Ryusenji Saya

From Wikimon
Ryusenji Saya
Ryusenji Saya
Kanji/Kana 龍泉寺 沙耶
Partner Digimon Agumon
Digivice Digimon Dock
Family Ryusenji Tomonori (Father)
Kisakata Kosuke (Fiancé)

Ryusenji Saya is the daughter of Professor Ryusenji Tomonori and fiancée of Kisakata Kosuke in Digimon Seekers. After the death of her physical body, her consciousness remained fused with the Digicore of her Agumon, which became Kosuke's partner.




Digimon Seekers ~Witch of the Crossroads~[edit]

Saya after going DMIA

In Episode 1, before the formation of the Digipolice, at the Tokyo University of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Saya told Xu Yulin that she wanted to befriend Digimon and wondered if that sounded silly. As Yulin bought a drink from a machine and opened it, she answered there was room to consider it, as even humans didn't get along peacefully so such a different species, even if they possessed self-consciousness, may not be able to become friends with humans. Saya pointed out that meant it wasn't impossible and Yulin agreed since Saya would be the one person capable of doing it. As she said that, Yulin put her drink on Saya's cheek, causing her to recoil from the cold. However, Saya didn't want to do it alone, she wanted to do it alongside Yulin, their lab's ace. However, Yulin wasn't affected by Saya's praise and returned that Saya's awful sense of direction would get them lost in the Digital World, but Saya thought she'd be fine since Yulin would come find her.

Shortly after that, Yulin and Saya participated in Operation Tartarus, the first ever human exploration mission of the Digital World using Mindlink technology, which involved digitizing their mental data to transfer their consciousness to the Digicore of a Partner Digimon, allowing them to investigate the Digital World through a Digimon's viewpoint. The Mindlink was allowed by a special helmet, and the non-Mindlinked researchers involved could see LCD sprites of the Digimon the three other researchers were Mindlinked to (Yulin's Palmon, Saya's Agumon (Black) and the third person's Digimon). Because of the experiment, Saya's Partner Digimon and mental data were lost, leaving her in a vegetative state and making her the first human to be considered DMIA (Digital Missing In Action). From there on, Yulin tried to find Saya and her black Agumon, with no success.

Later on, Saya's father, Professor Ryusenji Tomonori met with Yulin and showed her a video of a still-unconscious Saya. He then sent her on a mission to Mindlink into the Digital World once again, which Yulin knew was for Saya's sake.

Yulin briefly remembered the comatose Saya when Ryudamon asked her why she'd go as far as offering herself in trade for the black Agumon in Episode 2. Yulin described Saya to Ryudamon as someone important she lost during a Mindlink in an accident a few years ago that remained unconscious to this day.


Digimon Seekers[edit]

Live Action[edit]

Digimon Seekers[edit]

In "Chapter 3 Unit 11:Digital Missing In Action", looking to the sky, Kisakata Kosuke explained that he had lost someone very important to him in the Digital World. He then flashed back to a Hololized hand petting a black Agumon, then to Saya, who hoped they'd be together ten years from then, then a hand holding a white Digimon Dock.

In "Chapter 4 Sons of Chaos: Seekers", from inside Ouryumon, Xu Yulin asked how Kosuke was going to save Saya.

Image Gallery[edit]


Seekers 3-5.jpg Xu saya kariki hajime illustration.jpg
Digimon Seekers Illustration by Kariki Hajime

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes