EX2-046 (DCG)

From Wikimon
Play Cost Evolution Cost DP 1000
3 - from Lv.-

EX2-046 C 01
Form: D-Reaper | Attribute: - | Type: Information Gathering
• You can include up to 50 copies of cards with this card's card number in your deck. When you would play this card from your hand, reduce its play cost by 2 if you do not have another [ADR-02 Searcher] in play.
Your Turn This Digimon cannot attack players.
When Played Draw 1 (Draw 1 card from your deck)

Evolution Base Effects:
Your Turn All of your Digimon with [D-Reaper] in their traits get +1000 DP.
Released with: (Parallel) Limited Card Pack Final Elysion [LM-05]