Digimon Seekers ~Witch of the Crossroads~ - Episode 1

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Release Date August 10, 2024

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Chapter #1 of Digimon Seekers ~Witch of the Crossroads~



The chapter starts with an explanation of the Digital World, a dimension which exists in the cyberspace of the internet, and the artificial intelligence lifeforms sought after by humanity, Digimon, with LCD sprites of Numemon, Agumon, Betamon and Tyranomon. Researchers believed that both the Digital World and Digimon were nothing but the byproducts of human digital development and the latter were only aggregated data.

Before the formation of the Digipolice, at the Tokyo University of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryusenji Saya told Xu Yulin that she wanted to befriend Digimon and wondered if that sounded silly. As Yulin bought a drink from a machine and opened it, she answered there was room to consider it, as even humans didn't get along peacefully so such a different species, even if they possessed self-consciousness, may not be able to become friends with humans. Saya pointed out that meant it wasn't impossible and Yulin agreed since Saya would be the one person capable of doing it. As she said that, Yulin put her drink on Saya's cheek, causing her to recoil from the cold. However, Saya didn't want to do it alone, she wanted to do it alongside Yulin, their lab's ace. However, Yulin wasn't affected by Saya's praise and returned that Saya's awful sense of direction would get them lost in the Digital World, but Saya thought she'd be fine since Yulin would come find her.

Shortly after that, Yulin and Saya participated in Operation Tartarus, the first ever human exploration mission of the Digital World using Mindlink technology, which involved digitizing their mental data to transfer their consciousness to the Digicore of a Partner Digimon, allowing them to investigate the Digital World through a Digimon's viewpoint. The Mindlink was allowed by a special helmet, and the non-Mindlinked researchers involved could see LCD sprites of the Digimon the three other researchers were Mindlinked to (Yulin's Palmon, Saya's Agumon (Black) and the third person's Digimon). Because of the experiment, Saya's Partner Digimon and mental data were lost, leaving her in a vegetative state and making her the first human to be considered DMIA (Digital Missing In Action).

Yulin tried to find Saya with no success. One day, she found a strange reading and sent her Kokuwamon to trace the data flow, which stopped at a level even deeper than the Dark Web, as if it was blocked by some kind of wall. Yulin then saw unidentified Digimon crowding around Kokuwamon which then deleted it. This confirmed to her she had found a clue so she took out a bunch of Digimon Docks from her desktop which held Digimon like Candmon, Hagurumon, Palmon and Floramon and connected them to send all of said Digimon to investigate, only for all of them to be taken down as well. Afterwards, Yulin received a text message from Professor Ryusenji Tomonori, who asked her to come to his office.

Yulin then met with Professor Ryusenji at Abadin Electronics, formerly Ryusenji Electronic Industries, which he founded. He was worried at how pale she looked, but Yulin said she was just a little sleep deprived. The professor then showed her a video of a still-unconscious Saya. Yulin asked if that was all he called her for, but it wasn't, as Professor Ryusenji then asked her if she had found the wall, which shocked her. The professor then explained he hadn't been spying on her and praised her exceptional skills and and how hard she worked for Saya's sake, which meant she'd find the wall sooner or later. Yulin asked him what was at the wall, as none of the Digimon she sent to investigate were successful, but Professor Ryusenji asked her for another favour instead, to Mindlink with a Digimon and investigate once more. He explained that their research and development had advanced substancially, so the physical toll and mental risk for Mindlink had been lowered considerably since the experiment and the resolution of data received from the Partner Digimon had been increased as well. Yulin agreed to do it and to start immediately, as she knew this was for Saya's sake. Professor Ryusenji then gave her a black Digimon Pendulum X-like Digimon Dock with Ryudamon in it, a Digimon that had been optimized to Mindlink with Yulin. Its existance was a corporate secret but he was willing to make an exception to let her borrow it.

The experiment started once again as Yulin engaged with the Mindlink in a similar machine as before. Her consciousness then found itself under the Net Ocean. Ryudamon appeared before her and told her to calm down as she was in the Digital World. Yulin was surprised at how realistic the Digital World and Digimon looked. Ryudamon introduced itself, which was another shock to Yulin who didn't expect a Digimon to be able to speak, but Ryudamon got annoyed at her ignorance. Yulin apologised and tried to introduce herself, but Ryudamon knew she was the Witch. Yulin wondered if she had made it mad, but Ryudamon merely added that its compatibility with her seemed to be rather high as he swam away. Yulin followed, glad it wasn't angry, and impressed at how it truly felt like she was diving into the ocean, before realizing she had sped up because Ryudamon had done so as well. Ryudamon pointed out the exit was nearby and the duo then left the Ocean and found themselves in the sky. Surprised at the scenario she was looking at, Yulin wondered where they were and Ryudamon added she was a holographic projection but her five senses should be intact so a fall from that height would be dangerous to her. In a panic, Yulin shut off the Hololization so only Ryudamon, who could take the impact, fell, and it praised her for that. From inside Ryudamon's Digicore, Yulin thanked Ryudamon while thinking about how its sensory data was streaming into her, reasoning it was because her consciousness was transferred into its Digicore alongside her mental data and couldn't believe how much Mindlink technology had progressed. Yulin spotted a building and, Hololizing again, asked Ryudamon to come with her. Going through a sandstorm, Ryudamon asked Yulin why she was so happy. Yulin wasn't sure, she just found feeling everything with such clarity moving. Ryudamon asked her if it was something she couldn't feel in her world but Yulin denied it. Ryudamon then asked Yulin why she went to the Digital World, as he was instructed by Professor Ryusenji to lend her its aid but wasn't given more details, though he was fine if she didn't want to answer. Yulin pointed out Ryudamon was nice, though it disagreed, then explained she was looking for a black Agumon.

Reaching a village, Yulin asked Ryudamon if all of the shacks in it were built by Digimon, which it confirmed. Yulin thought Digimon exhibiting social behaviour was an amazing discovery. Walking on a bridge, Yulin saw a couple of Otamamon in the river below, but they quickly left. They reached another part of the village, where a Black Tailmon Uver. ran over the roofs of the shacks. As a Lalamon observed, Yulin asked a Toy Agumon about the black Agumon, but it had only seen a regular Agumon around there. An Elecmon attacked Yulin and Ryudamon. They asked a Junkmon and a Bacomon, but neither had seen it. They then found a broken Kokuwamon and Hagurumon. Yulin pointed out that the Digimon there seemed all wounded, especially the Machine and Cyborg Types, which were used quite often by humans, which she doubted was just a coincidence. Ryudamon explained they were overworked by said humans, damaged, then thrown away like trash when they were no longer useful. This angered Yulin but Ryudamon said it was too large a problem to be resolved by a single individual which she accepted.

The duo then found a Kamemon with a broken arm tending its clothes. Unlike everyone before, it had seen a black Agumon at the Crossroad Fortress, taken hostage alongside a V-mon and a third Digimon. Yulin asked it where said fortress was but Kamemon couldn't believe she intended to go there, as Etemon would kill her for sure if it found her. This didn't stop Yulin, who intended to go anyways, even after Ryudamon explained there may be strong enemies waiting for them there, because she had finally found a lead to Saya.

The duo then found themselves at the Crossroad Fortress as a flock of Xiquemon flew above it. Looking at it over a cliff, Ryudamon stated it wasn't too late to turn back, but Yulin merely jumped off the cliff instead, shocking Ryudamon. Yulin wasn't scared though, as she had an idea, and Ryudamon merely followed her.

Inside the fortress, Etemon warned its boss, Waru Monzaemon, about the intruders.

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