaryumon then said it was a shame they couldn't find the black Agumon but Yulin instead focused on how they saved all the others. Said others (which included Gammamon, Bakumon, Gabumon, Dondokomon, Floramon, Sangomon, Gumdramon, Mushmon, a now-clean Agumon, Candmon, Lalamon, Falcomon, Piyomon, Zenimon, Bearmon, V-mon, Lopmon, Plotmon, Kunemon, Hagurumon, Spadamon and Pteromon) thanked the Crossroad Witch. Yulin and Hisyaryumon thanked each other for being by each other's side.

From far away, DORUmon thought things would get interesting with Ryudamon, who evolved straight into Perfect, with two Digitama by his side.

In the present day, in the Metropolitan Police Department, Community Safety Bureau, Cyber Crime Division, Investigation Unit 11 HQ, the Deputy Squad Leader Tamahime Satsuki entered a room and told the Squad Leader there was another Cracker at the Wall Slum. Said Squad Leader, a grown-up Yulin, ordered the Digipolice to move out, with Ryudamon in her Digimon Linker.

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