Evolution Stage
Evolution Stage (進化段階 Shinka dankai; Dub: Level)—also referred to by various other names—is a classification that, broadly speaking, denotes how powerful a Digimon is. When a Digimon undergoes evolution, it typically becomes a Digimon of a higher Evolution Stage than its previous form, so Evolution Stages are also roughly analogous to phases in the Digimon life cycle.[1]
Each new Evolution Stage requires more and more data than the last in order to be evolved into, so evolution gets progressively more difficult as Evolution Stage increases. As a result of this, there are fewer and fewer Digimon of each subsequent Evolution Stage, and the majority of Digimon in the wild do not evolve any further than the Adult level.[1]
Although Evolution Stages generally represent a linear progression in power, where Digimon of a given level are uniformly more powerful than those of the previous level, there are rare exceptions. For example, Lucemon: Falldown Mode is classified as Perfect, but it is significantly more powerful than many Ultimate Digimon, including the other Great Demon Lords (all of whom are Ultimate).[2]
There are some cases where, for whatever reason, there exist variations of the same species of Digimon which have different Evolution Stages from each other despite, in some cases, being otherwise indistinguishable. For example, both Adult and Perfect Whamon exist, and although they are identical in appearance and have been verified as both being of the same species, the Perfect Whamon has nonetheless evolved to a higher Evolution Stage than its Adult brethren, whom it surpasses in both offensive ability and vitality.[3]
Not all Digimon species have an identified Evolution Stage, and some are classified as having no Evolution Stage at all.
Evolution Stage is also the basis on which methods of attaining evolution by combining multiple Digimon together are typically, but not universally, distinguished from each other. As a general rule, if the Digimon that results from the combination of two or more Digimon is of a higher Evolution Stage than all of the constituent Digimon, it is considered Jogress Evolution. Otherwise, it is considered fusion.[4]
In some media, Digimon which do not belong to a natural Evolution Stage are sometimes described instead in terms of class (級 Kyū/クラス Kurasu). This classification rates their power on the scale of the power levels of the traditional Evolution Stages, for the sake of comparison with or equivalency to Digimon with natural Evolution Stages.
Use cases of class include:
- Digital Monster Card Game
- The D-Reaper's agents are denoted as having no Evolution Stage ("—"), but are rated as a class that is specified in brackets following the "—".
- Hybrid Digimon (excluding Flamon and Strabimon) are always marked as belonging to the Hybrid level in the conventional Evolution Stage field of the card, but some Hybrid Digimon cards also denote a class. Human Form Hybrid Digimon are rated as "Level IV" (Adult) Class, Beast Form Hybrid Digimon are rated as Perfect Class, and Fusion Form and Transcendent Form Hybrid Digimon are rated as Ultimate Class.
- Digimon originating from Digimon Xros Wars media (who, at the time, did not have canonical Evolution Stages) who appear in the various special-edition collectors' sets in the 2010s are denoted as having no Evolution Stage, but are rated as a class that is specified in the same style as the D-Reaper's agents. The classes they are given here do not always match the Evolution Stages that the Digimon Reference Book later assigned to them in a 2020 update.
- Digimon Reference Book: Some profiles describe Digimon power levels in terms of class ratings, including:
- Flamon: "However, it is a being that has inherited a Spirit of the legendary Ten Warriors who possess ultimate strength, so although it has lost power, ordinary Adult-class Digimon aren't a match for it."[5]
- Gold V-dramon: "Its existence is precious, and it possesses extraordinary offensive ability among Armors, and exhibits its Ultimate-class power if it gets in a pinch."[6]
- Pawn Chessmon (Black) and Pawn Chessmon (White): "Its power is weak, but it is promoted when it strives for prominence, and it is an ordinary pawn that conceals the mystery that it is said to possess Ultimate-class power."[7] [8]
- Strabimon: "As with Flamon, although its power was decreased, it seems that Adult-class Digimon aren't a match for it."[9]
- Xuanwumon: "Normally there is one Digicore per body, and it is not exposed outside of the body except with the Undead types or the greatest of the Ultimate class."[10]
Evolution Stages are usually referred to by a specific name. They can also be referred to by a number, following a convention established by various trading card games (for example, the Child level is "Level III").
