EX2-045 (DCG)

From Wikimon
Play Cost Evolution Cost DP 1000
3 - from Lv.- Illustration: Kenji Watanabe, Takase (Parallel), Kenji Watanabe (Parallel 2)

EX2-045 R 01
Level: Unknown | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Unknown
• When you play this card, if you have [Guilmon], [Terriermon], [Renamon], or [Impmon], reduce -2 Play Costs.
Your Turn This Digimon cannot attack.
Your Turn When 1 of your Digimon evolves, you may Rest this Digimon; if you do, Memory +1, Draw 1 (Draw 1 card from your deck) and 1 your Digimon gets +3000 DP for the rest of this turn.

Evolution Base Effects:
Released with: (Parallel 2) Deck Case Set, Deck Case Set Beelzebumon Color