Other media sometimes call the concept of Evolution Stages by other terms, including:
- Level (レベル Reberu; Dub: Level)
The standard term, used in the vast majority of Digimon media, including Digimon Web and the Digimon Reference Book. - Generation (世代 Sedai; Dub: Generation)
Commonly used in role-playing video games like the Digimon World and Digimon Story series, to avoid confusion with the role-playing game concept of levels which also features in those games. - Form (形態 Keitai; Dub: Form)
Used in the Digimon Card Game, as the term for the particular Characteristic field in which a Digimon's Evolution Stage is listed by name (as opposed to the numerical Level system in the game's mechanics). Also occasionally used for other keywords, such as "D-Reaper."
List of Evolution Stages[edit]
Natural Evolution Stages[edit]
The natural life cycle of a Digimon, without use of any artificial means of evolution, is comprised of six Evolution Stages.
# | Name | Description | Example | First Appearance |
Level 0 | Digitama (デジタマ; Dub: DigiEgg) |
The beginning and end of the Digimon life cycle: the egg from which a Digimon will be born. | ![]() |
Digital Monster |
Level I | Baby I (幼年期Ⅰ; Dub: Baby/Fresh/In-Training I) |
The Evolution Stage that a Digimon normally has immediately after hatching from a Digitama. At this level, a Digimon's composition data is unstable, so it is very weak.[1] | ![]() Chicomon |
Digital Monster |
Level II | Baby II (幼年期ⅠⅠ; Dub: In-Training/In-Training II) |
The Baby I Digimon evolves into this Evolution Stage shortly into its lifespan. While its compositional data has stabilized, it is still largely unable to fight.[1] | ![]() Chibimon |
Digital Monster |
Level III | Child (成長期; Dub: Rookie) |
The Digimon's intellect has developed, and it has become able to fight. The course of its future evolution can vary drastically depending on how it is raised at this Evolution Stage.[1] | ![]() V-mon |
Digital Monster |
Level IV | Adult (成熟期; Dub: Champion) |
The Evolution Stage at which a Digimon is considered to be fully grown. This is the highest Evolution Stage that the majority of Digimon ever attain.[1] | ![]() V-dramon |
Digital Monster |
Level V | Perfect (完全体; Dub: Ultimate) |
The strongest Adult Digimon evolve to this Evolution Stage. In the wild, Perfect Digimon typically take on the role of pack leaders.[1] | ![]() Aero V-dramon |
Digital Monster |
Level VI | Ultimate (究極体; Dub: Mega) |
A rare Evolution Stage that only a small minority of veteran Perfect Digimon ever attain. Due to their sheer power, they tend to act alone.[1] | ![]() Ulforce V-dramon |
Digimon Pendulum |
In the Digimon Card Game, Digitama and Digimon cards are shown to use the natural Evolution Stage numbering system as depicted above. Level 1, or Baby 1, Digimon are only present in the art of their Evolutions, primarily the Level 2 cards, which are classified as Digitama cards. Digimon cards can feature Digimon from Level 3 through 6, with Armor, Hybrid, and Appmon form Digimon classified in the numbered level system.
Level 7 and “Level-“ cards exist as well in the Digimon Card Game, the latter of which can be identified with certain form characteristics. These include the D-Reaper form characteristic, the Unknown form in the case of Culumon[11][12], Ultimate with Yggdrasil_7D6[13], and with no form at all for the Gate of Deadly Sins[14].
Apocryphal Evolution Stages[edit]
This Evolution Stage only appears in some media, and is not universally considered to be a canonical Evolution Stage.
# | Name | Description | Example | First Appearance |
"Level VII" | Super Ultimate (超究極体; Dub: Ultra) |
A title given to certain exceptional species of Ultimate Digimon that have surpassed the typical Ultimate power level. In the franchise overall, there is no canonical Evolution Stage above Ultimate and "Super Ultimate" is considered to be only a title,[15] but some Digimon materials still feature a seventh Evolution Stage, usually called "Super Ultimate". | ![]() Ulforce V-dramon Future Mode |
Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01: "The Super Ultimate Is..." |
The Digimon Card Game uses Level 7 to depict powerful Digimon cards that would otherwise be known as Super Ultimate Digimon in other media, however these cards carry the same “Ultimate” form characteristic as Level 6 Digimon cards. Various methods can be used to achieve Level 7, including standard Evolution from Level 6, although there are cases of Level 7 Digimon evolving to other Level 7 Digimon cards in the cases of depicting a Slide Evolution or X-Evolution for certain Level 7 Digimon.
Artificial Evolution Stages[edit]
There are two additional Evolution Stages that designate species of Digimon who evolved using certain external means, such as specific items. These Evolution Stages are outside the standard Digimon Evolution Stage hierarchy, and the strength of Digimon belonging to these Evolution Stages can vary considerably. For convenience, many adaptations just treat Digimon of these Evolution Stages as belonging to natural Evolution Stages.
# | Name | Description | Example | First Appearance |
(N/A) | Armor (アーマー体; Dub: Armor) |
The Evolution Stage designation of Digimon who have used a Digimental to undergo Armor Evolution. Relative power levels of Armor Digimon vary, depending on the affinity between a Digimental and the Digimon who used it.[16] | ![]() Lighdramon |
Digimon Adventure 02: "The Inheritor of Courage" |
(N/A) | Hybrid (ハイブリッド体; Dub: Hybrid) |
The Evolution Stage designation of Digimon created using a Legendary Spirit. Hybrids are divided into five sub-categories called Forms, whose respective power levels are loosely equivalent to particular natural Evolution Stages.[17] | ![]() Agnimon |
Digital Monster Card Game: Booster 14 |
In the Digimon Card Game, all Armor Digimon are classified as Level 4 Digimon cards with no exceptions, differentiated with the “Armor Form” characteristic, rather than the usual “Adult” form used for the natural Evolution Stage. X-Antibody forms use their natural Evolution Stages as listed in the Digimon Reference Book[18][19][20]. Armor Digimon are otherwise treated as any other Level 4, with the ability to evolve from Level 3 and to Level 5 as any other Level 4 Digimon card.
Hybrid Digimon are classified as Digimon cards with the “Hybrid” form characteristic in the card game, but otherwise fall into the numbered level system, from Level 3 through 6. Susanoomon, a Level 7 Digimon card with the “Ultimate” characteristic is given the Hybrid characteristic through Rule text on the card[21]. Hybrid Digimon are oftentimes depicted with the capability of Evolution from Tamer cards. Hybrid Digimon cards are otherwise treated as any other Digimon, capable of evolving from the preceding level and to the following level.
Appmon Grades[edit]
Instead of traditional Evolution Stages, Appmon use an analogous concept called grades (グレード Gurēdo), which otherwise serves almost the exact same function. The only difference is that Appmon do not have traditional Digimon evolution and instead can only become higher-grade Appmon by undergoing AppGattai to fuse with another Appmon of the same grade.
Name | Description | Example | First Appearance |
Standard (並) (Dub: Standard/Average) |
The most basic grade, representing ordinary smartphone apps. Standard Appmon generally have a power level value in the low thousands. | ![]() Gatchmon |
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "Protagonist Launch!!" |
Super (超) (Dub: Super) |
A grade of Appmon who typically represent enhanced or more sophisticated smartphone apps. Super Appmon generally have a power level value in the high thousands. | ![]() DoGatchmon |
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "Protagonist Launch!!" |
Ultimate (極) (Dub: Ultimate/Extreme) |
A grade of Appmon that possesses power far beyond of a Super Appmon, and is thought to be the most powerful grade that an Appmon can ordinarily attain.[22] Ultimate Appmon generally have a power level value in the tens of thousands. | ![]() Globemon |
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (3DS) |
God (神) (Dub: God) |
A grade of deity-like Appmon who each rule over a domain of reality and possess extreme power. God Appmon generally have a power level value in the hundreds of thousands. | ![]() Gaiamon |
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (3DS) |
Appmon are featured in the Digimon Card Game, as Digitama and Digimon cards under the numbered level system as other Digimon are. As such, Appmon can evolve freely to and from other Appmon, as well as other Digimon, provided the Evolution Conditions match. Appmon with no Grade, like Swipemon (Social), are Digitama cards with the Appmon form characteristic[23]. As above, Appmon Grades are translated to Level 3 through 6. Standard Grade Appmon, like Gatchmon, use Level 3 and the “Standard/Appmon” form[24], whereas God Grade Appmon, like Gaiamon, use Level 6 and the “God/Appmon” form[25].